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Posted: August 25th, 2013, 4:50 pm
by HouseMD
xiongmao wrote:I'm fed up with women for a while, so I'm back on the making money thing.

The good thing about quitting your job is that you then have a GIGANTIC amount of time to do man stuff.

I'm now working on something I thought of, which was triggered by a woman wanting money crisis and a rather brilliant post I just happened to see on my facebook wall.
When shit went bad with my fiance, I basically was like "f**k women" and decided to go to med school, because why not. I'm a free man with a lot of time and the brains to do it. Not being attached to a woman leaves you free to do and become whatever the hell you want. And it was a great "f**k you" to the ex as well when I got in.

Posted: August 25th, 2013, 5:29 pm
by Moretorque
HouseMD wrote:
xiongmao wrote:I'm fed up with women for a while, so I'm back on the making money thing.

The good thing about quitting your job is that you then have a GIGANTIC amount of time to do man stuff.

I'm now working on something I thought of, which was triggered by a woman wanting money crisis and a rather brilliant post I just happened to see on my facebook wall.
When shit went bad with my fiance, I basically was like "f**k women" and decided to go to med school, because why not. I'm a free man with a lot of time and the brains to do it. Not being attached to a woman leaves you free to do and become whatever the hell you want. And it was a great "f**k you" to the ex as well when I got in.
Over 60% of doctors when asked if they would go to med school now say no way, Alot of Doc's are retiring early and I have talked to several docs as of late and here in the US they say the Obuma care is going to be a disaster for everybody.

Posted: August 25th, 2013, 6:05 pm
by HouseMD
Moretorque wrote:
HouseMD wrote:
xiongmao wrote:I'm fed up with women for a while, so I'm back on the making money thing.

The good thing about quitting your job is that you then have a GIGANTIC amount of time to do man stuff.

I'm now working on something I thought of, which was triggered by a woman wanting money crisis and a rather brilliant post I just happened to see on my facebook wall.
When shit went bad with my fiance, I basically was like "f**k women" and decided to go to med school, because why not. I'm a free man with a lot of time and the brains to do it. Not being attached to a woman leaves you free to do and become whatever the hell you want. And it was a great "f**k you" to the ex as well when I got in.
Over 60% of doctors when asked if they would go to med school now say no way, Alot of Doc's are retiring early and I have talked to several docs as of late and here in the US they say the Obuma care is going to be a disaster for everybody.
I'm aware of the troubles ahead. But I already worked in healthcare, and I'm used to dealing with piles of BS (audits, legal BS, bad decisions from every front of the government), so it wasn't a big deal for me. I just like what I do, and I like the culture of the people around me. In critical care, between the paperwork and dead people, there's jokes and elbow bumps and cameraderie, it's a lot of fun after the adjustment period. If I'm doing something till I retire, might as well be something I love, after all. And if the government tries to f**k me down the road, I'll do my best to f**k them right back. I'm willing to fight for myself and the people around me rather than lay down and take it.

Posted: August 25th, 2013, 7:40 pm
by Moretorque
HouseMD wrote:
Moretorque wrote:
HouseMD wrote:
xiongmao wrote:I'm fed up with women for a while, so I'm back on the making money thing.

The good thing about quitting your job is that you then have a GIGANTIC amount of time to do man stuff.

I'm now working on something I thought of, which was triggered by a woman wanting money crisis and a rather brilliant post I just happened to see on my facebook wall.
When shit went bad with my fiance, I basically was like "f**k women" and decided to go to med school, because why not. I'm a free man with a lot of time and the brains to do it. Not being attached to a woman leaves you free to do and become whatever the hell you want. And it was a great "f**k you" to the ex as well when I got in.
Over 60% of doctors when asked if they would go to med school now say no way, Alot of Doc's are retiring early and I have talked to several docs as of late and here in the US they say the Obuma care is going to be a disaster for everybody.
I'm aware of the troubles ahead. But I already worked in healthcare, and I'm used to dealing with piles of BS (audits, legal BS, bad decisions from every front of the government), so it wasn't a big deal for me. I just like what I do, and I like the culture of the people around me. In critical care, between the paperwork and dead people, there's jokes and elbow bumps and cameraderie, it's a lot of fun after the adjustment period. If I'm doing something till I retire, might as well be something I love, after all. And if the government tries to f**k me down the road, I'll do my best to f**k them right back. I'm willing to fight for myself and the people around me rather than lay down and take it.
Have you seen the movie "Cancer is Serious Business" by Dr. Brynzinski?, medical is a fn joke on many fronts. Nothing has been cured since polio in the 50's, if you don't mind working for a mafia knock yourself out.

