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Posted: April 28th, 2011, 5:12 am
by Mr S
Winston wrote:That hippie chick was pretty sexy. I wonder who she was sleeping in the tent with. Even though I share a lot of her views, for some reason US hippie chicks never have any sexual chemistry with me, and I'm expected to act like I have no desires for them either. Total oppression and invalidation of my desires.

Btw Mr S, you were right that my Hungarian guests liked India. In fact, they said that it was cleaner than Angeles City was! Imagine that. How can that be, when you and Ladislav said that it's a lot filthier than Angeles City. How polluted a place is is not something subjective. So how can they say the opposite? Strange.

A lot of their views seemed a bit warped though. They also told me that nowhere in the Bible does it say that the unsaved go to hell and did not believe that Christians believed that, and were sure about it. I sure showed them later. How can some people be so wrong yet act so assured about it? It's really weird.

Some people seem like they are in another world. When we debated alternative topics vs. the official version of things, on many issues, all they could do was deny the alternative claims, without giving logical points to refute my points. It got to the point where I could not finish my list of critical points, cause they kept interrupting and wanting to make their points. But they were not able to counter my points except with denials and alternate explanations that did not fit the facts, on many issues.

I prefer debating on forums or by email, since the other person can't interrupt you while you're making your arguments. But when you debate people in person over complicated issues involving many arguments and reasons, it is difficult cause both sides tend to interrupt the other before they've completed making their points. It gets emotionally draining.

The male Hungarian guest even claimed that mainstream science had all the answers, and that if you were properly educated in science by a university, you would not believe in any alternative theories since they are not scientific. He also argued that he did not need to research any alternative subjects cause they were false and science already had all the answers. In spite of this, he believes in God. Go figure.
Well there you go, the guy is already one of the brainwashed lemmings that we talk about on this forum all the time. He would march right off the cliff with the other sheep if told to do so. He is one of those liberal leftists that probably travel the world to support their ideas about how the west oppresses these poor countries and what not. Because the Philippines is more conservative and they had a bad experience from the get-go, they hate it.

A true scientist would be always open to other possibilities and exploring possible alternate explanations for things. Obviously universities are indoctrination places, not a place to seek out real truth in anything. Unfortunately the ones in power hope many people just like him will come out of the system and totally believe in government, that our leaders are correct and want the best for us, that our science is working to better our condition without ulterior motives, etc, etc. You can't debate people like this because if they can't get their way, they sabotage you with interruptions, yelling, insults, and other similar tactics. These people are close minded and it's best to just let them think the way they think and just go your separate ways. Avoid them at all costs for the most part.

Posted: April 28th, 2011, 7:37 am
by Winston
Well they are nice people, and I do have in common with them the belief that "traveling and enjoying life is better than working as a slave". That's probably all we have in common.

They definitely are closed minded though. They don't believe that authority=truth in terms of government, but they argue that mainstream science has all the answers because science is peer reviewed and therefore the most credible source, and that since any wacko can come up with alternative/conspiracy theories about anything, they feel more safe trusting in mainstream peer-reviewed science rather than "nutcase alternative people" lol. I guess they have a point there, but they have too much faith in science.

It was emotionally draining debating them, cause yeah, they keep interrupting me while I'm making important points, and rather than refute or address my points, they deny them and focus on principles of science, ignoring all my arguments.

In person debates are a lot more draining than online ones. That's for sure. lol No one can interrupt me online. lol

They are nice people though. We just have a very different mentality and philosophy and they do not like to hear arguments that go contrary to their view of reality. Very typical of course.

But anyhow, I don't get how they can say that India is cleaner than Angeles City, if it's clearly not. Pollution and filth are physical things. They are not subjective or subject to bias. So there should not be conflicting opinions about this. It's illogical.

Posted: April 28th, 2011, 8:10 am
by Mr S
Winston wrote:Well they are nice people, and I do have in common with them the belief that "traveling and enjoying life is better than working as a slave". That's probably all we have in common.

They definitely are closed minded though. They don't believe that authority=truth in terms of government, but they argue that mainstream science has all the answers because science is peer reviewed and therefore the most credible source, and that since any wacko can come up with alternative/conspiracy theories about anything, they feel more safe trusting in mainstream peer-reviewed science rather than "nutcase alternative people" lol. I guess they have a point there, but they have too much faith in science.

It was emotionally draining debating them, cause yeah, they keep interrupting me while I'm making important points, and rather than refute or address my points, they deny them and focus on principles of science, ignoring all my arguments.

In person debates are a lot more draining than online ones. That's for sure. lol No one can interrupt me online. lol

They are nice people though. We just have a very different mentality and philosophy and they do not like to hear arguments that go contrary to their view of reality. Very typical of course.

