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Things I miss and don't miss about the USA from abroad

Posted: October 16th, 2013, 8:07 am
by zboy1
Things I don't miss about the USA:

--Dealing with lousy customer service employees and having to deal with the unhappy, unsmiling faces of service workers in America, i.e. fast-food workers, waiters, gas attendants, convenience store owners, DMV workers, TSA agents, immigration officials, etc...

--Not having to deal with the ghetto culture and the bad attitudes that permeate from the Hip-Hop thug culture popular in the West...(Don't get me wrong, I like old-school hip-hop like A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Run DMC and KRS-One, but can't stand the newer gangsta-rap garbage...)

--Feeling like you can't do anything with police being all over your ass...

--Too many damn laws in the USA, makes you feel less than free...believe or not, I feel freerer in China than I do in the good ole USA.

--Afraid I'm going to get mugged when I go-out at night in the States...

--The ridiculous level of violence in the USA (gun-crime, rapes, murders, kidnappings, thefts, gang-fights, etc...)

--The macho culture that permeates the male psyche in the USA, whereas in Asia, masculinity is not defined by muscles and being a frat-boy jerk-off

--The chemicals and GMO-laced foods that make-up a large portion of the food supply in the USA.

--American women, obviously. LOL!

--The Feminist culture and the anti-male attitudes present throughout American society.

--The racism in the USA! (A big-time problem that led me to go overseas).

--The extreme level of political correctness in most Western countries...

--The constant feeling that the USA is in decline...and going down the toilet. (In China, I feel more optimistic believe or not. In fact, I am very bullish on the whole Asian region...).

--The negative social atmosphere that pervades the USA...For example, the prevalence of 'the cool kids vs. the geeks, jocks vs nerds, cliques vs cliques, Blacks vs Whites, etc...'

--The feeling that the U.S. government is a criminal enterprise responsible for ruining lives and invading countries throughout the world...

--Feeling embarrassed in being a American most-of-the time, when overseas.

--All the stupid people in the USA. Also, I can't stand most Western foreigners when they are abroad. The only exception in my case, have been other English teachers (who have been pretty cool, for the most part).

Things I do miss about the USA:

--China has some slow Internet speeds man...The USA, in comparison, is way ahead of China, but in no way in the same league as in S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore or the other advanced Asian countries.

--The cleaner air and atmosphere.

--The big houses and the wide-open landscape of the USA...

--I do miss seeing some of the live sporting events on television, but thankfully, I can see some of them on my computer.

--The good cable shows like Game-of-Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Waking Dead, The Newsroom, Boardwalk Empire and Mad Men. But thankfully, I have a subscription to HBO online and can watch it anytime in China. Also, I have a NetFlix account that I watch past episodes of my favorite AMC shows---so that helps a little bit...

--China blocks YouTube and Facebook from the Internet here in China! Thankfully, I configured a proxy that enables me to bypass the firewall that the Chinese government has set-up to censor things on the Web. The Chinese government is really stupid for doing this, in my opinion.

--Some American foods like a good hamburger, a Deli sandwich or NYC style slice of pizza.

--The clean water and the good infrastructure of the USA; although in comparison to the advanced Asian countries, the USA is slipping behind badly...

Things I don't like about China:

--The backstabbing nature of most Chinese--and Asians in general.

--The unscrupulousness, greed and dishonest nature of most Chinese--and Asians in general.

--The quarrelsome nature of Chinese people. At least Americans try to get along with each other, even though most of it is for appearances sake and most times false...

--All the disgusting spitting, nose-picking and pissing on the street--make the Chinese seem more trashy than your average redneck or hip-hop thug...

--Chinese have terrible manners like breaking ques, spitting, burping while eating, and other examples of poor etiquette...

--The xenophobia against foreigners by the Chinese.

--The bad pollution

----The dirty streets, houses, and rivers all throughout China

To be honest, I thought I would be really homesick, but that has not been the case, actually. I figured I would miss a lot of American things, but apparently, I really haven't. Huh, I guess that made me realize just how much I hated the U.S. actually, LOL.

