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It's Great to be Alive in 2022

Posted: March 2nd, 2022, 3:08 pm
by Tsar
I finally 100% love being alive for maybe the first time in my miserable life!!! Because this has given me hope of a brighter future! And if the future is nuclear bright, that's fine too!!!

Being incinerated in a nuclear explosion or a hydrothermal nuclear explosion is the most epic way people on Earth could die!

I read the news everyday!

I want the West to collapse! Everyday, I want to read about the West losing and eventually failing!

I want the West to be destroyed...devastated... annihilated!!! Worse than Napoleon!!! Worse than Hitler (who I actually admire and like)!!! For Germany to experience a less extreme version of the Weimar Republic inflation as a 21st Century sequel! It would be truly glorious to behold such magnificent history unfold!!!

I want most working people and rich people in North America, Britain, and the wealthiest European Union nations cast into poverty the likes of which hasn't been known for a century!

I want to watch violent uprisings, upheaval, bloody insurrections, civil war, and revolutions consume the West!!!

I will be smiling as it unfolds! Of course, I want America to be the last to fall because I rely on it, I want it to be the least effected financially but be so badly devastated and have such a humbling humiliation that it loses all it's pride and prestige that it becomes isolationist and forced to minimize it's army into an isolationist "self defense force" like Japan had to do after WWII.

This clip from Game of Thrones really portrays what my reaction would be if I watch the West (financially, economically, and politically) annihilated!!! (I would smile like Cersei)

Re: It's Great to be Alive in 2022

Posted: March 4th, 2022, 9:22 pm
by Raggiana
You are great to be alive but you want to see everything collapse and get destroyed? That's weird. But all weird is acceptable now. We are seeing too much since a couple of years.

Re: It's Great to be Alive in 2022

Posted: March 5th, 2022, 7:39 am
by Tsar
Raggiana wrote:
March 4th, 2022, 9:22 pm
You are great to be alive but you want to see everything collapse and get destroyed? That's weird. But all weird is acceptable now. We are seeing too much since a couple of years.
I wouldn't say it's weird. It's great to be alive because if the world burns around me, it would be a great show to witness. Everyone knows that once the dust settles, that's when there's the most opportunity. Imagine the opportunity that presented itself after World War 1 and World War 2, but mainly after World War 2 because the Great Depression happened between the World Wars.

I have been marginalized for too long. Held back in life. Stifled at every turn by governments making everything more and more difficult!

Social movements destroying my opportunity, my success, my potential, and my ability to get love!

If there is a total collapse then maybe I get to finally win!

If the world collapses, I can finally rise when almost everyone else have been equalized.

I don't want the world to be permanently annihilated, but the economic destruction that spreads from Europe, then takes down America and other great economies of the world, would be amazing.

The total destruction of many people's fortunes and wealth means great opportunity. It's a game. The elites do it every so often. They've pilfered so many nations since they overthrew the Russian Monarchy that it's a cycle. Every decade they choose a major power and then they pilfer it's people. The 2020s was unusual because there was no real pilfering that occurred except through monetary easing and inflationary policies, and low interest rates. However, it is now the European Union that will be pilfered! Why else would things be going as they are in Europe? Also, what Western nation still has many people with great wealth? The Nordic nations, Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. Americans, British, and others are too poor. Southern Europe is agricultural but also much poorer. It's going to be a mass looting of Germany and Western Europe. The Elites will be siphoning Europe's wealth.

The European Union has the largest amount of Savers and more wealth per individual than America, with less nationalism than America or Japan, less resources than Russia, less independence than India, and less power than China. The perfect target for the Elites.

I wouldn't mind a weak Europe for at least a few years or even several years. A weak Europe means I can afford much more in Europe and use geoarbitrage to a much better level.

That's why I find 2022 to be the greatest time of my life and the year where I have great expectations!

Re: It's Great to be Alive in 2022

Posted: March 6th, 2022, 8:58 pm
by Raggiana
Tsar wrote:
March 5th, 2022, 7:39 am

I don't want the world to be permanently annihilated, but the economic destruction that spreads from Europe, then takes down America and other great economies of the world, would be amazing.

The total destruction of many people's fortunes and wealth means great opportunity. It's a game. The elites do it every so often. They've pilfered so many nations since they overthrew the Russian Monarchy that it's a cycle. Every decade they choose a major power and then they pilfer it's people. The 2020s was unusual because there was no real pilfering that occurred except through monetary easing and inflationary policies, and low interest rates. However, it is now the European Union that will be pilfered! Why else would things be going as they are in Europe? Also, what Western nation still has many people with great wealth? The Nordic nations, Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. Americans, British, and others are too poor. Southern Europe is agricultural but also much poorer. It's going to be a mass looting of Germany and Western Europe. The Elites will be siphoning Europe's wealth.

I wouldn't mind a weak Europe for at least a few years or even several years. A weak Europe means I can afford much more in Europe and use geoarbitrage to a much better level.
Now I get it and also agree on it. It's like the rise of a new civilization bringing more opportunities with better sense of understanding. That's really thoughtful. Since a couple of years things had not been smooth and nothing according to our expectation. Whatever we planned before had to be rescheduled with a lot of minuses. Careers stagnant, income with losses, life disappearing and age passing by.

I would like to be the witness too in case the economy went into ashes. The spring of the new beginning is all the hope we need.