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Re: I don't care

Posted: May 7th, 2016, 1:33 am
by Eric
MarcosZeitola wrote:Unless your little community is nice and isolated, how can you be certain it will survive when the world goes to shit? Sooner or later, the conflict will find you and your people. I found a pretty isolated community myself, but if the world does go to shit one day and a major war will happen, China will perhaps invade the country I live in, Godless communists flooding the shores, who knows? I know sooner or later, wherever you go, conflict will find you.

So how do you plan on avoiding that, when your community is located in the USA, Fschmidt?


Re: I don't care

Posted: May 7th, 2016, 7:27 am
by fschmidt
MarcosZeitola wrote:Unless your little community is nice and isolated, how can you be certain it will survive when the world goes to shit? Sooner or later, the conflict will find you and your people. I found a pretty isolated community myself, but if the world does go to shit one day and a major war will happen, China will perhaps invade the country I live in, Godless communists flooding the shores, who knows? I know sooner or later, wherever you go, conflict will find you.

So how do you plan on avoiding that, when your community is located in the USA, Fschmidt?
The future is always unpredictable. The communities that I am looking at are reasonably isolated, being in rural Texas. But the Mennonites have a sensible approach. If things get too bad, they would just move, and I would also move. They have communities throughout Latin America and I would just move there if America became unlivable.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 7th, 2016, 6:18 pm
by Moretorque
Are the people real skilled in building and maintaining a community outside modern tech ? ,it has and is becoming a lost art for most Americans....

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 7th, 2016, 7:43 pm
by cdnFA
Eric wrote:
Is your reality my reality? Do you honestly think the whole world thinks like you do? .... well, no they don't. Maybe you should leave the politically correct incubator that is America and check out "reality" for yourself.
Most people don't respond well to getting attacked. This guy hates everybody and had to get on here just to make a post about it!
...That's ridiculous, don't expect a positive reaction.

There is only one reality. In my reality most people don't think the way I do on a wack load of issues. In my reality I have enough mental health to realize it an accept it.

I don't really care if you respond well or not, it isn't as if you are sane. Much like Adama and his "I am posting for those who can be saved" thing I got my "I will mock the loons for the amusement of the sane and myself" thing.
I didn't get on here to make a post on it, I came on here a while ago to get some answers. I stay more out of habit although the amount of nuttiness is close to driving me out as it is anoying and any bit of information I get, I have to wonder if I can trust the source. Some people seem to have it together at least.

Also I don't live in a politically correct incubator of America. I am north of the border. I don't live in a politcally correct inclubator either. I hear many people, at least outside of work who will say hateful shit about women, fags, blacks and the dirka dirkas. Sometimes they even mean it. I almost never hear anyone slagging on Jews, it is very rare. Well it is very rare outside of those SJW parts of various campuses but they seem more opposed to the state of Isreal and every other western thing not actual Jews, and have support of use Jewish useful idiots. I don't have out with those people.

When it comes to hating jews, you have more in common with feminists and unions than you do joe average. Isn't that ironic. Don't cha think.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 7th, 2016, 10:26 pm
by fightforlove
Trump has definitely got a movement. I don't know if he can beat Hillary Clinton, but even if he loses, his nomination is a pivotal moment in a realignment of right-wing politics in America. The Republican Party has been a dumpster fire for the past 8 years. At some point, there had to be a major shake up. One would have thought that shake up was the Tea Party, and Ted Cruz is the candidate the Tea Partiers were so thirsty for in 2012. But along comes Trump, outspoken, populist, Jacksonian, fair trader,... gets to the issues that REALLY matter, says the things that many Americans REALLY feel. It's not about impertinent issues like Gay Marriage or even the particulars of Obamacare. No, Trump has taped into a deeper, wider sentiment. It's a new kind of conservatism. We don't have a name for it yet, but it sure isn't Reaganism or Compassionate Conservatism.

