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An Apology to Readers of Happier Abroad

Posted: February 13th, 2014, 8:32 pm
by FeminineOpinion
ATTENTION READERS! An important correction!

At the time I wrote the post below, I did not remember all my aliases, and now that I have remembered, I think it's due time for me to state here that most of my writings were done here under Woman'sview, and majority of the things I regret saying, was done under this alias. This is how my memory serves me. I hope I remembered it right.

Once again, I am sorry for anything that I have said here that has hurt anyone.

Wish you all happiness and peace.


An Apology to Readers of Happier Abroad
To those who have read my postings a while back, I wrote some things that I deeply regret, that I am sure, have hurt the members here, and some of the guests, also, who might have come across one or more of them. (Some postings were all right, I think, but some were way out of line). I wrote on here under two aliases, in the beginning it was "ahardy57", and when that became uncomfortable, and seem to outlive it's usefulness, I came on soon after as "feminineopinion".
Under these two aliases, I wrote some very hurtful stuff. My hurtful words have haunted me ever since, and it bothers my conscience, frequently. I am writing to apologize for my in ordinate pride, my statements, that must have hurt quite a few on here.
When I first came on here, I came in full sympathy for your plight, for your cause, and in agreement with almost all your complaints about the modern woman. I won't have stayed on so long if I did not agree with most of the basic premises of this website. The welcome I received here was a shocker for me. Some guys hurled insults at me, some assumed I was as all the other women they detested, some judged me guilty because I was an "American woman". The temptation here was to defend myself, and defend my honor. And sadly, I did that the wrong way and in ways I regret. I have hurt lots of guys who were already hurting, in ways I will never experience as a woman. This was wrong and prideful on my part.
What comes to mind is that I was not sensitive to your feelings and put forth theories, and ideas, some of them debatable, and caused others to hurt even more. I used labels that hurt many, that denied them their most basic respect as human beings. I said things that were soul-less. I did not take into consideration that I could have increased others pains and suffering inside. I let my pride get the better of me.
One example, is that I used words like "alpha male" and "beta male" which was all foolishness, really. I made some big mistakes. You cannot use words like that to fellow human beings and especially my brothers on here. I did not acknowledge your value as unique human beings, priceless, precious and beautiful. Each person has a uniqueness, that no one else can ever have, ever again. And their value is priceless. I suffer now when I think of the things I wrote that did not make others feel their true worth. Instead, I made others feel less than who they really were. In short, "alpha male" and "beta male" are useless words. The only truth is that each of you are precious and irreplaceable, and wonderful beyond words.
In another post, I wrote "The Odds Are Good, But the Goods Are Odd." Part of me thought it was funny at the time, even clever. But, my words hurt me now. I ask forgiveness of each one of you. That was plain wrong and insensitive. I marvel at the ways human beings can create ways to hurt each other, and in this case, I was no exception. It was really stupid of me to put this on here. To all I hurt, I apologize. Nobody is odd. Everyone is beautiful just the way they are.
I also said at times I could only marry someone who was financially well off. Perhaps these written statements are some of the worse ones that haunt me, now. Clearly, this was not something for me to have said. Especially, in this recession, in which so many are struggling. My words hurt me often when I think of what I said. I am seeing someone who is very poor, and clearly I would chose him over money, because love mean everything to me. What was I saying then?! I feel ashamed now because of what I said. I want now to say, "The true wealth is unconditional love." If I die now and I only have a poor man who loves me, I have everything. To all men, of all income out there, and no income, your true worth is in your heart, and I apologize to all I have hurt.
At times, I stated, that I am attracted to "alpha males", and talked much about it. The truth is, when all is said and done, each person is a beautiful human being and their value comes from inside, not in his appearance. I don't think this has any weight what you look like, it's who you are inside. Every person deserves respect and should be given the time and consideration to express themselves to show their good qualities. And every person deserves to be loved and to give love.
At times, I was goaded by many on here, to say things that might be incendiary. At times I felt you all were getting together as a forum to make me say something that will prove I was like the "women" out there who had hurt you, or who had made your life miserable. At least, I felt so. It gave me a lot of power. And it brought out a side of me I didn't know I had. But, it was not a good side. And, I regret it. Whether you guys goaded me or not, does not in anyway excuse my words, and I am sorry I have hurt anyone of you because of them.
I, also, was a victim of the new technology, where I could sit at home and type at my keyboard and witness the wonder of technology at the press of a button, have the whole world read my words in an instant. It is new, and you don't realize the power to damage innocent people, until a long time after the words have been sent. And you do not have any control over how many people who read what you have published. And it can take a life of its own. And the hurt one inflicts on others can linger long after the words are read. Once again, I apologized from the bottom of my heart, to all I have hurt by my words.
As I said in the beginning of this post, I was always sympathetic to your cause, and perhaps even more so, now. You all have a very real gripe and I pray the day will come when things are fair for all people, men and women, and people will be loved and respected for who they are.
I wish each of you love and happiness. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Posted: February 13th, 2014, 9:44 pm
by Cornfed
Probably no apology is necessary as it is likely that no-one gives a rat's ass about you anyway. Run along now.

