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HOW are female athletes considered female??

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 11:07 am
by Anatol

When I came to U.S.A. 25 years ago, I never understood the American propensity to see women playing sports. All the males in U.S.A. that I grew up with had a strange mind and thought that it's {(Gentlemen, pardon my lewd wording but it is directly said by them)} 's**y' to see women playing sports. Whereas I always found it somewhat repulsive and manly.

Now it's much worse, as we have women's hockey, women's wrestling, women's bob-sledding, women's skiing, women's archery, etc. These are world-wide in the Olympics.

I fail to understand why men around the world think this is normal female behaviour.

No one has provided a suitable answer as to what is wrong with the modern man, to allow this. One would think SOME normal nation full of men would have stated, 'If you bring that nonsense into our country we'll blast you to pieces!'. Islamic men obviously tried/try to resist but what went wrong with Russian, Chinese and Indian men?


~~~~ [{(Out of the frigid ice to the North that no man had ever laid foot on, evil in the form of a man called Agahnim The Wizard came and he cast a type of magic never seen before by mortals. But together with the Ball-And-Chain Trooper and his faithful Master Sword, Link repulsed him and the IMPRISONING WAR was ended, to become the things of legend!)}] ~~~~

The evil that is the purest evil possible is feminism and it must be pushed back into its keep!

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 3:20 pm
by Moretorque
I do not like women who beat themselves up playing sports but a gal who stays physically active however they do it does have appeal to me.

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 3:32 pm
by Cornfed
In former communist block countries, athletes were trained to be assassins and saboteurs during wartime. There are obvious advantages to having female assassins and saboteurs. This also explains to choice of sports they focused on.

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 3:47 pm
by Tsar
I think that women must go to a gym. Yulia Dorosh looks very nice and has great tones because she goes to a gym. Fencing, archery, and figure skating can be great sports for a girl to learn. I agree that rough sports or really competitive sports aren't for women. Women should be more nurturing and giving. Feminists are usually rough and competitive.

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 3:47 pm
by Hero
Yeah, some sports are better for women than others, e.g. figure skating, tennis, volleyball, gymnastics, soccer, and golf. There are some smoking hot female athletes playing those sports.

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 3:55 pm
by Anatol
Moretorque wrote:I do not like women who beat themselves up playing sports but a gal who stays physically active however they do it does have appeal to me.
You're disgusting!!!

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 3:55 pm
by Anatol
Cornfed wrote:In former communist block countries, athletes were trained to be assassins and saboteurs during wartime. There are obvious advantages to having female assassins and saboteurs. This also explains to choice of sports they focused on.
A sick idea!!! Ewwwwwww!

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 3:56 pm
by Anatol
Tsar wrote:I think that women must go to a gym. Fencing, archery, and figure skating can be great sports for a girl to learn.
You're mentally-sick!!!!! How are fencing and archery feminine?????

Come back to reality!

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 3:56 pm
by HouseMD
Athleticism is attractive. It keeps a women in good shape and healthy. As a guy who goes to the gym regularly, dating a non-athletic woman would be quite difficult for me because I feel that not being physically active shows a serious weakness of character. The human body didn't evolve to sit on a damn couch and drink booze all the time, it developed as an efficient machine of survival. Our ancestors would be ashamed to see the pudgy, weak balls of flesh most of us have become.

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 3:56 pm
by Anatol
Hero wrote:Yeah, some sports are better for women than others, e.g. figure skating, tennis, volleyball, gymnastics, soccer, and golf. There are some <> <> <> <> female athletes playing those sports.
You need to see a psychiatrist, pre-1970!!!!! NONE of what you said is appealing to normal men. It shows how demented even most supposed anti-feminist males are now. You're espousing TOTAL feminism yet claim to be against it.

Females playing soccer and tennis is NOT what any normal man wants to see.

The modern man is OBSESSED with women being physical.

Feminism has messed all of you up. Hopeless cases.

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 3:58 pm
by Anatol
HouseMD wrote:Athleticism is attractive. It keeps a women in good shape and healthy. As a guy who goes to the gym regularly, dating a non-athletic woman would be quite difficult for me because I feel that not being physically active shows a serious weakness of character. The human body didn't evolve to sit on a damn couch and drink booze all the time, it developed as an efficient machine of survival. Our ancestors would be ashamed to see the pudgy, weak balls of flesh most of us have become.
You need severe mental help! Going to the 'gym' or 'exercise' beyond walking was NOT considered normal for women till about 20 years ago!!! Men can run and lift weights but if women do that, it's disgusting!!!!

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 4:02 pm
by Cornfed
Females that exhibit themselves in public for any reason, including sports, should be considered whore class and therefore unsuited to marriage. If wife class females exercise then they should do so in private.

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 4:03 pm
by HouseMD
Anatol wrote:
HouseMD wrote:Athleticism is attractive. It keeps a women in good shape and healthy. As a guy who goes to the gym regularly, dating a non-athletic woman would be quite difficult for me because I feel that not being physically active shows a serious weakness of character. The human body didn't evolve to sit on a damn couch and drink booze all the time, it developed as an efficient machine of survival. Our ancestors would be ashamed to see the pudgy, weak balls of flesh most of us have become.
You need severe mental help! Going to the 'gym' or 'exercise' beyond walking was NOT considered normal for women till about 20 years ago!!! Men can run and lift weights but if women do that, it's disgusting!!!!
A woman being an obese landwhale is disgusting. A woman who can actually run a mile in under 10 minutes and is in decent physical shape is fine.

Athletic women also tend to be much better in bed, for what it matters.

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 4:16 pm
by Anatol
HouseMD wrote:
Anatol wrote:
HouseMD wrote:Athleticism is attractive. It keeps a women in good shape and healthy. As a guy who goes to the gym regularly, dating a non-athletic woman would be quite difficult for me because I feel that not being physically active shows a serious weakness of character. The human body didn't evolve to sit on a damn couch and drink booze all the time, it developed as an efficient machine of survival. Our ancestors would be ashamed to see the pudgy, weak balls of flesh most of us have become.
You need severe mental help! Going to the 'gym' or 'exercise' beyond walking was NOT considered normal for women till about 20 years ago!!! Men can run and lift weights but if women do that, it's disgusting!!!!
A woman being an obese landwhale is disgusting. A woman who can actually run a mile in under 10 minutes and is in decent physical shape is fine.

<> <> <> <> <>

Obesity is caused by eating too much meat, fast-food, lack of walking and a bad diet. What does obesity have to do with women not exercising??? Look at the adults from pre-1980. All appear to be slim compared to the people today.

Women running a mile in ANY amount of time is not feminine. Women are naturally prone more to swoon and faint, and should not be encouraged to be like men or try to be rugged.

Your premises are messed up.

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 5:09 pm
by HouseMD
Perhaps in the Victorian era to the 50s, lol. At most points in history, women worked the fields and tended to animals, with men doing the more laborious tasks and hunting while women did things like churning, picking, milking, cooking, cleaning, and the like. Prior to that, men hunted while women gathered, cooked, and cleaned. We are all designed to be physically active. Women should be physically active, because we are animals and not designed to laze about. That you have some bizarre modern view of female humans being fragile sloths that are delicate and useless is ridiculous from an evolutionary and historical perspective.