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Steve's ongoing Philippines trip report (now with photos!!)

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 10:56 pm
by steve55
Been 2 weeks in the Phils but just arrived in makati where I've decide to plant roots for a few months. I'll use this thread to provide updates. Man, I've been here just 2 days and I'm loving it! Shit man, girls are staring at me everywhere, in the malls especially. They stare and giggle amongst their friends from a distance. Lol. I have many girls lined up from the dating sites, and even old hook ups from past trips that want to see me. One girl from date in Asia who I blew off wrote back "are you sure you want to pass me by, you make me horny". She's thin and good looking too! That would never ever happen in America, at least not In the first few messages at least. The possibilities are rediculous. In the USA I would email 100 girls and not get a single response !! At cherry blossoms and date in Asia, combined I get about 30 messages of interest a day!! And they are all thin!! God it's awesome to be surrounded by thin women who are all "available" and definitely very interested!. Freedom at last!! Or should I say heaven?

I've found a list of the hot upscale clubs here. I think I'll hit the clubs on the weekends and see what pans out. Though, not do sure I'll find "marriage material" at a bar. Lol. I think I'll stay here long term, maybe 3 months or more. It'll cost me, I'm paying $65 a night but I prefer a hotel over a condo cause I can get food (room svc) anytime, and they'll keep the rift raft out or girls I may not want showing up. The hotel I'm at has a mercury drug store and a super market and a mini mall with a hair salon right next door!! And get this, there's a hooters next door too!! Sweet! I can watch ameircan sports games just a step out my door!! The hotel location is awesome because all these things are within 50 yards! As I type this, I'm waiting at Starbucks to meet a nurse who works at the main makati medical here in Manila. And she is 27 and beautiful!

I'll be generally vague about whether I hooked up, but I will at least give numbers of women I have dates with to let you guys know how easy it is to meet girls here, and as far as giving details goes, ill leave the rest to your imagination. Lol. The reason I don't want to be too revealing with details is that I may end up with a serious marriage prospect and someday she might read this as I don't hide my website from the girls I meet. They can easily find this thread. So, when I say I've met a girl or had a date, I'll have to leave out whether or not anything happened. Besides, I'm not out to be a man whore, well, maybe at the beginning , ha ha ha. Naaa, just kidding. But my goal is to find a wife and when I do, I'm heading back home. Of course, I may not find what I'm looking for and that's fine if not, I'm not going to force anything. I just want to give myself the "opportunity" so I don't have any regrets if I end up single all my life.

If I can't find a wife here, then I'll point the finger at myself as being to blame for not having been married yet in the US. But dates is not hard to come by here! In the US I've had zero dates in 2 years , mostly because I refuse to date overweight women (which seems to be my only options in the US) or old women who are too old to have kids. Thin young girls have too many options in the US and are always taken and don't date men in their 40's anyways. That's why the US sucks. Hell, I can get 18 yr old women here!! WTF! Lol. In the prudish USA (at my age of 46) the youngest I might possibly get would be maybe 32.

More to come.

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 11:07 pm
by magnum
you guys are making me feel like a fool for not going to the Philippines to find a wife seeing as I want to get hitched as fast as possible to a quality woman.

I'm wondering would girls from that country avoid a guy in his 20s, they seem to dig older men like crazy.

Glad to hear how epic it is, Hope things go well for you in the clubs, but I wouldn't be looking for wife material in a club......but it might not be the same as the us.

are all the girls tanned or darker that you've seen in your time so far? I'm not against tanned skin but dark..not such a fan, but I dated a Philippine here in the us once ignoring her looks..ugly as sin and dark as hell..ended up being as ugly inside as out.

And how thin do the girls tend to be, I don't mean curves I mean thin, like fat, you can have curves while being skinny.

you seem stress that you want to keep some of the girls away, have you been so swarmed with women that you've actually had the problem of too many wanting your attention, that's insane..

