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The Insecurity of the Western Male and the Patriarchy

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 6:52 pm
by The Arab
What you are about to read is a rare look into how the West and it's culture is perceived by an Arab, who has lived and travelled all over the world and is a keen observer of society and people.

Meeting Westerners, one of the things I noticed was how insecure and de-masculinized they seemed to me; compared to myself and the male-dominated, testosterone-driven culture of my land.

Western men seemed fragile somehow, unsure of themselves and their worth, the vast majority of them. Some put on fake personas, some overcompensated ... none quite had the quiet confidence that people from our culture possess.On the internet, most Americans seemed to act like little bitches, little girls brought up in a Feminist perversion of nature.

I now understand why; after observing the complex dynamics of U.S. and Western society.

It was only after coming to the U.S. and studying here that all the pieces came together - a fascinating look at a dysfunctional man-hating civilization that is the polar opposite of my own culture, and will eventually lead to the collapse of Western civilization.

Where I come from, men walk proud and rule the streets and testosterone runs in the air; and strong patriarchal foundations of family and the father as ruler of the household. Men harass and aggressively follow women - it is unapologetically a man's world. Men are imbued with confidence and have high self esteem, women are (funnily enough) horny and demure; and feminine and understand the natural order of things.

In the U.S., Feminism has so corrupted the society to it's core, damaged the very concept of family and the family unit and the father's role, that society as a whole is like some bizarre alien planet - where men are bland, lack personality, are anti-social, gossipy, soul-less. Men are weak and insecure deep inside. People are disconnected and paranoid, anti-social and self-abosorbed.

It's a society where men have become de-masculinized. Bizarre and cliquish; I can sense the odd social-cultural constructs permeating the country - it is a deeply segregated and fake culture. Men cannot feel confident and assured here like in strong patriarchies; women have all the power and American men seem clueless as to how bizarre the male-female dynamic has become.

In the workplace, Americans are Automatons, like soul-less hamsters on a wheel. Fake conversations, no intellectualism, no interest in other countries, peoples, or history.

Also, terrible social and people skills - at least in California. Most people communicate via twitter and Facebook, even though most of the people on their Facebook live in the same city and a phone call away.

People are vacuous, shallow, superficial, suggestible. Men raised here are fake, insecure, lack personality, they seem to have "issues." Women are confused and messed up ..

You let your women take control, and your society will unravel- it will make your men weak, and destroy your society to it's core. The patriarchy is a male conceived and enforced institution that was imposed on females, because men, and only men understand well the long-term impacts of civilization and harnessing male energies into productive family units and a stable society .... civilization itself is a result of patriarchy.

To sum if up, it seems to be that the whole country is phitzoprhenic , like a Jekyll and Hyde monstrosity. There is no community, no camaredie, no soul, men and women are willing servants to their corporate masters and slaves to materialism and superficiality; and incredibly conformist, reserved, and politically correct to the point of totalitinarism.

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 7:45 pm
by Kunold
I agree with you to the fullest,I have never left the US so can only imagine what it must be like to act/feel like a man and not feel guilty/worried

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 7:48 pm
by NorthAmericanguy
WOW!!!! ****POST OF THE YEAR****

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 8:17 pm
by NorthAmericanguy
Kunold wrote:I agree with you to the fullest,I have never left the US so can only imagine what it must be like to act/feel like a man and not feel guilty/worried
Exactly! As a man living in the US, I feel (but I can't pinpoint were the restriction is coming from) my masculinity is restricted. Hmm, maybe it's all the surveillance cameras and knowing somebody will call 911 as soon as I start to beat my chest.

There is just no place for me to flex my manhood and feel safe other then the gym, and that has even changed over the past 20 years as gyms now cater to fat women and kids. The free weights and lifting heavy have taken a back seat to treadmills and stair masters (when last I checked, it's free to walk and run outside that includes fresh air and natural sun tan. Dumba***!).

Conversely, women fu***g have it all. Huge buildings are built specificity for them (malls, stripmalls, shopping centers) to gather together and flex their womanhood and improve on it.

I'm mad just thinking about all this.

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 8:50 pm
by wuxi
What is very obvious to arab men goes completely unnoticed by most western men. This is because arab men have a strict moral code they adhere to while most western men do not.

I worked with a arab immigrant on a joint project recently. He was very shocked at how socially disconnected families are as well as the rate of narcissism in western culture. In addition, the highly dyfunctional nature of western women(promiscuous relationships) was very obvious to him as well. I told him the men in my country only care about making money and the women only care about spending it, he agreed and he appreciated my honesty.

We are led to believe there is nothing wrong with western society when in fact theres hardly anything thats normal about it. However, there are a few western men left that are still "normal".