Posted: August 25th, 2013, 7:49 pm
by Jester
HouseMD wrote: I'm aware of the troubles ahead. But I already worked in healthcare, and I'm used to dealing with piles of BS (audits, legal BS, bad decisions from every front of the government), so it wasn't a big deal for me. I just like what I do, and I like the culture of the people around me. In critical care, between the paperwork and dead people, there's jokes and elbow bumps and cameraderie, it's a lot of fun after the adjustment period. If I'm doing something till I retire, might as well be something I love, after all. And if the government tries to f**k me down the road, I'll do my best to f**k them right back. I'm willing to fight for myself and the people around me rather than lay down and take it.
I would guess that an American MD degree travels fairly well.

Posted: August 25th, 2013, 7:59 pm
by HouseMD
Moretorque wrote:
HouseMD wrote:
Moretorque wrote:
HouseMD wrote:
xiongmao wrote:I'm fed up with women for a while, so I'm back on the making money thing.

The good thing about quitting your job is that you then have a GIGANTIC amount of time to do man stuff.

I'm now working on something I thought of, which was triggered by a woman wanting money crisis and a rather brilliant post I just happened to see on my facebook wall.
When shit went bad with my fiance, I basically was like "f**k women" and decided to go to med school, because why not. I'm a free man with a lot of time and the brains to do it. Not being attached to a woman leaves you free to do and become whatever the hell you want. And it was a great "f**k you" to the ex as well when I got in.
Over 60% of doctors when asked if they would go to med school now say no way, Alot of Doc's are retiring early and I have talked to several docs as of late and here in the US they say the Obuma care is going to be a disaster for everybody.
I'm aware of the troubles ahead. But I already worked in healthcare, and I'm used to dealing with piles of BS (audits, legal BS, bad decisions from every front of the government), so it wasn't a big deal for me. I just like what I do, and I like the culture of the people around me. In critical care, between the paperwork and dead people, there's jokes and elbow bumps and cameraderie, it's a lot of fun after the adjustment period. If I'm doing something till I retire, might as well be something I love, after all. And if the government tries to f**k me down the road, I'll do my best to f**k them right back. I'm willing to fight for myself and the people around me rather than lay down and take it.
Have you seen the movie "Cancer is Serious Business" by Dr. Brynzinski?, medical is a fn joke on many fronts. Nothing has been cured since polio in the 50's, if you don't mind working for a mafia knock yourself out.
You are aware that Brynzinski has been selling overpriced and fradulent treatments that cost far more than traditional cancer care and are far less effective, right? He's a snake oil salesman, always has been, always will be. He's disliked by many in the alternative medicine movement as well as the mainstream medical establishment for being a scam artist. This is not to say you are wrong in distrusting some of the branches of the medical community. Big pharma has been bleeding Americans dry since the advent of aspirin, because it's cheaper to treat a disease than cure it.

But there are fields that are not entirely unethical. Anesthesia, for instance, is actually safer and has gotten cheaper over the past few years. You don't push pills in critical care or the emergency department, you stabilize people with drugs that are known to work and generally are inexpensive. There's no alternative remedy for the bad appendix or broken femur a surgeon repairs. All I'm saying is don't paint a whole industry with the same brush. There's a lot of good, hard-working, and honest people in medicine.

Posted: August 26th, 2013, 4:23 am
by Moretorque
look guy, I scan your post and I see alot of BS in them but some valid points as well. I have talked to people in the medical field about what is going on and most agree with what I have been reading that somebody or something is stifling medicine big time at the moment and care is going backwards and it is being caused mainly by the federal regulatory bodies not approving advancement in the field and toting the line for big pharma.

More and more are becoming aware that our rulers figured out that if they could counterfeit the money and not be audited they could rule the world, most do not realize they want to thin the herd big time and medical is a real good place to add to this plan plus it's a good point to continue to shift all wealth to the top as they destroy the free market system with their funny money operation.

If you have not figured it out yet America is an extension of the British Empire starting with the Kings bank established in 1913.

As far as cancer goes give me a break the current system is slash and burn, they might as well throw in a blood letting.