Posted: November 15th, 2013, 1:49 am
by zboy1
Hey, Steve55, you and Ghost are seriously making me reconsider the fact that I'm still in China, lol! I really like it here in China, but guys make it sound like the Philippines is world's apart from China's workaholic and materialistic society, smh...

Posted: November 15th, 2013, 1:53 am
by Rock
Steve! It sounds like you are where I am. Are you next to SM Marketplace, A.Venue Mall, Best Western Plus Antel, and Gramercy?

I've got a hotel style condo right here. And I'm leaving soon so wanna rent it out. There are 3 pools here, a gym, a paid spa, 24 hour reception, etc.

In any case, contact me at 0917 419 5867 so at least we can meet up for a drink. I'll be here a few more days.

Glad you are here and enjoying it! But why don't the girls stare and go gaga over me like they do you lol.

BTW, do u know there are some models and celebs staying here. Just saw Gerald Anderson today and I know Pepe Smith lives here long term. Lot's of European male and female models seem to be staying here for short term contracts and there are a lot of Chinese too cus I think this development is Chinese owned.

Posted: November 15th, 2013, 2:47 am
by The_Adventurer
Reading the recent trip reports here is really bringing back memories. I have to admit, if I wasn't attached to China, I'd be back there in the Philippines. I guess I am a bit of a workaholic myself, and there are still things I want to accomplish businesswise, so China is a better fit for me. Not to mention I've gained a great family here, and I could never give up the scenery where I live. Still, some of my greatest memories are of my time in the Phils. Sadly, though, it made me lazy. If I was retired and could kick back more, I could have had the time of my life.

Posted: November 15th, 2013, 5:14 am
by quito
i dont think i would have been able to recognize the right one for me if i had not allowed myself to have many in the beginning. so dont feel bad about about that.

Posted: November 15th, 2013, 3:23 pm
by Ava Paige
Rock wrote:Glad you are here and enjoying it! But why don't the girls stare and go gaga over me like they do you lol.
It's because they're afraid of me so they don't dare. :lol:


Posted: November 15th, 2013, 6:51 pm
by targetguy
8) I have been to the pi twice and met scammer number one and two and many responses also. Don't forget to add after a few conversations and meeting these gals they will ask for support. Hide the credit cards and numbers because if any of these gals have them there will be plenty of charges and vacation cancelled. The lines go on forever the uncle died the leg hurts and food on the table will be going on for years before people realize they are being scammed. My advise it may be ok to live there but watch out for the scammers.

Posted: November 17th, 2013, 5:45 am
by steve55
Wow. Last night (Saturday night) I hit two of the most popular night spots, palladium and haze, plus one other super crowded place. To my shock, I didn't really get that much attention or looks. I didn't ever approach anyone so I didn't meet anybody. People are in such tight cliques that the opportunity just wasn't there to make a move. There are literally no loners like you can often find in the US. Anyways, two reasons for not getting much attention or for not getting noticed are 1) it seems the people going to these more popular clubs are the upper class. Winston has correctly pointed out that the upper class just aren't that mesmorized by foreigners and tend to stick to their own. 2) There are actually ALOT of foreigners in these clubs!! Maybe 20% were white foreign dudes . Lol. So, the people who go there are very used to meeting foreigners so it's no big deal. The general public (like at the malls where I get stared at) probably don't ever get to converse with foreigners much as , maybe just see them passing by at best so they may have a much higher level of interest.

On a separate issue, man, I just absolutely cannot handle alcohol at all anymore. I had about the equivalent of 5 margaritas all night and still felt like shit the next day. Alcohol and being in your 40's don't mix well anymore. I just don't enjoy going to clubs without drinking because I'm not loosened up or real talkative, no mojo without it. Given that, and the fact it wasn't a success like a expected , I think I'll just pass on hitting bars and clubs from now on and stick to other avenues. Meeting girls off the Internet dating sites is like shooting fish in a barrel. And many are professional girls like nurses, pharmacists, degreed, not just poor lower class girls only.