Shiftiness and lack of credible history aside, I actually like a lot of Trump's platform, save for the insanity of The Wall. I personally dislike him. He's an extremely flawed, weird guy, but I guess it took a larger than life billionaire with mad Game to rise to the top of this mess. For better or worse, US politics will never be the same.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 8th, 2016, 4:41 am
by GoingAwol
[quote="fschmidt"] This is because they are too stupid to support a leader who would actually do anything other than enrich himself. Trump is proof of this. {/quote]
Yes, most people are stupid. This is why Bernie Sanders is trailing Hillary Clinton in the democratic primary. Bernie Sanders is by far the best candidate in the race on either side and it's not even close. He has integrity and has had the same philosophies from the beginning and this can be verified by looking at his political record. All the rest of the politicians are shape shifting chameleons that say what they think will impress the low information voters. Bernie Sanders openly tells it like it is, regardless of whether his views are popular or not. The funny thing is people praise Trump for this same trait, but when I hear Trump speak I just hear an obnoxious asshole. Bernie can actually speak his mind without looking like an uncultured fool. By the way, Bernie Sanders is a Jew from Brooklyn and I support him 100%.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 8th, 2016, 4:48 am
by GoingAwol
fightforlove wrote:Trump has definitely got a movement. I don't know if he can beat Hillary Clinton, but even if he loses, his nomination is a pivotal moment in a realignment of right-wing politics in America. The Republican Party has been a dumpster fire for the past 8 years. At some point, there had to be a major shake up. One would have thought that shake up was the Tea Party, and Ted Cruz is the candidate the Tea Partiers were so thirsty for in 2012. But along comes Trump, outspoken, populist, Jacksonian, fair trader,... gets to the issues that REALLY matter, says the things that many Americans REALLY feel. It's not about impertinent issues like Gay Marriage or even the particulars of Obamacare. No, Trump has taped into a deeper, wider sentiment. It's a new kind of conservatism. We don't have a name for it yet, but it sure isn't Reaganism or Compassionate Conservatism.

Shiftiness and lack of credible history aside, I actually like a lot of Trump's platform, save for the insanity of The Wall. I personally dislike him. He's an extremely flawed, weird guy, but I guess it took a larger than life billionaire with mad Game to rise to the top of this mess. For better or worse, US politics will never be the same.
The only reason a guy like Trump got popular is because a lot of American people are full of hatred and bigotry. It mirrors the way Adolf Hitler was able to play off the anger and bitterness in the hearts of German people. People in America are angry and bitter, but in this case the hatred is directed towards Mexican immigrants and poor people and not Jews.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 8th, 2016, 8:42 pm
by Eric
Well, they're angry because of the way things have gone. Can you blame them for being angry, and bitter? I don't know if Bernie is the best candidate - but I know that Hillary is the worst. I know there will be riots in the streets/chaos if Trump wins, which he won't.
Hillary will win.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 8th, 2016, 9:04 pm
by fightforlove
GoingAwol wrote:
fightforlove wrote:Trump has definitely got a movement. I don't know if he can beat Hillary Clinton, but even if he loses, his nomination is a pivotal moment in a realignment of right-wing politics in America. The Republican Party has been a dumpster fire for the past 8 years. At some point, there had to be a major shake up. One would have thought that shake up was the Tea Party, and Ted Cruz is the candidate the Tea Partiers were so thirsty for in 2012. But along comes Trump, outspoken, populist, Jacksonian, fair trader,... gets to the issues that REALLY matter, says the things that many Americans REALLY feel. It's not about impertinent issues like Gay Marriage or even the particulars of Obamacare. No, Trump has taped into a deeper, wider sentiment. It's a new kind of conservatism. We don't have a name for it yet, but it sure isn't Reaganism or Compassionate Conservatism.

