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Posted: July 25th, 2010, 10:16 am
by Enishi
I know several guys like that who are over six foot, have no job, don't try all that hard to get one, and are frequently addicted to drugs. One guy is even schizophrenic. However, they have problem whatsoever getting women, in some cases having threesomes for months on end.

And if you point out your own problems with dating to them, their answer is always some PC bullshit about how you need to be more confident. :roll:

Posted: July 31st, 2010, 12:23 pm
by Adama
pete98146 wrote:Most American men have become comfortably numb and they can't shake their "pro American" stances enough to experiment with foreign women. So, it's become one big CLUSTERF*CK.
That's fine with me. I wont even bring the topic up with friends. Hell, if someone is going to get all emotional and attack me then they must firmly believe in their ideas out of logic. I leave them alone after that. They'll get what they deserve eventually, but they'll never realize why. It is not my problem though.

Posted: March 8th, 2011, 1:35 am
by TRADER1972
Adama wrote:I am at the stage where I think I have come as close to realizing why, as is manly possible.

My conclusion is: Who F'n cares why?

We just need to accept that Anglophone women are screwed up in every way. Take away all the good stuff in women, magnify the bad by a factor of 100. Thats what AWs are.

Why? Going down that road will make you angry, confused, and will lead to insanity trying to think out the contradictions and mutually exclusive thought patterns.

We know they are bad. Let's focus on how to get the f**k away / minimize contact / be happy with our FWs.
Brilliantly stated.

Posted: March 8th, 2011, 1:38 am
by TRADER1972
MrPeabody wrote:
pete98146 wrote:I'd be lying if I say I don't care about this issue. Yes, I have managed to land a very sexy wife who is 19 years younger than me, but I still get effected by my friends and client's lack of success with the modern day American woman.

Unfortunately, the "Death of the Average Joe" has materialized in the last 10 or so years. I consider myself an Average Joe because I make 50k a year (not bad but it's nothing to write home about), I have a 1200 square foot home and I driver older cars.

It doesn't matter that I'm 6'4 and fit because the above paragraph is enough to eliminate me from most single women's list of required dating characteristics. Long gone are the days when a women falls for a guy because he is cute, funny and treats her well. Material things have leap frogged everything else on the list. So unless you make 75k+, own a 2400 square foot home and drive a brand new SUV, your chances of finding an American women are slim.

American men and women are morphing into one singular sex but now they dispise each other. In the eyes of American women, there aren't enough rich guys to go around and since they won't SETTLE for anything else, they remain dateless and miserable. Most American men have become comfortably numb and they can't shake their "pro American" stances enough to experiment with foreign women. So, it's become one big CLUSTERF*CK.

But as evidenced by this site, the solution to the riddle isn't that difficult. Invest time and meet a HIGH QUALITY foreign wife and harness the ultimate win win situation to build yourself a happy life. Take it from me, it can be done!!
Interesting observation. I easily exceed the $100,000 income, but felt I was always rejected by American women because I am too short. I think the bottom line is you have to be perfect now and meet all the criteria of their fantasy list.

No doubt short guys are totally f***ed.

The good news....who gives a shit.

We don't need those ho's.

Re: Q: Why does America have horrible women?

Posted: March 8th, 2011, 1:42 am
by TRADER1972
jamesbond wrote:
polya wrote:A: because American men let women treat them like $hit. If American guys stood together, taught school girls NEVER to hit boys & decided they won't settle for anything less than the perfect girl, etc. then girls would lose their power!! Even better, guys could go after the 'bad girl" & call nice girls "pathetic" and "boring." Why stop there, guys could play games and tell girls "You'll find the perfect guy one day" as they reject every girl they meet to feel powerful...
Holy elephant shit! That would be cool, for MEN to be ones to reject women! :twisted: If your a "high status male" in America YOU CAN reject women because you have what women want (money, power and fame). Tom Leykis tells guys to lie to women and tell them you are wealthy. This will get the women interested in you and will make it easier for you to date women and screw the crap out of them. lol :lol:

I am not rich but I have rejected about 50 million women(those within my age limit)here in this country.

Guess what?

Feels fuckin great!

Let em rot. :lol:

Posted: March 10th, 2011, 10:42 pm
by Grunt
The question is more for rhetorical and entertainment purposes, like the weather or politics.

In the end its moot point as marriage rates in Western nations is the lowest in recorded history.

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 2:08 pm
by NorthAmericanguy
pete98146 wrote:I'd be lying if I say I don't care about this issue. Yes, I have managed to land a very sexy wife who is 19 years younger than me, but I still get effected by my friends and client's lack of success with the modern day American woman.

Unfortunately, the "Death of the Average Joe" has materialized in the last 10 or so years. I consider myself an Average Joe because I make 50k a year (not bad but it's nothing to write home about), I have a 1200 square foot home and I driver older cars.

It doesn't matter that I'm 6'4 and fit because the above paragraph is enough to eliminate me from most single women's list of required dating characteristics. Long gone are the days when a women falls for a guy because he is cute, funny and treats her well. Material things have leap frogged everything else on the list. So unless you make 75k+, own a 2400 square foot home and drive a brand new SUV, your chances of finding an American women are slim.

American men and women are morphing into one singular sex but now they dispise each other. In the eyes of American women, there aren't enough rich guys to go around and since they won't SETTLE for anything else, they remain dateless and miserable. Most American men have become comfortably numb and they can't shake their "pro American" stances enough to experiment with foreign women. So, it's become one big CLUSTERF*CK.

But as evidenced by this site, the solution to the riddle isn't that difficult. Invest time and meet a HIGH QUALITY foreign wife and harness the ultimate win win situation to build yourself a happy life. Take it from me, it can be done!!

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 3:25 pm
by Someone
In my experience, wealth is not the issue. Wealth and money were important in the past, but these days, women are better-educated and can provide for themselves, so a man's resources are no longer as critical an asset as previously. Women aren't really looking at the man's wallet anymore and oftentimes they even make more money than the man does. So Tim Leykis' suggestions are oldschool.