I'm considering seeing this one girl again I met on date in Asia last week. I was so attracted to her that I left Cebu for Zambales to go see her. (Well, also for escaping the typhoon as I was afraid it could heavily damage Cebu and I would get stuck for a while). She is so sweet but also very lower class, which is ok with me as I don't judge that, but it's harder to relate when the class level is so different. She is 23 and college degreed but she doesn't ever say anything. I spent 4 days with her and met her family. She says she will open up and talk more if I see her again. Maybe Ill give her a second chance. She is so sweet and affectionate (hugs a lot ) and a lot of "I love you mahal". Another issue though is that she looks underage. Lol. Even Filipinos are unable to judge her age accurately! The ranges of guesses of her age from Filipinos is 16-21. My American friends guess even lower. But I saw her government issue ID and her entire family pointed out her college to me as we drove by it. I also met many of her already graduated classmates who look their age (look early to mid 20's). So I know it's legit. But if I took her to the US, it'll look creepy to people. I bet the American women , if they see me being affectionate with her in public will call the cops on me thinking I'm a dirty old man who is taking advantage of an underage girl. America is prudish enough as it is. She is 4'9" and about 85 pounds and has a baby face to boot. She is super shy too which just ads to they underage appearance. (Sigh) She doesn't hardly talk at all, she will just sometimes giggle at something funny (not laugh , but shyly giggle)Geez. The headaches that would cause back home. But she is kind and affectionate which I love. I know, I know, I shouldn't care what others might think. :)

I am meeting another girl as I type this. She was running late and so apologetic about it. She kept saying "please don't get mad dear" and "I'm so sorry" and "I really want to meet you so bad" and " Steve, thank you for understanding, you're a good man, I just don't want to waste the chance to meet you" and "Steve, Ive been praying so hard to have the opportunity to meet you and thank god my prayer is answered" and "you know steve, I feel nervous. I don't know what to say when I'm in front of you.i don't know if you will like the way I am. I'm a simple girl but I hope you will like me. I'm just so happy to have this chance to meet you" Can you imagine an American woman being this sweet? Lol.
Ya know, I see this pattern of humble appreciation and sweetness a lot with the girls here. Plain and simple , these girls are hands down much kinder , nicer, and sweeter than American women are. The few times (many years ago) I was able to meet an American girl from a dating site , I felt the vibe that she couldn't give a shit about meeting me. I mean, yes, they want to meet , sure. But to them it was nothing special. I never felt they were genuinely excited to do so. However, on the other hand every filipina I've met has been EXCITED to meet me and you felt it was something special to them . Again, it goes back to american women having too many options and having a golden princess attitude. A filipina is lucky to get a few messages of interest a month, while american women (if she is thin and average looking or better) will get 100 messages a month. The appreciation that these Filipinas show to you is awe inspiring.

I'm wondering would girls from that country avoid a guy in his 20s, they seem to dig older men like crazy.
Yessss! I've often wondered the same thing!!! Half of these Filipinas on the dating sites who are 18-23 say the desired age range of their match is 40-60 yrs old. If they only wanted a green card or money, why bother listing any age range at all? Right?
are all the girls tanned or darker that you've seen in your time so far?
Nooooo. Maybe 20% are dark skinned. 50% light brown, 30% super white, whiter than me even.
And how thin do the girls tend to be, I don't mean curves I mean thin, like fat, you can have curves while being skinny.
Hmmm. About 30% are super small and petite, like 5"2 or less and 70-90 lbs. honestly, I can't tell if these petite types are 14 yrs old or 30 yrs old. I'm afraid to approach some of those petite types because I can't tell their age. I don't want some brother or parent thinking a creepy foreigner is hitting on their daughter or sister. Lol. About 50% are plain thin and fall into the 5'2 to 5'5 range. The other 20% are fatties. I have come across several Filipinas who were taller than me! I'm not talking about gay baklas either, I've met a few who were about 5'10 to 6' and 100% all girl.