Shiftiness and lack of credible history aside, I actually like a lot of Trump's platform, save for the insanity of The Wall. I personally dislike him. He's an extremely flawed, weird guy, but I guess it took a larger than life billionaire with mad Game to rise to the top of this mess. For better or worse, US politics will never be the same.
The only reason a guy like Trump got popular is because a lot of American people are full of hatred and bigotry. It mirrors the way Adolf Hitler was able to play off the anger and bitterness in the hearts of German people. People in America are angry and bitter, but in this case the hatred is directed towards Mexican immigrants and poor people and not Jews.
It's not just haters and bigots that are voting for Trump. He's a larger-than-life personality who excites masses of voters with an outspoken style. The Hitler comparisons don't go very far, everyone thinks it's chic to hate on Nazis nowadays. People said the same thing about Obama and his creepiest followers when he started running for president. I even found myself rooting for him for week after watching a few of his press conferences. He's hilarious because he pisses off the right people. I've met several of his supporters, everyone from old friends to my barber down the street. All normal, non-racist people who mention nothing of the illegal Mexicans, they like Trump's business credentials and are excited by his outspoken style. He used the comment about illegals last summer as a flashpoint to jumpstart his campaign, that's the nature of American politics thank to the MSM -- you have to say something outrageous/racist/bigoted/controversial to separate yourself from the pack. He's spoken very little about illegals/Mexicans in particular since then.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 8th, 2016, 10:17 pm
by gsjackson
fightforlove wrote:
GoingAwol wrote:
fightforlove wrote:Trump has definitely got a movement. I don't know if he can beat Hillary Clinton, but even if he loses, his nomination is a pivotal moment in a realignment of right-wing politics in America. The Republican Party has been a dumpster fire for the past 8 years. At some point, there had to be a major shake up. One would have thought that shake up was the Tea Party, and Ted Cruz is the candidate the Tea Partiers were so thirsty for in 2012. But along comes Trump, outspoken, populist, Jacksonian, fair trader,... gets to the issues that REALLY matter, says the things that many Americans REALLY feel. It's not about impertinent issues like Gay Marriage or even the particulars of Obamacare. No, Trump has taped into a deeper, wider sentiment. It's a new kind of conservatism. We don't have a name for it yet, but it sure isn't Reaganism or Compassionate Conservatism.

Shiftiness and lack of credible history aside, I actually like a lot of Trump's platform, save for the insanity of The Wall. I personally dislike him. He's an extremely flawed, weird guy, but I guess it took a larger than life billionaire with mad Game to rise to the top of this mess. For better or worse, US politics will never be the same.
The only reason a guy like Trump got popular is because a lot of American people are full of hatred and bigotry. It mirrors the way Adolf Hitler was able to play off the anger and bitterness in the hearts of German people. People in America are angry and bitter, but in this case the hatred is directed towards Mexican immigrants and poor people and not Jews.
It's not just haters and bigots that are voting for Trump. He's a larger-than-life personality who excites masses of voters with an outspoken style. The Hitler comparisons don't go very far, everyone thinks it's chic to hate on Nazis nowadays. People said the same thing about Obama and his creepiest followers when he started running for president. I even found myself rooting for him for week after watching a few of his press conferences. He's hilarious because he pisses off the right people. I've met several of his supporters, everyone from old friends to my barber down the street. All normal, non-racist people who mention nothing of the illegal Mexicans, they like Trump's business credentials and are excited by his outspoken style. He used the comment about illegals last summer as a flashpoint to jumpstart his campaign, that's the nature of American politics thank to the MSM -- you have to say something outrageous/racist/bigoted/controversial to separate yourself from the pack. He's spoken very little about illegals/Mexicans in particular since then.
I agree with this. There is an absolute plague of political correctness in this country, and Trump has declared war on it. It's the exhilaration of somebody actually speaking his mind, instead of the usual obligatory lies required in the current US public discourse.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 8th, 2016, 11:44 pm
by fschmidt
Moretorque wrote:Are the people real skilled in building and maintaining a community outside modern tech ? ,it has and is becoming a lost art for most Americans....
Yes, the Mennonites do this. They all farm, so they grow most of their food. And most of the men work in construction of some kind, so they can build and maintain whatever they need. They use modern technology but I don't think they depend on it. But even more important, they don't depend on the current economic/financial system.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 11th, 2016, 9:15 am
by PeterAndrewNolan
fschmidt wrote:First some 80s music to set the tone.


With the tone set, let me tell you what I think about you.

I don't care about you. I don't care what you believe, what you think, what you feel, or what you do. I don't care if you live or die. In the spirit of the Talmud, I wouldn't push you into a pit, but I wouldn't pull you out either. If I saw you in a pit, I would leave you there to die.

