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Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 11:27 am
by Winston
Ok now here are the photos from the AFA social I went to in Shenzhen that I told you all about earlier in this thread. It took place in the dining hall of a 5 star hotel. I don't remember if I posted them here before. I think I did, but I can't find where. So I'll post them again. As you can see below, me and my assigned translator went around to different tables to get to know the ladies there.




This was my translator. However, I can speak some Chinese so I didn't need her as much as an average American would. lol. My translator wasn't bad looking though. :)



This was the teacher I told you all about that I liked the most. She seemed like a gem, very refined and educated and proper. Not the kind I'm used to dating at all. A big step up in class. She spoke very fluent English too. But she was kind of prim and proper, not uninhibited at all. So that meant that I felt pressured to act prim and proper around her too, which I'm not used to. lol





I wanted to make these photos with her on the staircase because it reminded me of the grand staircase in the movie Titanic. lol. So romantic huh? lol




As you can see above, she seems to be a bit taller than me, or may be the same height without heels. That's a drawback to most women.

Below we met up again for lunch a few days later where we had a long talk. But I was nervous though. I didn't know what to say and couldn't flirt with her in my usual style, because she was so prim and proper. I wasn't used to that. lol. Plus she's a lot higher in class and quality than the girls I'm used to. lol



What do you all think?

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 10:00 pm
by droid
Thanks for the reports Winston. These are similar experiences to mine.

Damn i think this girl is pretty hot


This is pretty nice Winston, both of you look good in there, nice couple. This shows if she dolled up and took care of her skin etc she would look like this all the time
Likewise, you do look better with longer hair like i've suggested many times. It makes your head look smaller and it makes you look younger.

So a girl is either attractive and unstable or stable but not attractive to me. Typical Murphy's Law, which means that the universe gives you the opposite of what you want and counteracts your will.
The thing is, it's pretty much supply and demand that makes life a bitch, the girls over 8-9+ acquire personality defects, bird-brain IQ, instability, lack of empathy for a variety of reasons.
It's really hard to find one that has the whole package and is also available. Its probably worse with Asian girls in some ways, i mean there's really nobody upstairs when they're hot, some of them here just wear this tall redneck baseball cap, and all they do is walk around taking selfies.

Check this super hot one out, straight out of my phone. She sent me a dry "Hi" on Zalo, but never came back when i responded, weird.


500+ likes? give me a freakin' break!!

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: August 27th, 2016, 12:09 pm
by Winston
Here is a video clip I took at the Terracota Warriors site in Xi'an, China. I introduce it a little and then film Lisa for a while. lol


Here is video clip I filmed at the Panda preserve in Chengdu, China, of pandas eating bamboos. lol. This is the closest they let you get to them. They used to let you take photos with them, but after some accident happened, they don't do that anymore.


Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: August 27th, 2016, 12:32 pm
by Winston
Video I took of a hot Chinese girl I went out with that I met from Her name is Arissa and she acts Westernized. Her ex boyfriend was a white guy so I get the sense she likes Western white guys. If any of you are interested in her, maybe I can give you her WeChat or DateinAsia profile. She lives in Guangzhou, China.


Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: August 28th, 2016, 12:03 am
by celery2010
droid wrote:Thanks for the reports Winston. These are similar experiences to mine.

Damn i think this girl is pretty hot


This is pretty nice Winston, both of you look good in there, nice couple. This shows if she dolled up and took care of her skin etc she would look like this all the time
Likewise, you do look better with longer hair like i've suggested many times. It makes your head look smaller and it makes you look younger.

So a girl is either attractive and unstable or stable but not attractive to me. Typical Murphy's Law, which means that the universe gives you the opposite of what you want and counteracts your will.
The thing is, it's pretty much supply and demand that makes life a bitch, the girls over 8-9+ acquire personality defects, bird-brain IQ, instability, lack of empathy for a variety of reasons.
It's really hard to find one that has the whole package and is also available. Its probably worse with Asian girls in some ways, i mean there's really nobody upstairs when they're hot, some of them here just wear this tall redneck baseball cap, and all they do is walk around taking selfies.

Check this super hot one out, straight out of my phone. She sent me a dry "Hi" on Zalo, but never came back when i responded, weird.


500+ likes? give me a freakin' break!!
Winston isn't a person who listens. Told him to go to China back in 2012. Didn't get there until 2015. Probably will take another 2-3 years before he actually tries a different style and finally has an epiphany.

Saizeriya's pasta dishes are the best items on the menu. Never get their pizza, it was awful.

Looking at these pictures, didn't see it until now, but really fits in as a mainlander (in appearance). Winston also has to realize that to get the hot girls, he has the flash the appearance of having cash. That's just how it works in China.

Taking a few simple suggestions and getting in shape, would go a long way. Might also do better in SW China. Shenzhen is one of the most materialistic cities in China, just behind Shanghai, but Guangzhou is significantly better.

Anyway, was his 1st trip, should improve on the subsequent trips.

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: September 7th, 2016, 12:50 pm
by Winston
celery2010 wrote: Winston isn't a person who listens. Told him to go to China back in 2012. Didn't get there until 2015. Probably will take another 2-3 years before he actually tries a different style and finally has an epiphany.

Saizeriya's pasta dishes are the best items on the menu. Never get their pizza, it was awful.

Looking at these pictures, didn't see it until now, but really fits in as a mainlander (in appearance). Winston also has to realize that to get the hot girls, he has the flash the appearance of having cash. That's just how it works in China.

Taking a few simple suggestions and getting in shape, would go a long way. Might also do better in SW China. Shenzhen is one of the most materialistic cities in China, just behind Shanghai, but Guangzhou is significantly better.

Anyway, was his 1st trip, should improve on the subsequent trips.
Not true. I do listen when I can. I told you, an invisible hand was blocking me in 2012. It wouldn't let me go.

Saizeriya's pizzas are ok. Ethan_sg and I get them all the time. Their salads are great too. The company is owned by Japanese so their food is good quality. They have a buzzer you can push to call for a waiter too. And their drinks have unlimited refills.

Yeah some of the Taiwanese people that Rock and I talked to in Taipei mentioned that I looked more like a mainland Chinese than Taiwanese. I don't know why. What's the difference in terms of features?

I don't see why you have to flash cash to get hot girls in China. Lots of nerdy dorky guys in China are with hot or cute girls. Most girls in Shenzhen are hot or cute. They aren't with rich guys. Usually with normal guys. If you are a foreigner, you may be held to different standards though.

It's a numbers game there. In China I find that 10 or 20 percent of girls are approachable and sociable to me. That's a high percentage. So all I have to do is approach a lot and talk a lot and I will meet a lot of girls and get a lot of numbers. In theory, that's great and works, but it doesn't mean I'll get into a serious relationship with the kind of girl I want or like.

You are off man. I been to China twice. So that's two trips, not one. I went in March 2015, then again in July 2015.

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: September 7th, 2016, 1:19 pm
by Winston
More pics of girls I met in China. Continued after the AFA social tour I went to in Shenzhen.

This is Karen, an English speaking girl in Shenzhen I met while she was out walking her dog. After talking to her, she invited me to eat dinner with her at a canteen nearby. Here is a photo I took of her, with her white dog as you can see. When I told Ethan_sg about this, he said, "Can you imagine that ever happening in Singapore or America? lol. A girl you just meet on the street inviting you to dinner with her? lol"


Waitress I flirted with below as she brought me my noodles. lol. As you can see, most girls in China are either cute or sexy or attractive. Even average girls are very doable. lol



This is Winnie. I met her on OkCupid. She has a female version of my name. lol. She's in her early 30's and very serious and practical. She asks me a lot of questions too, so there's never a silent moment with her. I like how she's very proactive about asking me questions. Taiwanese women don't do that, they are way too reserved. She's a nice lady and seems serious and sincere, but she won't get intimate or put out for some reason. She won't even kiss. Kind of prudish. Some Chinese women are like that. But she's generous and likes to treat me to meals and stuff. And she helps me by showing me deals on apartments for rent.


Me and Winnie out at night at a classy place.



This girl is a receptionist at my space capsules hotel, a cheap place to stay where you stay inside a space capsule, kind of like how many people sleep in Japan.



The receptionist taking a walk with me outside on the way to the subway station.


Her and me.


One of the ladies I met at the AFA social I went to. She was very cold and fussy, only interested in money and house, not in love or even in enjoying life. Almost inhuman. lol


Another girl at my space capsules hotel. Very sweet and approachable. Notice how relaxed and humble her face is.



Here is another girl I met from OkCupid. Her name is Melody. She seemed nice and innocent and sincere. But then she brought me to a mall and tried to get me to buy her new shoes! LOL. WTF?! I told her that this was our first date and I didn't even know if I liked her yet, so why would I buy her an expensive new pair of shoes, especially when they cost 400 RMB, which was over 50 dollars? LOL. That's crazy. I hate it when I have to lecture girls on common sense or etiquette. A pity though, she seemed nice, so this was surprising. Why are women so materialistic? Why not focus on getting to know each other instead of shopping?! I don't get it. Don't they have any shame? Plus as you can see, she's very plain and mediocre looking, so it's not like I need to impress her. lol




A hot drunk girl outside in the barbecue grill of my space capsules hotel. She and some other women were drinking and eating barbecue. They saw me and two foreign guests, both from Eastern Europe. So we mingled and began drinking together. This one was gorgeous. I tried to get her but she wasn't receptive to my advances and blew me off the next day when she was sober. The baby she's holding also got drunk with us too. lol


Her friend drinking with us. While drunk she kept yelling and talking a lot. How come Taiwanese are never this social with us? lol





Her hot white legs, smooth to the touch. I kept feeling them up while she was drunk, taking advantage of the situation. lol


My space capsules receptionist again. Isn't she cute as a button?


Waitress in artistically decorated Chinese restaurant pouring me tea while me and Ethan_sg were out eating late.


Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: September 7th, 2016, 6:28 pm
by celery2010
The dorky/nerdy guys that they are with HAVE CASH or a good job. Or they just know culturally what to do to get the girls since they grew up in the culture.

The reason why you look like a mainlander is the buzz cut. People in Taiwan tend to have different haircuts and dress differently. But you'll fit in just fine in mainland.

You already qualify as "rich" as an overseas American Chinese.

It will take another 10 years for you to finally figure out how to culturally get Chinese girls. But by then you'll just blame Murphy's Law and say that by the time you finally figure things out, that you're too old to use it!

That's why dorky 1.5 gen guys are still able to get great girlfriends, they understand the culture. You have an inherent disadvantage being foreign, which you need a compensating factor for: money, looks, personality, or style. Think about it, why should they risk the familiar for something unknown without a big advantage.

That's why you will have better luck in the interior of China. But don't go too rural. But you would simply do much better if you simply adapted culturally, lost some of your stubbornness/lack of flexibility, grew some hair, lost a bit of weight and dressed more stylishly or more authoritatively. Or go back to the PI if that suits you more.
Winston wrote:
celery2010 wrote: Winston isn't a person who listens. Told him to go to China back in 2012. Didn't get there until 2015. Probably will take another 2-3 years before he actually tries a different style and finally has an epiphany.

Saizeriya's pasta dishes are the best items on the menu. Never get their pizza, it was awful.

Looking at these pictures, didn't see it until now, but really fits in as a mainlander (in appearance). Winston also has to realize that to get the hot girls, he has the flash the appearance of having cash. That's just how it works in China.

Taking a few simple suggestions and getting in shape, would go a long way. Might also do better in SW China. Shenzhen is one of the most materialistic cities in China, just behind Shanghai, but Guangzhou is significantly better.

Anyway, was his 1st trip, should improve on the subsequent trips.
Not true. I do listen when I can. I told you, an invisible hand was blocking me in 2012. It wouldn't let me go.

Saizeriya's pizzas are ok. Ethan_sg and I get them all the time. Their salads are great too. The company is owned by Japanese so their food is good quality. They have a buzzer you can push to call for a waiter too. And their drinks have unlimited refills.

Yeah some of the Taiwanese people that Rock and I talked to in Taipei mentioned that I looked more like a mainland Chinese than Taiwanese. I don't know why. What's the difference in terms of features?