Insincere apology

Posted: February 13th, 2014, 10:26 pm
by Vegascook
I'm 37 years old and I've given feminists a chance for almost two thirds of my life. I've listened to lies, half-truths, distorted facts, and hypocritical self-serving advice from such women. Whatever you posted in the past on this site was exactly what you wanted to communicate, because it takes premeditated thought to actually type out something malicious in nature. Personally I'm sick of the lies I keep hearing from American women. So maybe you had temporary remorse on Valentines Day for what you did in the past to a few of the guys on this site. You'll probably just go back to doing the same thing to other men, just maybe not over the internet. I've noticed that men who join this site have a lot in common with me and I think you probably had the intent, at least at a subconscious level of antagonizing some of the members. You then used their responses as an excuse to "get even." Do you really think that men join this site in order to receive "advice" from a feminist? When women in the US give advice to men it's self-serving in nature and always places the man in the lowest priority, if his needs are considered at all. I have nothing but contempt for the American feminist movement because it hasn't been about equality in a very long time. It's about getting special treatment and setting up double standards in favor of women and denouncing men who disagree because they aren't with the politically correct program.

Growing up I did everything expected of a good Christian and I tried to treat women with respect as my equal. I gradually began to notice a shift during the late 1980's that feminists weren't content to be equals, they wanted payback for injustices that they themselves never had to endure. As a result American society has been engineered to be anti-male. This became blatantly clear in the 1990's and has progressively gotten worse.

Here is the prime example of why I hate the feminist movement in this country:
I decided to abstain from sex until I met the women who I was going to marry. I began looking at age 15 and thought I found the right woman at age 30. We got engaged so I figured it was ok to take things to the next level. After things got serious I found out she was able to lie about nearly everything and the woman I fell in love with did not exist except in the series of lies I was told. She withheld knowledge about her drug and alcohol addictions; this led to her having a miscarriage and the loss of the unborn child she was pregnant with. Out of the hundreds of women I've dated, I have only been with one. I detest the fact that she shrugged the miscarriage off like it was nothing and had the nerve to cite some feminist BULLSHIT to excuse her transgression against our unborn child. Feminism resulted in ROE vs WADE and as a result over 150 million fetuses have been aborted, this doesn't count what men like me have had to endure. We have no voice in whether or not a woman can legally murder a child that we helped to conceive. This country has lost its path, its soul, and its morality all as a result of the feminist movement.

I have nothing but total contempt whenever I hear phrases like "Feminine Opinion" or variations of the word feminist. I just lump you into the same group of women who have done everything possible to destroy what was once a great nation. America is doomed if it keeps listening to half wits like you

Posted: February 14th, 2014, 1:54 am
by Ghost

Re: An Apology to Readers of Happier Abroad

Posted: February 14th, 2014, 5:58 pm
by droid
FeminineOpinion wrote: At times, I stated, that I am attracted to "alpha males", and talked much about it. The truth is, when all is said and done, each person is a beautiful human being and their value comes from inside, not in his appearance.

**Feels better, logs off, then climbs on flaunty 6'2" idiot's flashy new mustang, admires his arms' tats...and bangs him that night.

Posted: February 15th, 2014, 6:33 am
by C.J.
Pfft. You guys will swear off ugly women, but I swore off dealing with ALL sows. Women are the absolutely most worthless humans on the planet(there's a reason they live longer... not contributing and just taking guarantees a longer lifespan; I tried it, it's awesome! You guys should try it too!)

There's more to them than meets the crotch, but men are too hypnotized by them to see their real worth... approximately -$12,357.129. :lol:

Unfortunately, that will sting a bit. But the universe itself, is a cruel bitch.

Re: An Apology to Readers of Happier Abroad

Posted: February 15th, 2014, 3:18 pm
by jamesbond
droid wrote:**Feels better, logs off, then climbs on flaunty 6'2" idiot's flashy new mustang, admires his arms' tats...and bangs him that night.
Maybe she posted this on valentine's day because she was feeling guilty about all the men she has used in the past.