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 9:21 pm
by The Arab
I believe U.S. culture breeds sociopathy and anti-social mindsets- this same hyper-individualism that is glorified in the media is nothing more than selfishness, because in reality, most people in the U.S. are NOT "independent" in the sense they are free thinkers and study and observe the world.

In fact, the overwhelming majority are politically correct, intellectually vapid conformists. They lack substance and perspective. It is a mad sociological engineering project that has inverted everything about traditional gender roles.

I see a degenerative social disease destroying the fabric of Western civilization from within- the same forces that have destroyed family and community (Feminism, Materialism, Individualism, Corporatism) is what makes such societies efficient and easily controllable - hence the most advanced societies.

Eventually however, these societies WILL come unglued.

It is easier to control, tax, and use disconnected people who do not think of the great world and deeper meaning in life - and U.S. culture has become soul-less and sterile. Make people into workaholic robots and make them believe it is the purpose of life - instead of meaningful relationships with family, and the community.

Break down the community, divide people, make men insecure, work them to death, empower women -- and you create a society of sheeple, a society built for business and not life.

Men are the enablers of civilization- women, by nature, are far more suggestible and influenced by their emotions and feelings, and are not strategic long-term thinkers. It is up to men to change the order of things; because the Feminist misandric society of the West only came to be because men ALLOWED it to become - in a way, they betrayed the very foundation on which civilization and stability were founded. Many simply lacked the wisdom to see what our ancestors discovered and knew - that controlling female sexuality and forming stable family units in which men could pass on their wealth to their heirs IS the centerpiece of civilization and civilization could not, and would never rise without the Patriarchy and men creating the concept of family and social rules of sexuality.

Hollywood is defintely the greatest force that has irrevocably destroyed and instilled feminist anarchism into every fabric of U.S. society- from TV soap operas to magazines, the idea is implanted of female empowerment, and the pussification of men.

What strikes me most about men in California is the lack of personality ... most men are literally like robots fresh off a factory floor, while men from my own culture have more expressive and interesting personalities and more "honor."

Women are hard to meet and, like their male counterparts, seem to lack substance. The artificial social construct of the West, makes it difficult and awkward for sociable "normal" people to meet others - society seems to encourage anti-sociality and cliquishness.

American men I know seem very very politically correct and afraid of doing anything that would even slightly offend a woman. I see this everyday.

In American families, women seem to be wearing the pants.

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 11:31 pm
by MrPeabody
"On the internet, most Americans seemed to act like little bitches, little girls brought up in a Feminist perversion of nature."

I think the Internet contributes to the cowardly behavior. In a society where dueling is still allowed, men are actually very polite to each other, because if you disrespect another man to his face it is taken seriously, and you are putting your life at risk. But on the Internet, you can say anything you want and there are no consequences. So, people are learning not to take it seriously when they disrespect another human being.

Posted: January 1st, 2011, 3:51 am
by onezero4u
nice observations. makes me wonder why were at war with 3 muslim countries and chomping at the bit for iran now too.

no doubt Femenist influences to end patriarchy in middle east are major motivations alongside gaining oil control, military industrial complex profits, instill fear, police state and blind patriotism in the masses & american femimatrix empire building imo.

Posted: January 1st, 2011, 9:12 am
by gsjackson
Yes, this is all true of the U.S. My concern is the extent to which this sort of feminism has similarly infected western Europe, specifically the two countries I'll probably be living in starting in May, Germany and Spain. Spain, by all accounts, seems somewhat resistant to U.S.-style feminism, but I'm concerned about Germany, where I'll be spending eight months out of the year. My hope is that they have such a functional intellectual culture in the country that feminism hasn't taken over the so-called higher learning, and is just one of many perspectives that intelligent women there entertain.

Posted: January 1st, 2011, 10:08 am
by Winston
Brilliant post The Arab! One of the best ever. What a great way to start the New Year, by reading one of the most truthful and insightful posts on the American male psyche ever!

It is also refreshing to hear from an Arab's perspective. We don't get that here often.

I definitely will feature your post on my home page under "Latest Additions" and in various parts of my Ebook.

We ought to have a section of the best posts here or something. If we did, I'd add this one to it.

Btw, when you said "phitzoprhenic" didn't you mean "schizophrenic"?

Here are some questions for discussion:

- Feminists often argue that if women ruled the world, there'd be no war. How do you respond to that? Is that even true?

- What is this I hear about ancient African cultures being a Matriarchy where women controlled the family and owned all the property? Is that really true? Was that beneficial to them?

- Could it be that the US gender inversion problem and dysfunction is mostly due to the narcissism and fake culture, rather than to giving women too much power? I mean, if women were not narcissistic, but wise, kind and loving instead, along with equal rights, would that have made things better?

What do you all think?