I don't see why you have to flash cash to get hot girls in China. Lots of nerdy dorky guys in China are with hot or cute girls. Most girls in Shenzhen are hot or cute. They aren't with rich guys. Usually with normal guys. If you are a foreigner, you may be held to different standards though.

It's a numbers game there. In China I find that 10 or 20 percent of girls are approachable and sociable to me. That's a high percentage. So all I have to do is approach a lot and talk a lot and I will meet a lot of girls and get a lot of numbers. In theory, that's great and works, but it doesn't mean I'll get into a serious relationship with the kind of girl I want or like.

You are off man. I been to China twice. So that's two trips, not one. I went in March 2015, then again in July 2015.

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: September 7th, 2016, 7:31 pm
by starchild5
Wow...hope Indians girls were ever like this...F*ck...I missed better part of my life...My confidence in approaching women went downhill the day I approached women in India and it came when I went to Philippines :lol:

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: September 8th, 2016, 12:24 pm
by Winston
celery2010 wrote:The dorky/nerdy guys that they are with HAVE CASH or a good job. Or they just know culturally what to do to get the girls since they grew up in the culture.

The reason why you look like a mainlander is the buzz cut. People in Taiwan tend to have different haircuts and dress differently. But you'll fit in just fine in mainland.

You already qualify as "rich" as an overseas American Chinese.

It will take another 10 years for you to finally figure out how to culturally get Chinese girls. But by then you'll just blame Murphy's Law and say that by the time you finally figure things out, that you're too old to use it!

That's why dorky 1.5 gen guys are still able to get great girlfriends, they understand the culture. You have an inherent disadvantage being foreign, which you need a compensating factor for: money, looks, personality, or style. Think about it, why should they risk the familiar for something unknown without a big advantage.

That's why you will have better luck in the interior of China. But don't go too rural. But you would simply do much better if you simply adapted culturally, lost some of your stubbornness/lack of flexibility, grew some hair, lost a bit of weight and dressed more stylishly or more authoritatively. Or go back to the PI if that suits you more.
No man. Celery, dude, your view are very warped, superficial and shallow. You certainly don't have much experience with women or in life, hence you have no wisdom either. I can tell.

Sorry but you can't assume that all dorky or nerdy guys with hot girls in China or Taiwan must be rich. That's a baseless assumption. Relationships based on money only last a few days. Without chemistry, connection, comfort and compatibility, it cannot continue on. Asian women place a lot of emphasis on COMFORT and FAMILIARITY with a guy. They'd rather date an ugly guy they know than a handsome stranger. They aren't into novelty or new people at all.

Also, clothes is not a factor here. If a girl likes you, then she likes you. If not, then she doesn't. You are trying to control little things and expecting to change big things. Wishful thinking and PUA type of logic. But ultimately it fails, because real life and real women don't work that way. People do not operate according to formulas, especially women. Women are very emotional and subjective. They go by their feelings a lot. If you have money and nice clothes, you may get stares, but a girl isn't going to be your real girlfriend if the FEELING isn't there.

Anyone with life experience and wisdom knows all this. You are most likely just an armchair quarterback.

The reason I look like a mainlander is probably due to my facial expression and body language. Mainland Chinese are more real, more direct, more open and honest. They make eye contact and express their personality freely. They are not as reserved or indirect as Taiwanese or Japanese. That's how I am too. I am very upfront and direct and honest and straightforward. I look at people directly. I am not reserved or indirect or shy. I express my personality and emotions freely. That's why I act like a mainlander probably. Not because of my buzz cut. In fact, when I was in Taipei, my hair was longer and growing out. I didn't have a buzzcut. So again, you are wrong and not insightful.

You do not "figure out" how to get girls. There is no formula for getting girls. They either like who you are or they don't. Control is an illusion. Anyone who found their soulmate will tell you that it just happened NATURALLY, like the flow of a river. They didn't follow any formula or method. Duh! You are so dumb man. Like a child with no experience!

Women look at the whole package and go with their gut feeling and emotions. They don't follow formulas. You cannot "figure out" how to get them. It's not in your control. You are delusional.

