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Is it money, fame, looks or game?

Posted: February 28th, 2014, 3:35 pm
by Banano ... 6841799933

or are women just attracted to psychopaths

Do you think he is attractive and hot women find him irresistible or it all comes down to fame and money?

Re: Is it money, fame, looks or game?

Posted: February 28th, 2014, 6:28 pm
by zboy1
Banano wrote: ... 6841799933

or are women just attracted to psychopaths

Do you think he is attractive and hot women find him irresistible or it all comes down to fame and money?
Probably all four, to be honest...

Posted: February 28th, 2014, 6:43 pm
by Jeremy
Real attraction is 95% based on looks. However social status also comes into play in the real world.

Think of it like this. Girls are basically like guys, only with much, much lower sex drives. How would you select your mates if you were borderline asexual? You'd probably prioritize the face (needs to be cute to give you that romantic butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling) and what your friends think. And that's exactly what I see girls doing.

Re: Is it money, fame, looks or game?

Posted: February 28th, 2014, 7:24 pm
by Teal Lantern
Banano wrote: ... 6841799933

or are women just attracted to psychopaths

Do you think he is attractive and hot women find him irresistible or it all comes down to fame and money?
Of the four, money is the least important, for attraction.
Fame acts as a form of pre-selection.
Looks and game (personality) are key.
Psychopaths have a lack of caution that comes off as confidence -- that's attractive, in a sea of boring, uber-obedient drones.

Posted: February 28th, 2014, 7:40 pm
by SilverEnergy
Why do you see so many unattractive guys with money pulling more men than most good looking guys if money wasn't important?

In America, good looks won't guarantee you anything.

Now, overseas, your good looks are more of an asset than they are in America.

But good looks + money makes you the total package.

Also get an ugly dude and make him famous and he will get far more women than a guy who has only "good looks".

Getting your finances in order IS practicing good "game".

So it's:

1. Fame

2. Money

3. Looks

Re: Is it money, fame, looks or game?

Posted: February 28th, 2014, 9:03 pm
by Teal Lantern
Banano wrote: ... 6841799933

or are women just attracted to psychopaths

Do you think he is attractive and hot women find him irresistible or it all comes down to fame and money?
These guys didn't get the memo about the money part. :lol:
Three men who have fathered 81 children with 46 different women... and they're not paying child support to any of them ... -them.html

Posted: February 28th, 2014, 10:48 pm
by Banano

Oscar P would be considered top 20% when it comes to face, this is the type of head women get their panties wet

if this man had his lags and had no fame and money at all I am pretty sure he would do quite well with women.
I met a few guys who look similar to him and they don't have problem with girls, sure they get many slutty ones but thats what they are after anyway. Nowadays, we can argue that most girls are slutty to some degree

Posted: March 1st, 2014, 12:13 am
by Contrarian Expatriate
Money is almost irrelevant to women who are not prostitutes. It is only relevant to being able to travel, live and experience things that most people cannot.

A refined boldness with and indifference to women's comments are far more important than money. I know many broke men who can simply press the attraction buttons women have better than most.

The guys who use money as an attracting factor, usually spend it all or lose it all to women in the end.

Posted: March 1st, 2014, 8:47 am
by polya
It's obvious women just want the "bad boy" to try to control him and twist him around her finger. Hope he has no guns in her room this time around...

Posted: March 1st, 2014, 8:50 am
by Teal Lantern
By "getting", are we talking have a girlfriend for six months .. meh, weeks, then trade her in? A new ONS every week?
Or are we talking marry and keep for 15~20 years and she's not banging the pool cleaner/personal trainer/ex-bf on the side?
Two different types of "getting", there, and one is becoming rare.

Money will certainly get you attention and allow you to expand your search.
It doesn't buy loyalty (as plenty personal trainers/body guards, etc. and ex-husbands of women, foreign and domestic, know). Ask Seal. :) ... eta-male-2
While I don't care for PUA funny hats and other gimmicks, their reasoning on this point is solid.

Posted: March 1st, 2014, 7:48 pm
by sushiman
Most people here clearly don't understand women...

Posted: March 3rd, 2014, 8:05 am
by NorthAmericanguy
SilverEnergy wrote:Why do you see so many unattractive guys with money pulling more men than most good looking guys if money wasn't important?

In America, good looks won't guarantee you anything.

Now, overseas, your good looks are more of an asset than they are in America.

But good looks + money makes you the total package.

Also get an ugly dude and make him famous and he will get far more women than a guy who has only "good looks".

Getting your finances in order IS practicing good "game".

So it's:

1. Fame

2. Money

3. Looks
I agree with this order.^^ You can be broke as a joke, but if you're well known for something, women will be all over you. For example, broke musicians and starving artist are rarely ever without female company. That said, once you get a woman, the game isn't over, you have to keep doing things to keep her interested.

Posted: March 3rd, 2014, 12:52 pm
by mattyman
This almost makes me laugh. t sounds like an incredibly shallow, blanket conclusion to come to. I'm sure that this is more disillusioned cynicism than logic, fact or reasoning.

I have a hard time believing that attraction is a shallow and as silly as that. Shouldn't it be more about what one is like to get on with and whether or not one is compatible?

So what, not matter what the degree of truth is in this, or how convinced you are that the world really is this black and white, does dwelling on this help you move closer to what you want?

Posted: March 3rd, 2014, 4:18 pm
by djfourmoney
Jeremy wrote:Real attraction is 95% based on looks. However social status also comes into play in the real world.

Think of it like this. Girls are basically like guys, only with much, much lower sex drives. How would you select your mates if you were borderline asexual? You'd probably prioritize the face (needs to be cute to give you that romantic butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling) and what your friends think. And that's exactly what I see girls doing.

Women have high sex drives, this assumption means you make no effort to create sexual tension in a relationship.

Women like money. Pistorius is famous for successfully competing in the UK Games as a disabled person. By your statement you are automatically discounting this.

As Paul Oyer has stated on a few occasions now, I suggest you pick up his book; women like MONEY, looks are secondary. They will date a man who makes more but isn't as attractive. There exceptions to the rule, but the majority feel this way.

It is only when they are teenagers and in their early twenties that maybe looks (style, status, facial features, physical appearance) trumps.

Posted: March 3rd, 2014, 5:34 pm
by NorthAmericanguy
Jeremy wrote:Real attraction is 95% based on looks. However social status also comes into play in the real world.

Think of it like this. Girls are basically like guys, only with much, much lower sex drives. How would you select your mates if you were borderline asexual? You'd probably prioritize the face (needs to be cute to give you that romantic butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling) and what your friends think. And that's exactly what I see girls doing.
Actually, for women, attraction is based on how you make a woman feel. You could be unattractive, but if you put in the time and make a woman feel special, you can get her to be attracted to you and you can get her to acquiesce to what you want.

Every woman is different, but most women want to feel "love" and all those feelings that go along with it which is why women fall so easily for players as players cater to all those women who are hopeless romantics and they know how to push the right buttons and say the right things.

Other women who are more mature, or live in dangerous environments, want to be around men who make them feel safe and protected, so having money (i.e., drug dealer) or power (i.e., police officer) is more important to these type of women.

Either way you have to make a woman feel something because they don't go by physical attraction alone like us men. Actually, if you think about it, making a woman feel something is natures way of ensuring that man is investing himself into a woman in some way which is exactly what mother nature wants anyway. In other words, men can't get access to sex unless they provide money, food, shelter, and in general, just stick around an themselves in a particular woman for some period of time. I mean really, if you stick around a woman for long enough you're eventually going to get some.