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Plenty of - Cant handle the truth!!

Posted: June 20th, 2011, 3:57 pm
by steve55
As the famous Jack Nicholous line goes, "America, you cant handle the truth!!"

All I did was make statements such as "Experts claim that the 67% rise in Narcissism in America occurred mainly among the woman".

I then backed it up with Expert Proof (experts being Dr Jean Twenge and Dr Laura Schlessinger's statements to this effect), and I sourced it with expert name, book, and page#.

PS- Funny thing is that they thought I was Winston. LOL.

I now realize how accurate Winston's observations about America are. If the truth hurts, America can't handle the truth. Our political correctness of "dont want to hurt anyone's feelings" AT ALL COSTS, even at the cost of the truth, makes us a nation of NON truth seekers. Political correctness has always made me sick to the stomach. Political correctness at its worse was when our culture started forcing American retailers to say "happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" and when airport security started strip searching kids and grandmas instead of doing it the way the Israeli's and most of the world does it which is by what the factual statistics say about who we should be checking.

Is there any countries more pussified thah the US? is there any country that has more MANGINAS out there than the US? I hardly think so.

Posted: June 20th, 2011, 4:27 pm
by onezero4u
i love living overseas...much more examples of womanly woman and manly nature intended imo.

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 5:20 pm
by MarkDY
Plenty of Fish should be renamed Plenty of Whales.

Re: Plenty of - Cant handle the truth!!

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 2:22 am
by boycottamericanwomen
steve55 wrote:As the famous Jack Nicholous line goes, "America, you cant handle the truth!!"

All I did was make statements such as "Experts claim that the 67% rise in Narcissism in America occurred mainly among the woman".

I then backed it up with Expert Proof (experts being Dr Jean Twenge and Dr Laura Schlessinger's statements to this effect), and I sourced it with expert name, book, and page#.

PS- Funny thing is that they thought I was Winston. LOL.

I now realize how accurate Winston's observations about America are. If the truth hurts, America can't handle the truth. Our political correctness of "dont want to hurt anyone's feelings" AT ALL COSTS, even at the cost of the truth, makes us a nation of NON truth seekers. Political correctness has always made me sick to the stomach. Political correctness at its worse was when our culture started forcing American retailers to say "happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" and when airport security started strip searching kids and grandmas instead of doing it the way the Israeli's and most of the world does it which is by what the factual statistics say about who we should be checking.

Is there any countries more pussified thah the US? is there any country that has more MANGINAS out there than the US? I hardly think so.
Hello Steve in Dallas,

You are beginning to have the same experience that many of us have had. For example, whenever we try to point out the truth to an American woman, they 100 percent ALWAYS VEHEMENTLY DENY IT, even though it is completely obvious.

Basically, America and especially American women have been completely brainwashed by the mainstream media and are living in their own little fantasy world, completely out of touch with reality. And anything that tries to break that fantasy world, they REJECT IMMEDIATELY.

This is kind of like cult-brainwashing. A person who is brainwashed by a cult cannot even consider an idea that is taught OUTSIDE of the cult's teachings. They IMMEDIATELY reject the idea, and start to attack the person presenting the idea.

So like that, in one sense, American women are a lot like brainwashed cult members. In this case, I guess the cult is called feminism/misandry.

Anyway, keep on preaching the truth, buddy. There are a lot of open minded MEN out there who WILL accept what you are saying. After all, it is the MEN we are trying to save, because the women in America are so far gone that it is practically impossible to save them at this point. Focus mostly on preaching to the men, and trying to wake them up to the truth about American women.

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 6:37 am
by jamesbond
MarkDY wrote:Plenty of Fish should be renamed Plenty of Whales.
Or you can call it "Plenty of fatties" since a lot of the woman on it are as fat as hell! :lol: