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Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 22nd, 2016, 12:25 pm
by zboy1
Instead of some Asian men complaining about things, I've decided to make a thread talking about solutions for the angry Asian man. This can be a good thread for Asian men and Hapas to find solutions to their problems.

Here are some of the topics that I've discussed related to being an angry Asian man.

Why do so many Asians want to come to America?

No longer an angry Asian man:

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 22nd, 2016, 12:32 pm
by zboy1
Winston is a hero of mine for creating the HA forum. Our solution is simple: move to countries where you will feel happier, whatever country that may be. I'm in China but if I'm not happy here, there's plenty of other Asian countries I can move to.

The simple fact is this: Asians shouldn't move to Western countries, because it will affect your mentality and make your son unhappy. It might be great for your daughter, but not your son.

Also, you'll be discriminated and treated as less than human abroad, and you'll realize that Western countries aren't the pot of gold you think it is.

As for Asians already living abroad, why the stockholm syndrome? Come back to Asia and you'll feel happier as a result.

How can you adjust to life in Asia? Easy, try to learn the language your self-hating parents tried to dissuade you from learning, and try to reconnect to your culture and roots. Take a Chinese, Korean or Japanese language course, visit your parents country and begin to learn the Asian culture you tried to forgot back in the West.

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 22nd, 2016, 9:28 pm
by Yohan
zboy1 wrote: How can you adjust to life in Asia? Easy, try to learn the language your self-hating parents tried to dissuade you from learning, and try to reconnect to your culture and roots. Take a Chinese, Korean or Japanese language course, visit your parents country and begin to learn the Asian culture you tried to forgot back in the West.
That's about it, however there are some people out, regardless if Asian-Americans, white guys, or 50/50, who feel discriminated and insulted and complain about all and everything wherever they go. They are a disgrace everywhere.

A well-known professional complainer is this guy, link below.
Complaining that he is an American in USA, complaining while he was a foreigner in Japan, complaining as a 'white Japanese' in Japan, and now complaining in Canada about Korean-Canadians who he claims are discriminating against him because he is a 'white Japanese national'.

Of course his Japanese wife left him, the Japanese courts including the Japanese Supreme Court finally did not rule in his favor (for filing lawsuits that an entire Japanese city is discriminating against foreigners), and finally he move out of Japan...

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 23rd, 2016, 6:39 pm
by Citizen
might want to take a look at the environmental situation before you go someplace. :D

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 23rd, 2016, 6:54 pm
by Guhji
I would imagine it to be very difficult for an Asian American, without any help, to make it in Asia. Teaching English isn't long term viable. They have their own way of doing things over there, and you are an outsider.

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 23rd, 2016, 9:15 pm
by pandabear
Guhji wrote: Teaching English isn't long term viable.
The language schools in Asia always want white Americans. A person of Asian descent, born in America, speaks English as well as anybody. But, he faces discrimination in Asia. Worse than in America. Someone from Europe, posing as an American, would get teaching jobs before an Asian American would.

Probably better to stay in America, become a rich, high powered professional, and send for a wife back in the old country.

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 23rd, 2016, 10:07 pm
by Yohan
Guhji wrote:I would imagine it to be very difficult for an Asian American, without any help, to make it in Asia. Teaching English isn't long term viable. They have their own way of doing things over there, and you are an outsider.
This depends where in Asia and on his or her educational background.

Here in Japan are many international companies etc. which do accept and sponsor foreigners with a good background. Just consider import/export trading companies, shipping lines, international hotels, offices related to foreign governments, work related to fairs/exhibitions, European restaurants etc. etc.

Teacher? Again it depends on the educational background, here are many foreign teachers in international schools, but you need a high qualification to be accepted.

English teacher, language school? - This is only a temporary solution, until you find a better job - or decide to leave Japan. The advantage with 'language schools' is that they can sponsor a working visa and offer accomodation, but payment is low, and working places are often somewhere out of the major cities, quite boring in such suburbs...

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 24th, 2016, 7:21 pm
by zboy1
Yohan, I've heard about that foreigner you mentioned in your post; what a loser! These are the types of people that will be failures, not matter what country they're living in. ...

An obvious solution for the angry Asian man (and something Yick mentioned as well): head back to Asia, yet few do it. Asians are so status conscious, they think it's an acknowledgement of failure to do so. Why? And why do overseas Asians complain about racism, when they can always head back home? Not to mention the fact that Asians are pretty openly racist, much more so than your average White people, lol.

You even have your failures as well: Asian men who have returned but for whatever reason, couldn't make it back home. Well, first of all, they're usually the whiners and complainers and, secondly, they don't bother to learn the language or learn about their ancestral cultures in the first place. They're hopeless losers who will always be losers, no matter what country they're in.