I guess some american women do have a sense of remorse for all of their past wrong doings. However, we should still avoid american women like the plague, even if some of them feel guilt about the way they have treated men in the past.

Re: An Apology to Readers of Happier Abroad

Posted: February 15th, 2014, 3:25 pm
by Cornfed
jamesbond wrote:Maybe she posted this on valentine's day because she was feeling guilty about all the men she has used in the past.

I guess some American women do have a sense of remorse for all of their past wrong doings.
They have a sense of remorse about ruining their own lives when they realize they are sexually worthless old bags with nothing to show for their years of whoring. I doubt that they care about the damage they have done to other people and society in general.

Re: An Apology to Readers of Happier Abroad

Posted: February 15th, 2014, 3:47 pm
by Teal Lantern
jamesbond wrote:Maybe she posted this on valentine's day because she was feeling guilty about all the men she has used in the past.

I guess some American women do have a sense of remorse for all of their past wrong doings. However, we should still avoid American women like the plague, even if some of them feel guilt about the way they have treated men in the past.
Their "remorse" for all of their past wrong doings is about the same as your "remorse" for not buying Apple stock when it was below $10/share or silver at $6 an ounce.
I.e., regret for not making a better bet.

Posted: February 15th, 2014, 10:36 pm
by Wolfeye
Jesus, guys! You all really scathe this chick for making an apology- and it sounds an awful like like she got slammed for nothing in the first place.

I'm not at all a stranger to the concept of "feminism" being corrosive. It acts like this supportive, self-sufficient, "Your body, your rules" kind of thing- which would be a good thing, but it doesn't functionally work that way. You might just be giving fuel to the fire by being that cruel, though. Personally, I don't need my balls cut off for how other guys act & it's not like impresions don't get formed from previous encounters (right?).

Posted: February 15th, 2014, 11:25 pm
by Vegascook
An apology from a feminist is never sincere. She had an overinflated view of herself and went after men couldn't have, then when reality settled in she went for a guy who has lower socioeconomic status. She's feeling guilty that she didn't take the offers from guys that were at or a little bit above where she is financially. Any remose she feels is related to her poor dating decisions and somehow this forum is one of a few means she has to seek solace for her failure as a woman. I got pissed because the sow chose to use Valentine's Day to seek acceptance of a fake apology. When a feminist claims she's wrong or apologizes, tell her where to shove it.

Posted: February 16th, 2014, 8:30 pm
by Wolfeye
I get the style of what you mean, but you've got to leave room for a 180. I didn't see the original part of all this, but the concept of overhaul would be a good thing- I'd think. It can't be that DOING these things piss you off & NOT doing these things piss you off. Works that way with race stuff, too. Ever notice how someone says "they do this & they do that" and it may very well be a fact, but then when someone DOESN'T do these things they still hold to that esteem.

Let me make it clear off the line: I've met women that weren't even really people. The way they treated their kids was particularly appalling & they really acted like every bit the level of enemy that you'd be okay with killing a guy for. Actually, I've been noticing more & more that a lot of threats are also coming from women. I usually picture a guy when I picture an enemy, but more & more the same kinds of things that would typically come from a male have been coming from women- particularly those things that are directed at women or children. It seems whenever someone is planning on doing something strange, they get a chick to do it- as if that makes it innocent. Nobody says" Hey, it's two guys in a prison cell" or "Oh, those catholic priests were male just like those young boys were- no problem there."

Anyway, I figure maybe I'll land in Spain or Portugal & see how it is there. Italy's an idea, but someone suggested the Czech Republic to me & it seems like it might be a good idea. I think there's probably women that appreciate consideration & loyalty. Another thing is that I think compositionally- a situation is what it consists of & over here, it doesn't seem to be the basis for decision-making. Not really a good thing if the chick doesn't make assessments based on content. Could be slight or severe, but problems would abound.


Posted: February 17th, 2014, 10:52 am
by The_Hero_of_Men
This is the Woman'sview troll, everyone. Some of you may remember her. Please block and delete this troll as soon as possible!

correction to my post

Posted: May 26th, 2014, 7:15 am
by FeminineOpinion
At the time I wrote the post below, I did not remember all my aliases, and now that I have remembered, I think it's due time for me to state here that most of my writings were done here under Woman'sview, and the majority of the things I regret saying, was done under this alias.
This is how my memory serves me. I hope I remembered it right.

Once again, I am sorry for anything that I have said here that has hurt anyone.

Wish you all happiness and peace.


An Apology to Readers of Happier Abroad

To those who have read my postings a while back, I wrote some things that I deeply regret, that I am sure, have hurt the members here, and some of the guests, also, who might have come across one or more of them. (Some postings were all right, I think, but some were way out of line). I wrote on here under two aliases, in the beginning it was "ahardy57", and when that became uncomfortable, and seem to outlive it's usefulness, I came on soon after as "feminineopinion".