you seem stress that you want to keep some of the girls away, have you been so swarmed with women that you've actually had the problem of too many wanting your attention, that's insane..
Yes, well sort of. I have my hands full but primarily due to the overwhelming number of interested girls from DIA and cherry blossoms. And I just met another girl at the mall tonight and got her number. Yes, it is insane. Lol. Absolutely insane. Unlike in America, I feel wanted here, VERY wanted. That's the jist of it. Some people say it's only because of money or green card. But after 8 trips here, I know better than that. Those things may play a role to some girls, but I think a small role for most. I find these girls just love Americans because how we treat them compared to their local men, and because they know Americans don't run around cheating on their wives like the average Filipino does here. And even our height is part of the physical attraction too. We all know how huge of a role that height plays with women in their attraction to men.
Steve! It sounds like you are where I am. Are you next to SM Marketplace, A.Venue Mall, Best Western Plus Antel, and Gramercy?

Yea, I think so. I'm at the berjaya , a stone throw away from hooters. I didn't know you were here in the phils lol. I thought you didn't like it here??? Ok, I'll text ya and have a look at your set up and the cost. I e been considering getting a condo but just not sure or where to start. Cool!

Posted: November 17th, 2013, 9:32 am
by xiongmao
Be careful of young looking girls. There are plenty here in Thailand. Pretty sure the Cambodian girl I chatted to in a bar the other day was 15 - yikes!

Be careful of poor girls as well. There weren't too many of those in China, but there are plenty in Thailand and of course the Phillies. An encouraging sign is if a girl offers to pay for all or half of your meal. They're the ones worth marrying.

Posted: November 17th, 2013, 9:44 am
by anamericaninbangkok
Yikes. Eee-gad! Run and hide, it's a young girl! Oh shit, she's poor too!

Posted: November 18th, 2013, 1:32 am
by The_Adventurer
My wife always swears no one in China would peg her as underage, but once we were standing on the side of the road with her dad, and some dude comes up and starts talking to him. He says, "Oh, that's your daughter. Has she started middle school yet?"

Posted: November 19th, 2013, 10:48 am
by steve55
It still continues to be super easy to meet girls here. (Like shooting fish in a barrel) Lately, I even got a few numbers by cold approach (something almost impossible to do in the USA unless you approach desperate fatties).But it doesn't look like I'll be following up on those leads for now since I've decided to put all that on hold as I will give the Zambales girl another chance. She says she was just shy and will talk more this next time. She won me over by posting sweet feminine photos of herself with affectionate titles about me (i.e. Thinking of Steve or feeling blessed with Steve neese). She also dedicated several videos to me at Facebook of herself singing romantic love songs to me, just amazing sweetness!! How can I say no to that? Or at least not give her another chance. On a side note, this begs the question , would an American girl be capable of doing something so kind and sweet like that? Seriously, can you see an American girl dedicating a song to you by singing it to you in a Facebook video? Women here are amazing, and so sweet and kind. There are no bitch shields or creeper radars out here. Just lots of friendly smiles by women who respect and admire men and who aren't terrified by strangers (aka: creeps) who approach them.

Posted: November 19th, 2013, 11:50 am
by Billy
wow steve this is amazing but why does rock not get the interest you get? are you better looking than rock?

how cute are the girls you are dating?

Posted: November 19th, 2013, 11:13 pm
by Rock
Billy wrote:wow steve this is amazing but why does rock not get the interest you get? are you better looking than rock?

how cute are the girls you are dating?
It goes deeper than that Billy. I just met up with Steve at Hooters a couple days ago and just his being around me caused the gals to totally ignore him lol.

Seriously, don't expect the regular girls in Makati to openly flirt and smile with you. It's not that easy. Maybe massage girls, bar girls, ladyboys, and certain desperate types who are here temporarily from the provinces. But not regular local girls. Well maybe if they are drunk and your timing is right. But they are generally shy around strangers I think.

I'm staying in a building with some male models here on contract. I noticed at the pool and seeing them around my area that even these guys often get ignored by the middle/upper middle class local girls.