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Will America become like this one day?

Posted: February 25th, 2012, 1:31 am
by Voice of Reason
Is this video an accurate portrayal?

Posted: February 25th, 2012, 2:54 am
by Winston
Watch the Robocop films, or the Starship Trooper film series. They both are a great satire of what America is becoming. lol

Posted: February 25th, 2012, 7:10 am
by Billy
Winston, Robocop was little bit lame. But I did like Starship Troopers ;-). I remember well when I saw the film my ex girlfriend was ill. But it was so much fun to watch the film so I didn´t care how she felt.

Anyways fightig some bugs is not bad ;-). Action brings satisfaction. Even you would get a job as a brainiac. You would be schooled in Telekinesis and shit ;-)

Re: Will America become like this one day?

Posted: February 25th, 2012, 8:21 am
by momopi
Voice of Reason wrote:Is this video an accurate portrayal?

Rats tend to abandon ship when it's sinking and look for greener pastures elsewhere.

[youtube] ... re=related[/youtube]

Elsewhere in America: ... 83261.html ... tners.html

"U.S. wine exports rose 22 percent in value last year, an industry group reported Thursday, indicating continued strength in one of the Modesto area's top enterprises."

"The Wine Institute reported a 42 percent increase in exports to China and similar gains in other Asian nations."

Posted: February 26th, 2012, 12:56 am
by djfourmoney
How is Robocop (especially the first one) lame?

1) Artificial Stimulants (Drugs), already exist, haven't you heard the term "Designer Drugs" before? More technology and education will make drugs more powerful and taken in much smaller doses to get the desired effect.

2) Privatization; The reason for Robocop in the first place was the privatize the Detroit Police Force and put on the beat their Cyborgs or the two legged Tank (Mech Warriors????) also similar to the Battle Pods from Macross/Robotech...

3) Constantly dark skies; Likely pollution out of control, again already underway. Haven't you watch "The Corporation" by now?

4) Artificial Intelligence/Automation (A.I) again, play a modern video game against the computer and what do you think THAT IS? Peter Weller's brain was augmented by computers = Cyborg. Memories "erased" of course not really because we don't have a complete understand of the human brain and likely won't for a very long time.

Movies are often not just entertainment, but windows into time, either historically or in the future.

Posted: February 26th, 2012, 1:01 am
by djfourmoney
Billy wrote:Winston, Robocop was little bit lame. But I did like Starship Troopers ;-). I remember well when I saw the film my ex girlfriend was ill. But it was so much fun to watch the film so I didn´t care how she felt.

Anyways fightig some bugs is not bad ;-). Action brings satisfaction. Even you would get a job as a brainiac. You would be schooled in Telekinesis and shit ;-)
Also Starship Troopers is just a glimpse into a world where important members of society are those in the military. US has tried this several times with limited success and that is because the politicians don't care about the people they send into wars, never have. Sure companies looking to profit give discounts to active and non-active duty all the time. But they are denying G.I education money to people and not offering money for job services (training, re-training after injury), not to mention foreclosing on homes of G.I's and some life in the tent cities around the country because all the above.

No I wouldn't get a job in the armed forces. A world threat like that (or in Macross/Robotech) is different and even then not everybody joined...

Posted: February 26th, 2012, 7:38 am
by tom
The post apocalyptic movie thing is mostly a Hollywood fantasy, there is little resemblance to reality.
Detroitification of America, that has already happened in many cities, its a past tense thing.
Also the latinization of America already happened in the Southwest and continuing.
Over Half of American mothers are single moms.

This and many other reasons are diving a fast growing underclass in (that's the very poor) America. Feminist bullshit will mean little to this class. In fact feminism will seem more like a form of oppression. Anything seen as intent on breaking up family (feminist inspired laws) will be seen as driving a woman into poverty, this will be seen as an oppressor as it actually is.

Stuff that is talked about on boards like this, like the way women actually behave is absolute taboo in mainstream media. The mainstream cannot see the future because of its many taboos make it impossible to connect the obvious dots.

Also there is a gigantic amount of absolute bullshit out there, crazy impossible conspiracies, UFO's, secrete societies that don't exist, blaming problems imagined or real on imagined or real people/organizations. This is a wildcard as it is hard to say what could come of this. Who could have imagined aHitler or Stalin in 1912? Or WWI. No one at that time.