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my experience and my pros and cons of philippines

Posted: February 5th, 2012, 7:16 pm
by hillsboro
hello. hillsboro here... iv been here for about six months. im 40yrs old from nj, usa. i could not get laid if my life depended on it by any girl half way decent. and it had been atleast 18 months since i had sex. i had no confidence, i was poverty, 3 years divorced living back at moms house. i was desperate to say the least. i went on phil cupid and got on average 15 mesg per day. on average. i stayed far away from very hot girls bec i honestly did not trust them.. haha.. i basically interviewed many girls by chatting with them on yh mesg and webcam. i met alot of girls who were scammers and alot that were not...i finally narrowed it down to a god fearing, highly intelligent, very normal, happy 29 yr old who now has my first baby in her belly and we are due in may. WOW... me with a child.. i cannot stress enough that this could never happen in usa for me. i can stop now and this is enough info for you to come here. This woman is my personal slave and lover and i got tired of telling her to stop being my slave. She just does not kno any other way. She has no ambition of ever going to america. Only if i want to go she says.. Oh she has a wonderful family also.
some negatives of phils where i stay in imus cavite. its dirty and smelly bec no one cares where they put there garbage (i gues.) its noisy where i am. traffic is not tolerable. bad traffic. bad. i liv and eat cheap so i dont get to eat nice meals that im used to in usa. i hav to hav my girl do all the buying of things bec they always try and take advantage of me so i dont buy it.. she does. weather is HOT. terrible pollution in the streets from vehicles, ect... theres prob a few more minor negatives too.
positives, its hard for me to spend 50,000 pesos per month which is about 1000usd. This includes my total nut, living and spending money. I dont pay for girls sex bec its easy to get laid here by girls who hav GREAT bodies minus the tits. so many fat old white men with nice woman next to them and a baby in the shopping cart. THIS IS WHAT AMAZES ME THE MOST. when ever i go out i feel like a celebrity by the way im treated and smiled at by girls and local men. phil ppl love white ppl very much. i get treated with the up most respect. the best thing about the phils for me is that my emotions are very normal here now. my mood is happy most of the time. I have it great here. never depressed or lonely. these positives are whats most important for me and might not be for others... last but not least.. the girls are absolutely smoking hot here.. NO BULL. but they hav no tits. they hav world class legs. great ass and awesome feet. they dont hav great teeth. ohh and they hav world class hair too. they hav beautiful lips and weird nose. they hav nice eyes and nice skin. many speak english. I can go on all day with the positives and i hope there is someone out there that i hav touched in a positive way and i hope you comment and ask any questions.. thatnks for reading -hillsboro

Posted: February 6th, 2012, 1:14 pm
by Twobrains
Thanks for telling us about your experiences - long may your happiness continue!

Re: my experience and my pros and cons of philippines

Posted: July 18th, 2018, 4:49 pm
by Zambales
The cities in the Phils are shitholes generally and Imus is included in that description. Only Dumaguete, Puerto Princesa, Sipalay, Bogo and Tagaytay out of the ones I've visited resembled pleasantry. Olongapo isn't too bad and Bacolod seems quite clean compared to most although I only passed through.

Some of the islands and coastal areas are a different world altogether and once you've experienced this side of the Philippines it makes you want to return again. The laid-back friendly locals make for an added bonus.

Re: my experience and my pros and cons of philippines

Posted: July 20th, 2018, 12:05 am
by GuyAbroad8293
Congrats, Asia has a much better vibe than America, as you are currently discovering. Pretty much everything about life in Asia is better than life in America.