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Posted: April 25th, 2012, 6:47 pm
by DistanceRunner
Bane wrote:This is just more proof of what I was talking about last year when a similar post to this was made.

I commented that women EVERYWHERE were becoming more and more westernized, and starting to adopt the same poisonous feminist mindset that Western women currently have. As I recall, people on this board responded to me by saying I was being too "defeatist" and too "alarmist." I was hoping that everyone who said that was right, but now I'm not so sure. Everywhere I go, when I run into non- Westerners (men and women) this is becoming the case. They have shunned their heritage and traditions for the "pizazz" of the US/ global consumer/corporate monoculture.

We may despise American pop culture (as I most certainly do), but you CANNOT deny that it's one of the most powerful forces in the universe. In perhaps a single generation, it has the power to completely overthrow established cultures and replace them with the commercialized, one-size fits-all McCulture, which results in little more than zombification of the populace, little to no depth in relationships, and of course, the feminist dogmas we all know and loathe.

For those of you who are already abroad, good for you! But, enjoy it while it lasts.. For those of you who have not gone abroad yet, you'd better get going while the gettin's good... before the globalized western style monoculture destroys and swallows up all that is beautiful in our world. Pretty soon there will be no difference between New York and any other city on earth.
Right, that is very much a possibility. Unfortunately, it means that some of the arguments that Winston Wu makes on his site would be invalidated. :cry:

I can't remember what site I was on but within America, it showed our society is trending towards cohabitation instead of marriage. Even before the economic downturn, the trend was there, which accelerated a bit when the recession/economic crash happened. We're heading into a grave future that's not good for civilization.

Posted: April 25th, 2012, 6:55 pm
by S_Parc
DistanceRunner wrote:Right, that is very much a possibility. Unfortunately, it means that some of the arguments that Winston Wu makes on his site would be invalidated. :cry:

I can't remember what site I was on but within America, it showed our society is trending towards cohabitation instead of marriage. Even before the economic downturn, the trend was there, which accelerated a bit when the recession/economic crash happened. We're heading into a grave future that's not good for civilization.
This is one of the reasons why I'd decided to stay put and be content at home, seeing GFE escorts in Canada. The idea is that in time, the whole western monetized view of the world will be common, all over.

Thus, instead of looking for a 'Leave It To Beaver' former American century oasis in South America or Asia, I've decided to find happiness from within and thus, be free of women's approval for my natural state of being.

Posted: April 28th, 2012, 1:29 pm
by Jester
S_Parc wrote:
Thus, instead of looking for a 'Leave It To Beaver' former American century oasis in South America or Asia, I've decided to find happiness from within and thus, be free of women's approval for my natural state of being.
This is job one, for sure. Thanks.

Re: The Ugly Truth: Why Do Good Girls Like Bad Guys

Posted: April 29th, 2012, 7:31 am
by travelingjohn69
OTB wrote:This is in India. Americanized Indian chicks. Look at the mentality. I just don't get it. They're hot though. Especially the one in the turquoise.

There is no such thing as opposites attracting. Someone once told me on the surface people might seem opposite, but underneath it all they have a lot in common with the men they like. They like bad boys because they are bad women. Who wants a bad woman any ways. If you can't see why you should avoid marriage, I don't know what else to tell ya.