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 24th, 2016, 7:34 pm
by desembarazarse
Didn't Falcon used to have a Mexican girlfriend?

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 24th, 2016, 7:39 pm
by zboy1
desembarazarse wrote:Didn't Falcon used to have a Mexican girlfriend?
Yup :D

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 2:04 pm
by pandabear
We depend on Asians to dryclean our clothes, trim our nails, serve us our chop suey, and give us our massages. You don't expect white people to do this, do you?

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 7:32 pm
by starchild5
Asian's are retard's like other races...lets be honest here and there parents even more so...I don't even talk to Asian's much unless they understand Conspiracy.

I hate total moronic, brain-dead Asian Parents...The number 1 reason for Asian guys misery. Only solution is to stop listening to your parents.

Asian's go to America to be slaves of Jews because white race is waking up to the con...

Asian's get butthurt due to their fragile ego's..closed loop mind..they get angry...They were brainwashed that going to white countries will fulfill all their dreams and when it does not happen they become angry.

Asian's have to look inward not to White Race to be happy.

Message to Asian Americans.


You come to Asia again, to shine up, show your green card to get girls, have an American accent to stay ahead of the competition...You need privilege just because your are Asian American now...You won't do low paying jobs and work hard to rise up in companies..You will now complain both about America and Asia...

The world won't miss you...if all Asian Americans vanish from the face of the earth. They have huge Identity crisis...There fake degrees, fake engineering and doctor label can only take you so much in this fake world...Its generation will suffer for your stupidity.

Do not blame White Race and then again blame Asians...Its your stupid parents who made you go to America. Blame your parents not us

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 9:04 pm
by gnosis
starchild5 wrote:Do not blame White Race and then again blame Asians...Its your stupid parents who made you go to America. Blame your parents not us
I agree with this. Angry Asian men who are unhappy living in America need to talk to their family about it. Somewhere along the line in your family history, someone decided to abandon Asian culture and try to make money in America. How is that the fault of whites or any other race?

It's funny. The Asian men I knew in Asia were confident in their masculinity. They seemed comfortable with who they were. They didn't have a chip.

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 30th, 2016, 7:14 am
by yick
I am mixed race with little Asian blood, so I think I just about qualify for this thread. :D

Life in the west is tough if you are a non-white male - I am not saying white guys have it easy because some of them obviously don't (especially working class/blue collar white men) but if you are a non-white male then you are fully aware that you aren't rising to the top - however much in the way of education, looks, build, personality you may have.

A below average white guy in Britain will always do better than an above average non-white man - but then, I am on another forum and there is a a thread about being a stepfather, and most guys in a realtionship are a stepfather, because after a certain age - around 30 - the only women you are getting are single mum's.

Most men will tolerate this situation - which is great, why? Why don't they strive for more, which might be somewhere else? Because most men (of all colours) are too f***ing lazy and they would rather complain than be proactive.

If you look at the freed slaves in America - they put up with a 100 years of Jim Crow laws than move to another state like New York - which is amazing when you think about it, sure many did make the money but the majority stayed where they are and subjected themselves to being second class citizens.

Most Asian American men are the same - they would rather stay in a comfort zone that they know and they know the rules and know that 90% of the time they are going to get shafted than go somewhere knew - because that is human nature.

My dad told me a story about this gambler he knew - he would go to this casino that rigged the games, but the guy would go, he would gamble, he would lose his money and my dad said to him one day 'Why do you keep going there? The games are rigged...'

'What choice do I have? It's the only game in town.'

And to a lot of men, ones who want to be successful Americans/Brits, the game is the degree, the career, the money and the white woman.

And if there is a small chance of getting 'The Prize' then they aren't budging - even though they know the game is rigged.

But you can't help them, you can advise them but most are lost to chasing the very small odds that are in their favour.

This is how I see it - if I have a son - he is going to be a mixed race Asian - and I'll tell him to be the best he can be - physically, mentally and everything else, but if he lives in the Anglosphere - the game will always be rigged against him - and as long as you are aware and take action - then you can never ever lose.

Re: Solutions for the angry Asian man

Posted: August 31st, 2016, 3:54 pm
by chanta76
zboy1 and yick,

Some of the reason why Asian American guys stay is that not all of them have the same negative experience as we do or Winston does. I met Asian American guys that are doing OK and are just content with their life. Others did live abroad but decided to come back(I knew handful of Korean American guys and Chinese American guys that lived in Asia and some of them came back.) They come back for various reason. One of them can be work related or family reason and for others they see USA as their home.

I think what is for other Asian Americans is that they want to change the status Que in America. Will they achieve it? I don't know. But think about it..someone calls you a chink . You give up go back to Asia. The racist people win. For some Asian Americans they want to call American home and make the best of it and fight against racism.