Re: Things I miss and don't miss about the USA from abroad

Posted: October 16th, 2013, 5:15 pm
by Halwick
zboy1 wrote:Things I don't miss about the USA:

--Dealing with lousy customer service employees and having to deal with the unhappy, unsmiling faces of service workers in America, i.e. fast-food workers, waiters, gas attendants, convenience store owners, DMV workers, TSA agents, immigration officials, etc...
I've been to the Philippines and I honestly can't say customer service is any better. If fact I think it's worse than the U.S. At least in the U.S. I can have a restaurant order modified whereas in the Philippines I get a blank stare. And I don't have to offer bribes to government employees.
--Not having to deal with the ghetto culture and the bad attitudes that permeate from the Hip-Hop thug culture popular in the West...(Don't get me wrong, I like old-school hip-hop like A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Run DMC and KRS-One, but can't stand the newer gangsta-rap garbage...)
Not as bad as in the Philippines.
--Feeling like you can't do anything with police being all over your a**...

--Too many damn laws in the USA, makes you feel less than free...believe or not, I feel freerer in China than I do in the good ole USA.
Why would this be an issue unless you are trying to do something illegal or bend the law? Do you feel entitled do whatever you want to do and be immune from laws and regulations? No matter where you go, there's going to be laws and regulations. Don't know whether you've ever been arrested and incarcerated in the Philippines, China, Thailand or Latin America, but from the anecdotal stories I've read and heard, it's pretty brutal. And you don't get appeal privileges either. The Americans who were incarcerated in those countries wish they were in the US.
--Afraid I'm going to get mugged when I go-out at night in the States...

--The ridiculous level of violence in the USA (gun-crime, rapes, murders, kidnappings, thefts, gang-fights, etc...)
That happens everywhere. I was warned about the same thing in certain places in Philippines, Thailand, China and Latin America.
--The macho culture that permeates the male psyche in the USA, whereas in Asia, masculinity is not defined by muscles and being a frat-boy jerk-off
But you have that in Latin America. In fact it's worse there.
--The chemicals and GMO-laced foods that make-up a large portion of the food supply in the USA.
Can't say the "natural" food in the Philippines and mainland China are any better.
--American women, obviously. LOL!

--The Feminist culture and the anti-male attitudes present throughout American society.
Agree. But it's catching on worldwide.
--The racism in the USA! (A big-time problem that led me to go overseas).
Depends on where in the USA you were. Racism is much worse in the South than in the Northwest.
I've found being called "kano" or a "farang" and discriminated (anything from being charged different prices to being prohibited to owning land) to be just as offensive.
--The extreme level of political correctness in most Western countries...
Agree. But in Asia, you have to be careful about "Face" and not causing an Asian to lose face.....harder to deal with, imo, than dealing with political correctness.
--The constant feeling that the USA is in decline...and going down the toilet. (In China, I feel more optimistic believe or not. In fact, I am very bullish on the whole Asian region...).
If the USA is doomed, why are people, particularly from Latin America and SE Asia trying to emigrate to the USA? I agree with you that the USA is in decline and China is positioning itself to fill the void as number one superpower in the 21st century.

I lived in Japan during the 1960s when they were still rebuilding their country and catching up to the Western world. You're right...there is a sense of optimism and building for the future that offers hope. You're seeing that in China as they are striving to be competitive and build world-class products.
--The negative social atmosphere that pervades the USA...For example, the prevalence of 'the cool kids vs. the geeks, jocks vs nerds, cliques vs cliques, Blacks vs Whites, etc...'
Well, I guess it depends on the social circle you are in. I don't see that in middle-and upper-middle class America. In fact they are more tolerant of differences and accept diversity.
--The feeling that the U.S. government is a criminal enterprise responsible for ruining lives and invading countries throughout the world...
Obviously you don't see Russia (then Soviet Union) or Red China doing the same thing? Look at historical events the past 68 years. I'd say the espionage activities of the KGB and the Red Chinese equivalent are just as criminally responsible for ruining and disrupting lives throughout the world.
--Feeling embarrassed in being a American most-of-the time, when overseas.
Most American apologists or American bashers would. Yet I don't see them putting their money where their mouth is and renouncing their USA citizenship, moving overseas, becoming a citizen and assimilating into that country.
--All the stupid people in the USA. Also, I can't stand most Western foreigners when they are abroad. The only exception in my case, have been other English teachers (who have been pretty cool, for the most part).
Funny....that's how Americans feel about the foreigners from Latin American and SE Asia.

