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Posted: April 5th, 2011, 2:26 am
by TRADER1972
ErikHeaven wrote:Yeah in america it seems everybody just hates everybody. Somebody told me a long time ago,Dominicans hate mexicans, mexicans hate dominicans,cubans hate peruvians and all the hispanics hate Puerto ricans! When i was living in NYC all the hispanic groups talked shit about puerto ricans. Its the Matrix here mostly everybody is depressed and out of their minds. I desire a happy country to move to.
I am glad you shared this. As a white male, I hate the messages in the media that most racism is a white against black or hispanic thing. That just stirs mess up even more. Racism exists in all groups in America, in one or more forms. Having said that, and not being from New York , I do not have personal knowledge of what you speak, but I really doubt that a country can expect people from dozens of different countries and cultures to exist happily. In other words, I do not think Americas experiment works. Some of this may be because there is just so much crap going on and its so screwed up here that it interferes with people getting along, respecting each other etc.
People are just damn stressed out, pissed off and ready to attack for little reason it seems.

I certainly think the easier choice is to move to a happy country, as you mention.

Reminds me on a quote from a friend of mine. Twenty years ago he said "Most people are on the edge of insanity, all they need is a little push."

I think that sums up a lot of modern day America.

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 2:37 am
by TRADER1972
ErikHeaven wrote:@irizarry its funny you said that. All of my fist fights have been with dark skin cats. All. Most of them are some jealous niggers man. They act like i am doing so well being a light skinned brother. We are all in the same boat. But they dont see it like that. I have never thought i was better than anybody else. I am just a quiet type that wants to be left alone. But if you f**k with me then thats another story. Many not all darker brothers have this hyper masculine i have to be a loud nigger mentality. Its so stupid
You know the 2 biggest mouths on my high school basketball team, the two who always started shit, 1 was a transfer from NY who had to prove how tough he was and the other was the darkest guy on the team and maybe 2nd darkest in the whole school. My best friend was a light skinned cool brother from Cali who became my best friend. And what really sucks is that in this crazy ass country I have lost contact with my best friend since 1995. Another thing, all through out school my best friends were always black, most due to me playing basketball.

I really hate these old ass people who have never been out of America, sometimes not even their state, never been friends with blacks or foreigners because of where they grew up and they are so god dammed close minded and simple minded and want to be stuck in the 1950s. I just hate people who only want to be with their own and close off others, I dont care who you are or where you are from. And if that s how you are, don't damn tell me how you are not racist when you exclude everyone that doesnt look like you.

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 2:47 am
by TRADER1972
ErikHeaven wrote:I get all the time "I thought you were Puerto Rican or Dominican" BS. Many hispanics just hate american blacks even though their grandmother is probably blacker than me. Real crazy people.
It seems to me that there is more racism/hatred against blacks from hispanics than whites, but you would never know this from listening to the propaganda in the media.
I wonder often why some blacks are so hostile to whites when many whites go overboard in being nice to blacks when hispanics pretty much dont hide the fact that they dont give a shit about blacks.

This is just an observation. At the same time, I think among younger people, blacks and white get along pretty well. I think most severe racism is a carry over from the old people. When they die off, alot of it will die with them hopefully.

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 2:54 am
by TRADER1972
ErikHeaven wrote:You can truly respect a woman without associating that damn queen moniker to them!
p***y prices have dropped in this recession. If a woman wont buy me dinner then to hell with her.
Hell yeah! LMAO. :lol:

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 2:59 am
by E_Irizarry
TRADER1972 wrote:
ErikHeaven wrote:Yeah in america it seems everybody just hates everybody. Somebody told me a long time ago,Dominicans hate mexicans, mexicans hate dominicans,cubans hate peruvians and all the hispanics hate Puerto ricans! When i was living in NYC all the hispanic groups talked shit about puerto ricans. Its the Matrix here mostly everybody is depressed and out of their minds. I desire a happy country to move to.
I am glad you shared this. As a white male, I hate the messages in the media that most racism is a white against black or hispanic thing. That just stirs mess up even more. Racism exists in all groups in America, in one or more forms. Having said that, and not being from New York , I do not have personal knowledge of what you speak, but I really doubt that a country can expect people from dozens of different countries and cultures to exist happily. In other words, I do not think Americas experiment works. Some of this may be because there is just so much crap going on and its so screwed up here that it interferes with people getting along, respecting each other etc.
People are just damn stressed out, pissed off and ready to attack for little reason it seems.