But anyhow, I don't get how they can say that India is cleaner than Angeles City, if it's clearly not. Pollution and filth are physical things. They are not subjective or subject to bias. So there should not be conflicting opinions about this. It's illogical.
A lot of things that are peered reviewed are only reviewed because it doesn't challenge the current orthodox viewpoint of whatever agenda the other reviewers have. They are not going to peer review something that will jeopardize their own careers or challenging previously learned knowledge. There is a lot of research by doctors and PhD's that gets excluded because it steps on some BIG toes and the people with power don't want that to happen. So it usually seems to take around three generations or so before some old theory about something is accepted and replaced by newer research because most people from the old guard will fight it tooth and nail. It only gets turned over when they start getting old and too sick or dead to mount much of an effort to refute new evidence and theories that colide with their old viewpoints, arguments and research. Remember these types of people put their whole lives into their research and attacking it with new information refuting it is like attacking them individually as a person. They will fight tooth and nail to defend their own research even if deep down they know its flawed. They live in perpetual denial. How would you like to live a life like that? Always afraid someone will disprove your research and you are too old to start again? That's why science is so slow with certain types of research which would supposedly benefit mankind. The basic human is always fighting change, although it's an inevitable part of the life cycle. People like us go with the flow of life but most people are not like us, thus we are outcasts for the most part.

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 2:56 am
by Winston
Someone told me that India is cleaner now. It is even using natural gas in its city streets now.

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 5:32 am
by lookin4happiness
I love India. I have been twice and am going for a third time this year. This time I will stay for 6 months to a year. Probably with some time in Nepal in between to renew the visa. India will give you up to a 10 year tourist visa for U.S. citizens for $166. That is pretty great in my opinion. There are a lot of great things about India if you are interested in going to explore spiritual things... Like the other guy said if you are looking for material comfort don't come here unless you can afford a $300 a night room at something like the Hyatt or Radison in a big city such as Delhi.. Even then you will be shocked at the stark contrast of coming out of your expensive hotel to people living in houses that are evolved cardboard boxes. The Buddha was believed to have been enlightened in India at Bodhgaya.. which makes it a special place to visit for those interested in such things. North India is in the Himalaya's and there are a lot of differen't ethnic groups there. South India is on the ocean and is a tropical climate where there are places you can surf and do yoga etc... overall India may not be a place for everyone there are people everywhere as there are over a billion people on a land mass that is only 1/3 the size of America. (that is about 3 times the population of America)

Watch An Idiot Abroad Episode 2 India

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 5:48 am
by Mr S

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 10:48 pm
by tom
While I have never been in India I have friends who are from there and know people who have traveled.
You will have to get used to seeing dead bodies all around and tons of pollution.
A constant target to be scammed. Corruption is at all levels of government. And the guru thing and other strange social dynamics.
The Indian girls you see on the music videos are one in ten thousand. Indians are very backward by western standards and not accepting of outsiders. There are many backward subcultures which are very alien and dangerous. There is some modernizing gong on but it has a long way to go.
My encounters with Indian women here in California has generally be quite negative. Almost always clash. But there has also be a few very positive.
For women I would stay away from there.

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 11:56 pm
by Repatriate
tom wrote:While I have never been in India I have friends who are from there and know people who have traveled.
You will have to get used to seeing dead bodies all around and tons of pollution.
A constant target to be scammed. Corruption is at all levels of government. And the guru thing and other strange social dynamics.
The Indian girls you see on the music videos are one in ten thousand. Indians are very backward by western standards and not accepting of outsiders. There are many backward subcultures which are very alien and dangerous. There is some modernizing gong on but it has a long way to go.
My encounters with Indian women here in California has generally be quite negative. Almost always clash. But there has also be a few very positive.
For women I would stay away from there.
My encounters with Indians in the U.S. has been pretty positive. I think middle and upper middle class Indian women behave more like Chinese women of a similar social class level. Then again these are Indian-Americans.

On the other hand a lot of actual Indians I have met abroad have been pretty shitty. They were rude, aggressive, and even arrogant. I remember one Indian guy I talked with was deeply racist towards north and SE asians and kept talking about how great India was at every single point in the conversation. It was annoying and obvious overcompensation.

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 7:19 am
by tom
I have meet some alright Indian guys. Many have a very hard time adapting to America. They have a lot of hangups from there upbringing. They need to just F all the backward BS and just be themselves, this is easier said than done.
The rude and obnoxious behavior seem pretty common in India but is muted in America.
My Indian friend say most Indians in India are not interested in the outside world, the chicks are not looking to leave.
I think it is true there are many different ethnic groups especially in the north. India is not one uniform mass.

Re: Look how bad it is in India! OMG!

Posted: February 4th, 2015, 10:05 pm
by newlifeinphilippines
wow this is bad LOL