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Re: Romanian women -- a counterpoint to HA

Posted: November 21st, 2017, 1:37 am
by Wolfeye
Anybody paid for it in Romania? Sounds like that, at least, would be interesting.

Re: Romanian women -- a counterpoint to HA

Posted: February 27th, 2018, 4:29 pm
by slazenger
Romania's a nice country. Beautiful women - and very naughty. For my tastes I'd rank them only behind Colombians and Venezuelans. I was there on a few occasions back in the early-00s with a friend who managed some software developers in Eastern Europe. Met a few super-hot girls - lots of fun.

Re: Romanian women -- a counterpoint to HA

Posted: February 28th, 2018, 12:31 pm
by Misko_Varesanovic
gsjackson wrote:
November 20th, 2017, 9:39 pm
Winston wrote:gsjackson,
You say half are friendly? Isn't that a lot? Any country where half the girls are friendly would be paradise wouldn't it? Did you mean superficially friendly and polite, like Taiwanese and Japanese are? My definition of friendliness isn't what most people's is.

If they are rude and direct, like Russians, then they should be authentic and refreshing right? I connect well with such types. They see the same honesty and directness in me too, so we vibe well together on the same wavelength. I don't vibe at all with indirectness like West Coast Americans or Japanese or Taiwanese or Canadians are.

At least they aren't afraid of being approached right? There's not that fear vibe that NE Asian girls have of strangers right?

How is the food, architecture, and culture there? Have you visited any gypsy fortune tellers there? Are you going to Transylvania to see Dracula's castle? lol.

Are the prostitutes there hot? Do they work in streets or brothels? What's their price? You can find more info about them on international sex guide forum or world sex guide forum.

Btw do most girls there speak English?

You should try messaging some girls from POF or OkCupid. They usually speak English and are interested in meeting Westerners.
Well, rude and direct here means rude and directly away they go, so there is no further "vibing." No, they don't appear fearful, just annoyed. I will mention further that whenever I've sat down at a table next to one with women, like out front of the places in Lipscani (old town), and tried to start a conversation, I have been made to understand that I am out of line.

Food? I have a very unadventurous American palate, and just eat a lot of American crap supplemented by fruits, vegetables and nuts from the local markets. Food is cheap here; e.g., a Big Mac meal cost about half what it does in Tucson.

Architecture and culture? Bucharest is OK, a real mixed bag. Apparently a lot of the city's charm was eradicated under communism, and replaced with a lot of Bauhaus dreck. Of course that is true throughout Europe. I was in Brasov several days ago, a mountain city with one of the nicer old towns you'll ever see. While there I did go to Dracula's castle. Save your money.

Ever since the fall of communism in 1989 English has been required in schools (wasn't allowed before then). Some of the young women speak it well enough that you can hold a conversation with them. That wasn't true of the one I almost got something going with, who claimed she had a crappy English teacher.

I've had no interaction with gypsies (who aren't that much in evidence) or prostitutes. I don't want it bad enough any more to even think about paying for it, so I'm unfamiliar with the hooker scene. I think they're probably thick on the ground. I don't do online dating. I need to see a woman in the flesh to know if I'm interested.
Romanian girls are exceptionally beautiful but you have to understand that it is a very socially conservative culture. Don't forget that Romania has an Eastern Orthodox majority, and that Romania was under Ottoman rule for centuries. It is a 'modern' culture only superficially, for the most part. Sure, like almost anywhere, a certain percentage of the female population are relatively easy to sleep with, but (i) that percentage is not large; (ii) they do not take rejection lightly; and (iii) Romanian women tend to have an unusually good nose for bullshitters.

If you are serious about getting a long-term partner from Romania (i.e. for marriage), then learning the language would be an enormous plus. Additionally, having some legitimate business or professional reason to be there will help you a lot. Otherwise, you risk being perceived as a Big Mac munchin' American tourist who just wants easy sex (whether that is true or otherwise).

Re: Romanian women -- a counterpoint to HA

Posted: March 3rd, 2018, 5:06 pm
by Taco
gsjackson wrote:
November 20th, 2017, 2:05 am
However, these women are impossible, unless you've got a cast iron ego. It is impossible to make eye contact with them. THEY. WILL. NOT. LOOK. AT. YOU. EVER. The vast majority of the time their noses are glued to the phones. On the rare occasions they aren't, the young ones carry themselves like aloof princesses, the middle aged ones and babushkas like brain-dead zombies. They never look at men or send out signals.
Take your pick. I choose neither...

Eastern Communist Countries - women are beautiful with no interest in men

Western Communist Countries - women are not beautiful with no interest in men

Re: Romanian women - A counterpoint to HA

Posted: June 20th, 2018, 9:51 pm
by Winston
How can that be @gsjackson?

I just talked to @eurobrat, who is brutally honest. He just went to Bucharest and said the girls were very warm and approachable and easy to talk to. Not afraid of strangers at all. He also said that they all spoke English, every single one of them. Wow amazing. However, he said the food wasn't good. But the prices and cost of living there are cheap.

Maybe who you are makes a big difference? Eurobrat is a young guy so maybe that makes a difference in how girls respond to you?

Btw here are more trip reports about Romania in the forum. It seems that people are saying different things. That tells me that it must be distinctive, geared toward certain types of people, but not everyone.

search.php?keywords=romania&terms=all&a ... mit=Search