Under these two aliases, I wrote some very hurtful stuff. My hurtful words have haunted me ever since, and it bothers my conscience, frequently. I am writing to apologize for my in ordinate pride, my statements, that must have hurt quite a few on here.

When I first came on here, I came in full sympathy for your plight, for your cause, and in agreement with almost all your complaints about the modern woman. I won't have stayed on so long if I did not agree with most of the basic premises of this website. The welcome I received here was a shocker for me. Some guys hurled insults at me, some assumed I was as all the other women they detested, some judged me guilty because I was an "American woman". The temptation here was to defend myself, and defend my honor. And sadly, I did that the wrong way and in ways I regret. I have hurt lots of guys who were already hurting, in ways I will never experience as a woman. This was wrong and prideful on my part.
What comes to mind is that I was not sensitive to your feelings and put forth theories, and ideas, some of them debatable, and caused others to hurt even more. I used labels that hurt many, that denied them their most basic respect as human beings. I said things that were soul-less. I did not take into consideration that I could have increased others pains and suffering inside. I let my pride get the better of me.

One example, is that I used words like "alpha male" and "beta male" which was all foolishness, really. I made some big mistakes. You cannot use words like that to fellow human beings and especially my brothers on here. I did not acknowledge your value as unique human beings, priceless, precious and beautiful. Each person has a uniqueness, that no one else can ever have, ever again. And their value is priceless. I suffer now when I think of the things I wrote that did not make others feel their true worth. Instead, I made others feel less than who they really were. In short, "alpha male" and "beta male" are useless words. The only truth is that each of you are precious and irreplaceable, and wonderful beyond words.

In another post, I wrote "The Odds Are Good, But the Goods Are Odd." Part of me thought it was funny at the time, even clever. But, my words hurt me now. I ask forgiveness of each one of you. That was plain wrong and insensitive. I marvel at the ways human beings can create ways to hurt each other, and in this case, I was no exception. It was really stupid of me to put this on here. To all I hurt, I apologize. Nobody is odd. Everyone is beautiful just the way they are.

I also said at times I could only marry someone who was financially well off. Perhaps these written statements are some of the worse ones that haunt me, now. Clearly, this was not something for me to have said. Especially, in this recession, in which so many are struggling. My words hurt me often when I think of what I said. I am seeing someone who is very poor, and clearly I would chose him over money, because love mean everything to me. What was I saying then?! I feel ashamed now because of what I said. I want now to say, "The true wealth is unconditional love." If I die now and I only have a poor man who loves me, I have everything. To all men, of all income out there, and no income, your true worth is in your heart, and I apologize to all I have hurt.

At times, I stated, that I am attracted to "alpha males", and talked much about it. The truth is, when all is said and done, each person is a beautiful human being and their value comes from inside, not in his appearance. I don't think this has any weight what you look like, it's who you are inside. Every person deserves respect and should be given the time and consideration to express themselves to show their good qualities. And every person deserves to be loved and to give love.

At times, I was goaded by many on here, to say things that might be incendiary. At times I felt you all were getting together as a forum to make me say something that will prove I was like the "women" out there who had hurt you, or who had made your life miserable. At least, I felt so. It gave me a lot of power. And it brought out a side of me I didn't know I had. But, it was not a good side. And, I regret it. Whether you guys goaded me or not, does not in anyway excuse my words, and I am sorry I have hurt anyone of you because of them.

I, also, was a victim of the new technology, where I could sit at home and type at my keyboard and witness the wonder of technology at the press of a button, have the whole world read my words in an instant. It is new, and you don't realize the power to damage innocent people, until a long time after the words have been sent. And you do not have any control over how many people who read what you have published. And it can take a life of its own. And the hurt one inflicts on others can linger long after the words are read. Once again, I apologized from the bottom of my heart, to all I have hurt by my words.

As I said in the beginning of this post, I was always sympathetic to your cause, and perhaps even more so, now. You all have a very real gripe and I pray the day will come when things are fair for all people, men and women, and people will be loved and respected for who they are.
I wish each of you love and happiness. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone![/quote]

Posted: May 26th, 2014, 8:49 am
by S_Parc
Women's View, I'm currently dating an American lesbian, who happens to despise women and has given up on them.

As far as I'm concerned, your ilk has been defeated because if a woman (who naturally desires other women) is willing to give that up to be with me than there's no hope for AWs in this century.

Good luck with the next century, though that's eight and a half decades away.