Posted: January 1st, 2011, 12:50 pm
by Repatriate
Winston wrote:
- What is this I hear about ancient African cultures being a Matriarchy where women controlled the family and owned all the property? Is that really true? Was that beneficial to them?
From my understanding it's similar to traditional Chinese culture. You had the women as the "head" matriarch of the household controlling the affairs of family and property. The men were still the larger decision makers in society and governed over the intelligentsia and military. There were very influential empresses in China's history but they were a rarity. Some of those African cultures seem to be arranged in that way as well.

Posted: January 1st, 2011, 2:34 pm
by BellaRuth
Repatriate wrote:
Winston wrote:
- What is this I hear about ancient African cultures being a Matriarchy where women controlled the family and owned all the property? Is that really true? Was that beneficial to them?
From my understanding it's similar to traditional Chinese culture. You had the women as the "head" matriarch of the household controlling the affairs of family and property. The men were still the larger decision makers in society and governed over the intelligentsia and military. There were very influential empresses in China's history but they were a rarity. Some of those African cultures seem to be arranged in that way as well.
This pretty much sums everything up for me.

Women and men are built differently. (Feminine) women may well be strong leaders, and be able to govern people- but in a very different manner than a man. And they won't resemble the career-queens in American societies at all. The man and the woman are a team. Each gender has a job to do.

I think if women ruled the world we would be less prone to wars, but it doesn't mean we are 'better' or that we should rule the world. It's just a different mindset completely. Women are less territorial and less prone to physical violence. But honestly, if you asked any feminine woman if she would want to rule the world, I'm sure she would say no. It's not an attraction to the feminine psyche.

Another thing the original poster referred to- I don't think feminism was caused by women, actually. Feminine women would not band together and ask to rule everything and to kick men down. Feminine women would want good men to remain in power, would want to trust them, and would certainly not be jealous, as they wouldn't want to be men anyway. They might, if needs be, protest that they are not getting equal pay for an identical job, or that as an adult they still need their father or husband to sign things for them, but women didn't ask for this mess. Even feminism 'natives' who are used to this seem to be angry at the world and sense an imbalance. I think feminism was a political idea thought up by certain men, who were in the positions of power at that time, to dismantle family life and make the American people more submissive. Do you think an America full of 'real' and honourable men would stand for a lot of things that are accepted today? Women may well be forces to be reckoned with, especially when it comes to children, but we weren't made for fighting, defending, challenging. Which makes the job of the 'powers that be' a lot easier.

A bit of a waffle, but there's my 2p.

Posted: January 1st, 2011, 4:05 pm
by NorthAmericanguy
BellaRuth wrote:

I think if women ruled the world we would be less prone to wars, but it doesn't mean we are 'better' or that we should rule the world. It's just a different mindset completely. Women are less territorial and less prone to physical violence. But honestly, if you asked any feminine woman if she would want to rule the world, I'm sure she would say no. It's not an attraction to the feminine psyche.

I'm not so sure about that. I use to think along the lines of what you just said until I started to study the female bosses in the illegal drug trade. The women were absolutely ruthless, (more so then men) and would kill a man/woman just because he/she looked at her the wrong way.

This woman Griselda Blanco put Eablo Escobar on the map, as well as many other men who claimed fame from the drug trade. She was a cold blooded killer and was known for killing men at the drop of a hat.

In other words, you have a shot at appealing to a mans logic and reasoning, but with women you can't really do that.


BellaRuth wrote:Another thing the original poster referred to- I don't think feminism was caused by women, actually. Feminine women would not band together and ask to rule everything and to kick men down. Feminine women would want good men to remain in power, would want to trust them, and would certainly not be jealous, as they wouldn't want to be men anyway. They might, if needs be, protest that they are not getting equal pay for an identical job, or that as an adult they still need their father or husband to sign things for them, but women didn't ask for this mess. Even feminism 'natives' who are used to this seem to be angry at the world and sense an imbalance. I think feminism was a political idea thought up by certain men, who were in the positions of power at that time, to dismantle family life and make the American people more submissive. Do you think an America full of 'real' and honourable men would stand for a lot of things that are accepted today? Women may well be forces to be reckoned with, especially when it comes to children, but we weren't made for fighting, defending, challenging. Which makes the job of the 'powers that be' a lot easier.

A bit of a waffle, but there's my 2p.
You are absolutely right bella. Feminism was financially backed and funded by powerful men to break down the family and push women into the work force to create more tax revenue.

Posted: January 1st, 2011, 4:09 pm
by NorthAmericanguy
wuxi wrote:I told him the men in my country only care about making money and the women only care about spending it, he agreed and he appreciated my honesty.


Posted: January 1st, 2011, 6:23 pm
by rome86
The arab man your post is really amazing. As a foreign masculine man in america i feel the same thing. It is like I cannot breathe around those manginas. happy new year bro