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Re: Why do American women only want to date thugs and bad bo

Posted: August 11th, 2018, 9:00 pm
by Mercury
Winston wrote:
November 7th, 2017, 2:22 pm
The reason is simple. Some American girls like bad boys because they are bad girls, or want to become bad girls. Like attracts like. It's a universal principle and the true law of attraction. If these girls were seriously good girls with kind, caring hearts and good moral values, they would not be into bad boys of course. Extreme opposites and great differences do not attract. For example, a person who is 60 percent good and 40 percent bad, can get along with someone who is 60 percent bad and 40 percent good. But a person that is 90 percent good will not get along with someone 90 percent bad. Extremes don't attract and don't get along and don't like each other. When you are with someone too different from you, you feel uncomfortable and do not vibe with them. It's simple logic.

Also, another reason is that some women need drama and conflict in their lives to feel alive. They feed off it, even if they don't know it. Many young women do not enjoy peace and harmony. They need something to fight about to feel alive. If you won't fight with them, they will start a fight with you, usually over something trivial. And if you refuse to fight, they break up with you. A bad boy gives them a constant source of drama, so it makes these girls feel more alive. It's like a drug and addiction to them. They need their fix once in a while.

Another possible reason could be that the girl has daddy issues. If her daddy was a bad man or asshole, she seeks to find a bad boy and change him into a good guy, to make up for her past daddy issues. However, if she manages to turn him into a good guy, she will lose interest and need to find another bad boy to transform. It's a control drama, kind of like how Batman is obsessed with cleaning up crime, and no matter how many criminals he puts away, he still needs to find more to stop. It's an addiction cycle that repeats in a control drama fashion.
The women themselves are toxic, so they go for guys that are toxic, including guys with massive criminal records, and even guys who have just been released, or have even escaped, from prison. Toxic people seek toxic people, it's that simple. Bad boys and thugs also tend to be like bodyguards to the woman, keeping all other guys away. American women love when other guys are scared of their boyfriends/fiancees/husbands, and they love seeing other guys flee. Why else do you see attractive American women avoiding the skinny to average guys and going only for guys built like brutes? Because they want to see fear and terror in all other guys that see them nearby. And everyone I am sure has seen it again and again. A guy approaches a dating or married couple because he wants someone to chat with or hang out with (could be at a motorcycle event, a concert, a festival, a beach, a public swimming pool, or even the local bar or tavern), she buries her face in his shoulder and uses him as a "human shield" or a "hiding wall," he gets aggressive and defensive and orders the social guy to "back off, or else!"

Re: Why do American women only want to date bad boys and thugs?

Posted: August 11th, 2018, 10:51 pm
by Zambales
I think growup makes an excellent point about them being GIRLS. That's essentially what they are - and I'll add some more. Immature, immoral, shallow inexperienced HEADLESS CHICKENS.


Re: Why do American women only want to date bad boys and thugs?

Posted: August 11th, 2018, 11:00 pm
by Darrell_Johnston
The article i posted above covers every type of girl who likes bad guys

Re: Why do American women only want to date bad boys and thugs?

Posted: August 12th, 2018, 4:45 am
by Winston
Darrell_Johnston wrote:
August 11th, 2018, 11:00 pm
The article i posted above covers every type of girl who likes bad guys
Great. Thanks. Maybe you are a better fit here in the forum darrell than in the FB group. The forum guys have thicker skin and can handle disagreements better than the FB guys can. They are more used to all kinds of characters and wont be phased by you as much.

Re: Why do American women only want to date bad boys and thugs?

Posted: April 13th, 2021, 3:55 pm
by HouseMD
My dating opportunities have never been better and I'm neither a bad boy nor a thug. Get your life together and the women follow

Re: Why do American women only want to date bad boys and thugs?

Posted: April 13th, 2021, 5:30 pm
by mattyman
It's not thugs or bad boys that get girls, it's guys who don't give a flying f**k that women want. Guys with a 'like it or lump it' attitude. Guys who're not afraid to be themselves. Guys who accept they can't please everyone. They're the types girls find attractive (the right ones that is).

It just so happens that many of the guys who appear outwardly 'bad-boy' have the mentality I'm describing. That's all there is to it.

Please don't feel you have to emulate a 'bad boy' stereotype if that's not you. If you're feigning something that's not you. Just focus on accepting yourself and trusting there are 'fish in the sea'. More importantly; having your standards.