But as opposed to the Talmud, my division of who I would help and who I wouldn't depends on whether you belong to a moral group. If you are a Mikraite or a traditional Anabaptist, I would help you. Or if you belong to some other moral group, and convince me that that group is moral, then I would help you. The rest of humanity can go to hell.

A popular topic on this forum is Nazism. Germany lost a lot of morality in the 1920s, but it wasn't completely lost. The Germans were still basically moral people when they elected Hitler, they were just misguided. This applies to Hitler himself who was clearly intelligent and a man of integrity, but badly misguided on certain topics like Judaism. Now it's worth contrasting Nazi Germany with the modern Right. Instead of Hitler, the modern American Right champions Trump, an adulterous psychopath who couldn't care less about any principles. And this is because modern culture no longer has a shred of morality left. The future leaders of the West aren't men like Hitler, but rather men like Mao and Nero.

The practical implication of this is that there will be no future holocaust. It makes no difference what the Western morons believe, even if they all hate Jews or some other group. This is because they are too stupid to support a leader who would actually do anything other than enrich himself. Trump is proof of this. So all of you are welcome to hate Jews, Mikraites, or any other group I belong to. I just don't care what you believe because I know that you are too stupid to do anything about your own beliefs.

Got a T Shirt for you Felix.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 11th, 2016, 10:47 am
by Eric
"I almost never hear anyone slagging on Jews, it is very rare."

That's because they have no idea what the f*ck is actually going on. Are you done now? You are not the benchmark for sanity, sir. I really don't give a crap about what you have to say - at all. You think you're the only one that has the issues you stated about coming here to this forum? Get a load of yourself and this "me I'm special attitude" that you have. Wow, you're just an amazing diamond in the rough that no one else is. We get it. It really doesn't matter what or WHO's doing IT. The problems remain. Now stop with your insipid ad hominem attacks you fool. Jesus Christ you annoy the shit out of me.

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 11th, 2016, 5:32 pm
by Moretorque
fschmidt wrote:
Moretorque wrote:Are the people real skilled in building and maintaining a community outside modern tech ? ,it has and is becoming a lost art for most Americans....
Yes, the Mennonites do this. They all farm, so they grow most of their food. And most of the men work in construction of some kind, so they can build and maintain whatever they need. They use modern technology but I don't think they depend on it. But even more important, they don't depend on the current economic/financial system.
Your doing the right thing, good luck. Most do not realize how ill equipped they will be to take care of themselves when this thing goes up......

Re: I don't care

Posted: May 11th, 2016, 7:09 pm
by cdnFA
Eric wrote:"I almost never hear anyone slagging on Jews, it is very rare."

That's because they have no idea what the f*ck is actually going on
. Are you done now? You are not the benchmark for sanity, sir. I really don't give a crap about what you have to say - at all. You think you're the only one that has the issues you stated about coming here to this forum? Get a load of yourself and this "me I'm special attitude" that you have. Wow, you're just an amazing diamond in the rough that no one else is. We get it. It really doesn't matter what or WHO's doing IT. The problems remain. Now stop with your insipid ad hominem attacks you fool. Jesus Christ you annoy the shit out of me.

Bold bits. Projecting much. Ohh I have this secret knowledge about space alien Jews and what not and everyone else is stupid except for me.

Those underlined bits are a contradiction.

As for your first points in italics, I guess that means you agree with me. You said everyone hates Jews, I said almost nobody hates Jews. You said they don't have any idea what is going on. If they don't know those delusions that you believe in, then why would they hate the Jews.

That is my whole point. Most people don't hate the Jews, most people would consider your views to be comical, silly and bizarre if not lunacy.
After all as you said, "they have no idea what the f**k is going on"

I am right. You are wrong. Now we can argue on if you are truly nutty or if I am naive and sheltered but that doesn't change the fact that I am right and you are wrong.

We have also established that your argumentation is weak, you are capable of holding two contradictory ideas at the same time [every hates Jews like I do, nobody has a clue what is going on] and that your grasp of reality is also weak in that even though you go about on how ignorant people are you have this deep burning need to believe that everyone hates Jews no matter how little it reflects the real world.

You are so easy. I guess you will show up at my door and torture me, after all it would be the Christen thing to do.

Is this a product of a dull mind or do you have some sort of more serious issue.