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Falcon and Xiongmao in Guangzhou, China

Posted: May 11th, 2013, 7:57 am
by xiongmao
Wow, I met Falcon tonight in Guangzhou. He's just passing through on his way to some other great places. I'll leave him to fill us in on his travel plans.

Well many have talked about it, but now somebody from the board has actually come here!

We met in a foreigner friendly bar. It wasn't a bad place, but I find that part of town a bit boring.

On the plus side the food there is magnificent, if a little pricey. To be fair though imported stuff they need to make stuff like Mexican food is $$$$ here, presumably due to import taxes etc. etc..

I thought there could be some Chinese girls there who were interested in meeting foreigners. But I didn't see any. Plenty of tall Russian girls though - they really need to raise the ceiling as they tower above the local Chinese. Well Winston would be happy there anyway with wonderous food and wonderous FSU girls.

I hope Falcon posts some photos soon, because he has a huge collection of photos from the more rural parts of China.

We swapped lady photos and he agreed that the ladies I've been meeting (28-36) look a heck of a lot younger than their real ages.

I must also congratulate him on finding the cheapest place to stay in Guangzhou short-term that I've ever heard of!

Re: Falcon and Xiongmao in Guangzhou, China

Posted: May 11th, 2013, 10:57 am
by zboy1
xiongmao wrote:Wow, I met Falcon tonight in Guangzhou. He's just passing through on his way to some other great places. I'll leave him to fill us in on his travel plans.

Well many have talked about it, but now somebody from the board has actually come here!

We met in a foreigner friendly bar. It wasn't a bad place, but I find that part of town a bit boring.

On the plus side the food there is magnificent, if a little pricey. To be fair though imported stuff they need to make stuff like Mexican food is $$$$ here, presumably due to import taxes etc. etc..

I thought there could be some Chinese girls there who were interested in meeting foreigners. But I didn't see any. Plenty of tall Russian girls though - they really need to raise the ceiling as they tower above the local Chinese. Well Winston would be happy there anyway with wonderous food and wonderous FSU girls.

I hope Falcon posts some photos soon, because he has a huge collection of photos from the more rural parts of China.

We swapped lady photos and he agreed that the ladies I've been meeting (28-36) look a heck of a lot younger than their real ages.

I must also congratulate him on finding the cheapest place to stay in Guangzhou short-term that I've ever heard of!
Please post some pics! And I, myself, will be headed to China sometime in September. And Ghost maybe headed to China as well. If Winston ever decides to go to China, maybe we can all have a get-together party, LOL.

Posted: May 11th, 2013, 6:44 pm
by Falcon
Ah, you beat me to it! I was chatting with our Nigerian buddy at my place here all last night, and so didn't log onto HA.

So, the British-Chinese panda bear and the Taiwanese-American bird of prey have finally met. :wink: We walked around downtown Guangzhou, got squeezed by people pushing and shoving on the Guangzhou metro, and had some great beer at a local expat bar.

So it turns out that both of us are "nice guys" who have never had any luck back home in the UK / US. But instead of complaining about the UK, Xiongmao, being the happy-go-lucky British-Chinese pandabear he is, likes to talk about all his wonderful adventures in China. :D

Xiongmao struck me as a keen observer and great storyteller, and kept me entertained with all his stories about China and Chinese women. We both have thousands of photos, and enjoyed looking at each others' pics.

I'm actually only on a brief visit here. I've relocated to Bangkok, Thailand now, and will update you guys with photos and reports soon.

Winston, get over here now! :D

Posted: May 11th, 2013, 7:01 pm
by Falcon
Here were the huge chips ("fries" in American English) that we had at the bar.

Xiongmao was going Chinese, so he wanted his Tsingtao beer. I got the creamy Irish beer.


Here's what I had for dinner last night: Nigerian-style jollof rice with chicken and okra. This was actually in Sanyuanli, not Xiaobei or "Little Africa proper." Many of the Nigerian businessmen working in the building were ethnic Igbos from Imo State, Nigeria.


Ladies on the Guangzhou Metro everywhere:


Xiongmao and I have had so many fun experiences in China that we could write entire books about them. :D Trip reports and even more photos coming up soon!

Posted: May 11th, 2013, 9:28 pm
by E Irizarry R&B Singer
That Nigerian food looks serious! Que riquisima!!

Posted: May 11th, 2013, 10:51 pm
by Adama
I see three fat women!

Posted: May 12th, 2013, 6:21 am
by xiongmao
Yeah, good to see you Falcon. Shame you couldn't stay here longer.

Hope you got out in one piece, it's mother's day today here and EVERYONE was driving into town or in the shopping malls or on the metro.

Things may be decaying in the West, but Guangzhou's population has increased by 25% in just 10 years.

Anyway, it was nice to meet the Nigerian who was new in town, and I'm impressed with how much of the language I have learnt in just 3 months. I guess I'm not longer new in town.

Incidentally I finally saw a black guy with a Chinese wife AND baby today. It's a rare sight but blasian (black/asian) women are some of the hottest creatures on the planet, so this baby could have a great future!

Back to last night, and really we needed Winston to help us out with the biggest bowl of the chunkiest fries I'd ever seen!