I understand Chinese culture of course. Culture is not hard to understand. Many books will explain a culture. It's all about whether you FIT into a culture, not whether you understand it. I understand American culture too, but I don't fit into it or thrive in it. It doesn't fit my soul or personality or vibe.

I don't agree that the interior of China is better for me. I went to Chengdu and Xi'an. The interior parts have less educated Chinese and hence more closed minded and backward. Their social skills aren't as good. But in the bigger more modern cities like Shenzhen and Guangzhou, the women are more educated with better communication and social skills. Most of my best connections are from the coastal areas, not the interior areas.

Man you are just full of inaccuracies aren't you? lol. I'll remember NOT to ask you if I ever need advice on anything. I don't like inaccurate people who don't understand women or life or psychology, and don't have any wisdom.

Next time, just look at the photos above and comment on them. You are shallow so that's what you should do. Not give any bogus advice.

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: September 9th, 2016, 6:17 pm
by celery2010
So you don't think that the high school nerd who grows up to be a good looking software millionaire changes things in the eyes of a woman? That a person can never change?

That a beautiful woman who gains weight and cuts her hair short is just as valuable as when she was a hot babe in her 20's. You are delusional.

You are always coming up with the most elaborate excuses why you don't need to change.

Do you really think that rich guys can't get attractive women based on money alone? I was in Futian this year (2016). I happen to stop by a Subway (the sandwich shop). Subway is a bit of a luxury in China. But i saw a fat, middle aged guy with an attractive young woman and he was bossing her around.

You said you understand culture in China. Then you know just how important money is. You also do realize how much of a leg up you have as an overseas Chinese?

In 2011, i saw a dating show on TV and the woman chose the frumpier overseas Chinese guy. There's tons of saying about how Chinese women would rather be unhappy in a Mercedes than happy and poor.

Now of course there are women who do not care about money, but if you wish to find women that do, that is also easy. And i did stress that average guys can get great girls, but they understand the culture in a native way.

As far as SW China, i agree it is more backwards. But people are more laid back, artistic and accepting. Even if you visit, it attracts people from the east with those kind of personalities.

I still think that if an overseas Chinese who had a decent job and dressed fashionably came to China, that he could have a good time dating women.

Also remember that many mainland Chinese guys are NOT fashionable. So you'll stick out in a positive way but you'll still be Chinese. I met other overseas Chinese who said that they got called handsome a lot. They had long hair. They did however complain they they got stopped by the police, who immediately stopped after seeing their passports.

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: September 9th, 2016, 10:29 pm
by ironfist
Can someone tell me what is going on in these pictures? The thread has too many words for me to read the whole thing

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: September 11th, 2016, 11:18 am
by chanta76

Winston maybe an overseas Chinese but I don't think his well off over seas Chinese. I realize now that everyone will have an opinion and they will think their opinion is fact where as others are wrong. Winston is kind of stubborn that way.

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: September 11th, 2016, 11:37 am
by droid
Winston wrote:Here is another girl I met from OkCupid. Her name is Melody. She seemed nice and innocent and sincere. But then she brought me to a mall and tried to get me to buy her new shoes! LOL. WTF?! I told her that this was our first date and I didn't even know if I liked her yet, so why would I buy her an expensive new pair of shoes, especially when they cost 400 RMB, which was over 50 dollars? LOL. That's crazy. I hate it when I have to lecture girls on common sense or etiquette. A pity though, she seemed nice, so this was surprising. Why are women so materialistic? Why not focus on getting to know each other instead of shopping?! I don't get it. Don't they have any shame? Plus as you can see, she's very plain and mediocre looking, so it's not like I need to impress her. lol

I could be mistaken but it seems to me some of them just want to feel they're being "swept off their feet" or something like that, not just about a material want. She probably has no concept on whether you have 50 or 500000 in the bank.

Re: Winston in China! Updates and Photos

Posted: October 26th, 2016, 6:08 pm
by Winston
Here are some videos of me and my last chinese girlfriend hami practicing ballet dance. Lol. Hami has performed publicly in dance and cultural shows so she instructed me. We did this in the hotel room for fun with romantic music playing. I put all the practice videos into one below. Its from last december. Hope you guys enjoy it. Lol.
