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Asian Men Under the American Beauty Standard

Posted: January 12th, 2010, 7:23 am
by firethrower1000

Posted: January 12th, 2010, 3:18 pm
by momopi
I thought this article was quite funny:

I can relate to his experience at UCI, I live about 10 mins from UC Irvine. Although ethnic Asians are a minority (<40%) in this city, the following pictures show the demographics of some local schools:


Even our city Mayor is Asian. Mr. Kang is the guy in orange-colored shirt in the back row: (sorry about the bad photo, I only had my cell phone with me that day)


Irvine is rated the safest city over 100,000 people in the entire United States of America by the FBI. If you're Asian and looking to express the uniqueness of your ethnicity, Irvine is not the place to do it. UC Irvine = UCI = "University of Chinese Immigrants". Irvine has the largest ethnic Chinese/Taiwanese population in any Southern CA city and the Chinese cultural center of OC is located here.

The racial make up is deceptive by day, because Irvine has many large companies and people travel here for work. After dark, or at local grocery stores, you find the true demographics. If someone were to ask "why are these ethnic groups so exclusive? Why don't they mix?", that person obviously doesn't live here, and it's pointless to explain.

Posted: January 12th, 2010, 8:03 pm
by ladislav
The racial make up is deceptive by day, because Irvine has many large companies and people travel here for work. After dark, or at local grocery stores, you find the true demographics. If someone were to ask "why are these ethnic groups so exclusive? Why don't they mix?", that person obviously doesn't live here, and it's pointless to explain.
Thanks for the pictures. In all Germanic/Anglo countries ethnic groups do not mix- it is because the mainstream does not encourage them to and is stuck up to them. So, you have an Apartheid so sweetly called multi-culturalism. In a place like Brazil or Panama ethnic groups are encouraged to mix more and integrate more because the mainstream is thousands of times more welcoming and encouraging them to do so. There is less emphasis on race, no rigid compartmentalization and the whole place is just infinitely friendlier. To mix, you have to be allowed to mix and welcomed into the fold. If you are not, well, you have the US.

I only went to a US school for a while and the racism was so horrible, I thought, I went running out of it like a bat out of hell. Good I had a HS diploma already, I just wanted to try what it was like. I was horrified.

Americans who should just be saying that they are, just well, Americans, keep droning- I am Irish, I am Italian, I am Black, I am a Puerto Rican and stick with the same so called Irish, Italians, Puerto Ricans etc. Beyond your groups lies either polite exclusion or just outright scorn and hatred. In Latin America they would all just be called by the name of the country they are a citizens of. Again it is pointless to explain all this to a person who has never been there.

The most horible thing of all is that people in the US just go along with it and even think it is right. They organize all these hyphenated associations and stick with thier own kind. At the same time the US opposed the Apartheid in South Africa. How cynical.
The article is not funny. It is actually quite sad! The person has fully accepted the America-induced role that he is supposed to play, learned to live with it and even feel comfortable with it. No global solutions, no other countries involved I just feel quiet desperation when I read something like that and thank my lucky stars that I have been able to live as an expat and seek out new horizons and new nations where people are not so anal about all this. He, on the other hand, has not.

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 3:10 pm
by momopi
In order to "mix", you have to have a fair number of people in at least 2 ethnicities at school. But if the school is 70% Asian, 15% half Asian and 15% non-Asian, then the mixing question becomes irrevelent.

i.e. When I was in 5th grade, there was only 1 other kid in class who was Asian, the rest were almost exclusively white. So 90% of my friends were all white back then and it's not a question of mixing, simply because almost everyone else were white.

Where I live today, the family to my right is Indian, to the left is Taiwanese, and across the way from my garage is Japanese. When I pull out in the morning, I say ohayou gozaimasu to my neighbor.

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 9:47 pm
by ladislav
Oh, I forgot that in the US people from E Asia are treated as a monolithic group. And so are European- descent people. So, do Indian people , Chinese and the 15% whites there date and marry each other in the end?

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 11:12 pm
by momopi
ladislav wrote:Oh, I forgot that in the US people from E Asia are treated as a monolithic group. And so are European- descent people. So, do Indian people , Chinese and the 15% whites there date and marry each other in the end?
Sure, that's where we got the mixed (biracial) kids from.

I think it'd be harder for the conservative/religious Indian & Persian families though.