Shame there weren't more Chinese babes in that bar, but some of those Russian women were impressive.

Went on a date today. She was nice but didn't have the wow factor. Although she wins the award for the best ass of any girl I've dated. Wow, it was awesome.

As to Falcon's photo above, well he seems to have found Guangzhou's least busiest metro station! At Tiyu Xilu today the crowds were 20 deep trying to get through the ticket barrier.

I should post some photos of my neighborhood. Guys there are 8000 cute female students here! How many 9's or 10's do I see between my apartment and the supermarket? 10? 100? 1000? There are just so many awesome sights it's incredible.

Posted: May 12th, 2013, 6:52 am
by xiongmao
OK, you've asked for them, here are a few photos of China.

I should just add that it's kind of difficult to take good photos here, especially when so much of the country is as crowded as this:


On top of that, it's hard to walk around un-noticed when you're the only foreigner in town. And there are police, security guards and the army EVERYWHERE, especially in Guangzhou.

My Chinese friends are also a little touchy about the whole issue of me wanting to photograph everyday life here. It's just something that Chinese people don't do.

Anyway, on with the show:

Some white legs for Winston:


Kind of reminds me of the lady I had a bit of P4P with the first time I came here.

Chinese model. Easily up there with the hottest Japanese AV Idols:


Chinese newlyweds. Doesn't the guy kind of look like Winston? I think he'd be happy with his new bride though, she's very pretty!


More white legs. I love it that so many Chinese women dress well:


I must go out and take more photos 8).

Posted: May 18th, 2013, 10:21 pm
by Jacaré
Awesome pics and report guys! Yeah it is that crowded there! I remember going on a shopping mall in Tianhe on a saturday afternoon and it was like swimming in a river with a very strong current just taking you with it. No place for standing idle. And the metro too is very crowded and confusing at times, specially as to which exits to take. Thanks for posting those pics, they took me back to when I was there. Can't wait to return there!

I will be joining you guys in the fall, so keep coming those nice reports and pics! Btw, XM, have you attended any of the Canton Fair was just recently? Have you met with the Elevator Life crew there? Would love to hear more on that!

Cheers guys!

P.S. We definitely need to get Winston to GZ! lol

Posted: May 18th, 2013, 11:32 pm
by Adama
I would like to hear The Professional's opinion about this wedding photo. Is this proof that unattractive men can get pretty women in China? The conclusion must be that he has lots of money! BTW, Winston is more handsome than that guy. I do a lot of things do come down to Karma, charm and courage to approach women.


Posted: May 19th, 2013, 9:05 am
by xiongmao
Yeah, this place is super busy. Just been to Dongguan and could only get standing ticket on the train back home. Well that's nothing I didn't see back in SE England. But there's other stuff that makes things extra crazy, like the 35C heat of today, and weather that changes in the blink of an eye.

Canton Fair - my school had a trip to go there but I didn't go. I heard it's very crowded and you get ripped off a lot. Some guys in my class do the import/export stuff but the America/European markets are dead and everyone I know is exporting stuff to Africa or the Middle East.

Elevator Guys didn't want to see me, what jerks. Well to be honest once you come here to live you'll be so busy anyway that you have to turn down meetings and the like, so I can see where they're coming from. Despite all the distractions, I am eager to keep to my core business, which is finding a wife while keeping my IT career ticking over. And while they're busy drinking import beers in airconditioned bars downtown, I'm mixing with the locals in the shitty part of town.

Anyway, the wife finding is coming along, and in July I'll return to the UK with more money than when I left, so my career looks alright as well.

My life is getting ever more crazy here though. I've now met 3 ladies in the last 7 days. All 3 were fabulous. One was only 25 and very smart and sophisticated. Her English was fluent. Well that age gap was a bit much, but I'll gladly fix up any slightly younger guys with her.

Lady 2 was the most beautiful Cantonese woman I'd ever seen. It's so rare to see Cantonese women with flawless skin. Well she was a bit wacko, so it's not hard to see why she was still single. I met exactly the same type when I once dated a beautiful Japanese woman.

Lady 3 I only met for the first time today, and she is very special. Also she wants to see me again, which is a bonus. Well what can I say? She has that special something. The monger guy who lived in my apartment building for a while met a lady with exactly that same special quality, and now his monger days appear to be behind him (yeah, right!).

Well my new lady also has those all important white legs, which are far and away the best of ALL 25+ Asian ladies I've now met.

There is no doubt that lady 3 is hot, but there's a good emotional attachment there.

A side story is that lady 4 wanted me to meet her again in Shenzhen, but I cancelled because she changed the plans last minute and that's one cultural difference I'm not prepared to compromise on. Well I'll also introduce her to anyone who comes here. She earns the same as I did in the UK (so it's a fortune out here!) and also has a killer figure.

Anyway, I hope more guys come here. I've had a blast, but I'm starting to think this is only a prelude to my return to here in late August, when I aim to stay for another year.

Posted: May 19th, 2013, 2:02 pm
by kai1275
LOL! If time permits, maybe me and my fiance will get a chance to see you in Guangzhou before heading out.