Things I do miss about the USA:

--China has some slow Internet speeds man...The USA, in comparison, is way ahead of China, but in no way in the same league as in S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore or the other advanced Asian countries.

--The cleaner air and atmosphere.

--The big houses and the wide-open landscape of the USA...

--I do miss seeing some of the live sporting events on television, but thankfully, I can see some of them on my computer.

--The good cable shows like Game-of-Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Waking Dead, The Newsroom, Boardwalk Empire and Mad Men. But thankfully, I have a subscription to HBO online and can watch it anytime in China. Also, I have a NetFlix account that I watch past episodes of my favorite AMC shows---so that helps a little bit...

--China blocks YouTube and Facebook from the Internet here in China! Thankfully, I configured a proxy that enables me to bypass the firewall that the Chinese government has set-up to censor things on the Web. The Chinese government is really stupid for doing this, in my opinion

--Some American foods like a good hamburger, a Deli sandwich or NYC style slice of pizza.

--The clean water and the good infrastructure of the USA; although in comparison to the advanced Asian countries, the USA is slipping behind badly...

Obviously important. You won't get that in any third world country.

Things I don't like about China:

--The backstabbing nature of most Chinese--and Asians in general.

--The unscrupulousness, greed and dishonest nature of most Chinese--and Asians in general.

--The quarrelsome nature of Chinese people. At least Americans try to get along with each other, even though most of it is for appearances sake and most times false...

--All the disgusting spitting, nose-picking and pissing on the street--make the Chinese seem more trashy than your average redneck or hip-hop thug...

--Chinese have terrible manners like breaking ques, spitting, burping while eating, and other examples of poor etiquette...

--The xenophobia against foreigners by the Chinese.

--The bad pollution

----The dirty streets, houses, and rivers all throughout China.

To be honest, I thought I would be really homesick, but that has not been the case, actually. I figured I would miss a lot of American things, but apparently, I really haven't. Huh, I guess that made me realize just how much I hated the U.S. actually, LOL.
With respect to the Chinese (and Asians in general) backstabbing nature, unscrupulousness, greed and dishonest nature, didn't you say the same things about Americans (and other Westerners) in another thread? Seems that no matter where you go, you're going to find similar characteristics, not just in Americans.

You're very fortunate to be in a country like the USA where you can exercise your freedom of speech and protest against the Establishment. Can you do the same in China, Philippines, Thailand or Latin America without fear of being arrested and incarcerated?

I don't think you're really being honest with yourself. Granted the US society isn't what it used to be and there are flaws in the system, but overall you've enjoyed a standard of living, personal liberties and freedom, constitutional benefits and protection that you're NOT going to get in SE Asia or Latin America.

Posted: October 17th, 2013, 3:23 am
by zboy1
LOL, Halwick. You seriously believe that crime is as bad in Asia, as it is in the USA? Now, I know you're full of baloney. I can walk around at night 3:00 AM in the morning and not fear getting mugged or attacked by someone here in China. Can you really say the same thing about the USA, LOL?

Well, I'm never going to convince you otherwise, because, like Ladislav, you love the USA too much to see the real problems happening in the country. It's going to collapse one day...and don't say I didn't warn you when it does happen one of these days...

Posted: October 17th, 2013, 5:10 am
by Ghost

Re: Things I miss and don't miss about the USA from abroad

Posted: October 17th, 2013, 6:00 am
by Repatriate
Halwick wrote: I've been to the Philippines and I honestly can't say customer service is any better. If fact I think it's worse than the U.S. At least in the U.S. I can have a restaurant order modified whereas in the Philippines I get a blank stare. And I don't have to offer bribes to government employees.
This is true. I find customer service in SEA in general to be rigid and the benefits seemed to be weighed towards the business owner. This is slowly starting to change though. Quite a few businesses in Thailand allow returns and when they mess up your order you can still get it changed with not too much hassle.
Not as bad as in the Philippines.
Uh no. Ghetto culture in the U.S. permeates the middle class youth much more. It's cool to be a thug and people actually live that attitude.