I certainly think the easier choice is to move to a happy country, as you mention.

Reminds me on a quote from a friend of mine. Twenty years ago he said "Most people are on the edge of insanity, all they need is a little push."

I think that sums up a lot of modern day America.
So what do you think about Canada? Canada is more of a melting pot than America is. Canada is not as racist as America is. Yes, there's racism up there, but it's not anywhere near as bigoted and racist as America.

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 3:11 am
by TRADER1972
You know thats a good point.I have never been to Canada so I cannot comment. I just think that countries with less groups would be easier to have harmony. Its not that a country should not mix, but with so many people, from dozens of countries, it seems the cultures dont mix, people want to live around their own race, etc. If Canada really is better, maybe someone who has been there can explain why that is. On the other hand, as a white man, the odd thing is I find it very easy to make friend with other races, foreigners, etc. In fact, much easier than whites. In fact white people here piss me off for many reasons.

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 3:31 am
by E_Irizarry
TRADER1972 wrote:You know thats a good point.I have never been to Canada so I cannot comment. I just think that countries with less groups would be easier to have harmony. Its not that a country should not mix, but with so many people, from dozens of countries, it seems the cultures dont mix, people want to live around their own race, etc. If Canada really is better, maybe someone who has been there can explain why that is. On the other hand, as a white man, the odd thing is I find it very easy to make friend with other races, foreigners, etc. In fact, much easier than whites. In fact white people here piss me off for many reasons.
Trader, please render those reasons to us. And in addition, one may go to Germany or Sweden, and those countries are melting pots, too. They are not as Caucasian as they used to be.

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 3:45 am
by TRADER1972
E_Irizarry wrote:
TRADER1972 wrote:You know thats a good point.I have never been to Canada so I cannot comment. I just think that countries with less groups would be easier to have harmony. Its not that a country should not mix, but with so many people, from dozens of countries, it seems the cultures dont mix, people want to live around their own race, etc. If Canada really is better, maybe someone who has been there can explain why that is. On the other hand, as a white man, the odd thing is I find it very easy to make friend with other races, foreigners, etc. In fact, much easier than whites. In fact white people here piss me off for many reasons.
Trader, please render those reasons to us. And in addition, one may go to Germany or Sweden, and those countries are melting pots, too. They are not as Caucasian as they used to be.
I would probably go to an Asian country just because after having to look at the ugly fat AWs my whole life, I want to admire those pretty Asian girls as much as possible before I die. :D

As for white people, I could discuss it on a macro and micro level.

On the macro level, the US and its problems are largely the result of 3 groups.

Politicians, judges and CEOs.

Mostly these are old white men.

How in the hell would I not be pissed off at white people? (Of course the Average Joe is not the problem, and I'm cool with them)

And we all know the women here suck.

On a more micro level, white people have never done anything for me for being white, yet Koreans help other Koreans, Mexicans help Mexicans, etc. White people will help you only if they know you or they benefit. There is no helping based on race. I don't think they help each other, which is actually suicidal.

I also think too many white men are pussified and need to put white women in their place. Stop letting white women treat you like a bitch. especially in public.

Many white women voted for Obama to prove they were not racist, yet have done nothing else to buttress their goal of proving they are openminded and not racist. For example, how many white women will live in a black or hispanic neighborhood if they can avoid it?

And let me mention, I think the juries here are pathetic and of course these are mostly made up of white jurors. All it takes is one person with some integrity and common sense to stop most of these BS convictions,etc.

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 4:04 am
by globetrotter
BellaRuth wrote:Is this normal behaviour?
Only in the largest cities with a well-established public transportation system, which are few in number in the USA.

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 4:07 am
by globetrotter
TRADER1972 wrote: On the macro level, the US and its problems are largely the result of 3 groups.

Politicians, judges and CEOs.

Mostly these are old white men.
Who act as a front for Female and Feminist interests.

The USA is a Matriarchy where the very top 1% in power and wealth are men, but every decision that they make and every institution in the country serves female values and interests exclusively.

Stop looking at the color & gender of those who make the decisions and look at which group their decisions benefit.

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 4:13 am
by TRADER1972
If the decisions are made by men, I blame men. Why does it matter that the benefit is for female interests? I am just stating the obvious fact which many will not state. That is that you can not put the blame on other groups who do not have the positions of power. White Men overwhelmingly made this county great but are now destroying it and have been for 40 years.