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Nudism/Naturist philosophy

Posted: April 22nd, 2015, 3:56 pm
by Inter2002
Is anyone here familiar with the nudism lifestyle concept? I found the nudism lifestyle by accident by surfing online back in early 2004 when I was 17 looking for porn. I was shocked that there's such thing as family nudity, people of all ages, sizes, color, gender all together doing things normal as if they where clothed. What struck me was that it wasn't anyway sexual, nor exhibitionism. At first I thought "What the f***!". Of course I was ignorant back then. But I did research and less than a year later I learned that nudism is about body acceptance, being comfortable in your own skin, and that it was no way sexual and there have been studies supporting benefits of nudism lifestyle. One benefit that has struck me is that whenever one is raised in a nudist lifestyle especially a woman/girl does not find guys as sexual as a textile girl/women. What this means is that they ARE NOT SUPERFICIAL when it comes to dating guys. So therefore this is a huge advantage for us guys.

Girls/women who are raised in a textile lifestyle are most likely to be superficial and shallow when choosing to date a guy. We can live up to our fantasies dating a nudist 18 year old girl who will accept for who you are, whether you are fat, skinny, young, old, etc.