Why would this be an issue unless you are trying to do something illegal or bend the law? Do you feel entitled do whatever you want to do and be immune from laws and regulations? No matter where you go, there's going to be laws and regulations. Don't know whether you've ever been arrested and incarcerated in the Philippines, China, Thailand or Latin America, but from the anecdotal stories I've read and heard, it's pretty brutal. And you don't get appeal privileges either. The Americans who were incarcerated in those countries wish they were in the US.
American LE is much more intrusive and monitors your travel and god help you if you have to defend yourself if you're innocent or involved in a civil suit. It tends to be costly and it will bankrupt you more often than not. The IRS alone and all the tax games the U.S. government plays on its citizens is much worse than many SEA government institutions.

That happens everywhere. I was warned about the same thing in certain places in Philippines, Thailand, China and Latin America.
Asia in general is still much safer than the U.S. as a whole. Maybe the exception being the Philippines but I never felt in danger at all anywhere in most places i've traveled in SEA. Whereas in the U.S. in some states (like Alabama) I can't even walk down the street in some neighborhoods without feeling wary.
But you have that in Latin America. In fact it's worse there.
The difference is people don't have hair trigger tempers or want to fight all the time. The culture may be "macho" but it's still respectful.
Depends on where in the USA you were. Racism is much worse in the South than in the Northwest.
I've found being called "kano" or a "farang" and discriminated (anything from being charged different prices to being prohibited to owning land) to be just as offensive.
Being called a farang is nowhere near the same as being called a nigger, chink, spic, etc.. If you think this is the same or even close to being the equivalent then you have a poor grasp of Thai language/culture.
Agree. But in Asia, you have to be careful about "Face" and not causing an Asian to lose face.....harder to deal with, imo, than dealing with political correctness.
It's not too different from the U.S. to be honest. There's definitely face in the U.S. it's just that when you step over someone's toes in 'Merica you might get shot or beaten.
If the USA is doomed, why are people, particularly from Latin America and SE Asia trying to emigrate to the USA?
Economy. It's still easier to earn money in the U.S. if you are dirt poor or lower class however it's nowhere near as popular for middle class people to immigrate to the U.S. anymore unless they are looking for a real estate/investment haven.

Most American apologists or American bashers would. Yet I don't see them putting their money where their mouth is and renouncing their USA citizenship, moving overseas, becoming a citizen and assimilating into that country.
That is true but if you look at this forum it's full of people who have done just that..moved abroad.

Funny....that's how Americans feel about the foreigners from Latin American and SE Asia.
The funny thing is these people are usually more hard working and nicer than regular Americans.

Posted: October 18th, 2013, 4:30 am
by Halwick
zboy1 wrote:LOL, Halwick. You seriously believe that crime is as bad in Asia, as it is in the USA? Now, I know you're full of baloney. I can walk around at night 3:00 AM in the morning and not fear getting mugged or attacked by someone here in China. Can you really say the same thing about the USA, LOL?

Why would you be walking around at 3:00AM? And can you honestly say you can walk around at 3:00AM IN THE PHILIPPINES and not get mugged or attacked? LOL

Well, I'm never going to convince you otherwise, because, like Ladislav, you love the USA too much to see the real problems happening in the country. It's going to collapse one day...and don't say I didn't warn you when it does happen one of these days...
You probably are right about the impeding collapse of the US, but I think you are naïve to think you're going to be immune abroad.

And I'll bet the day you get in trouble with the authorities abroad, you're going to wish you were in the USA.

As for "loving the USA", well, I'd rather deal with the Devil I'm familiar with than with an unfamiliar Devil. And the Philippine/Thailand/China laws and regulations are unfamiliar Devils.

To be in the same sentence as Ladislav, I'm gonna take that as a compliment. Thanks! He impresses me as one of the most worldly-knowledgeable, down-to-earth, sensible guys on this forum who knows what he's talking about.

Posted: October 18th, 2013, 9:44 pm
by T Rex
Great list!

To beat the great firewall of China, get a VPN. I use Astrill.

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 2:02 am
by zboy1
T Rex wrote:Great list!

To beat the great firewall of China, get a VPN. I use Astrill.
Can you tell me more about Astrill, T Rex? I use GoAgent, but it doesn't last but for a few hours--which is very annoying. Can you tell me the steps I need to use it in China?

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 9:56 am
by T Rex

Its not free...but its not expensive WAY better than the free VPNs you can get in China and has good tech support. I still use it in the states for protection again NSA, etc
