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Pat-downs in the USA vs pat-downs in Colombia

Posted: September 5th, 2023, 10:46 pm
by trident765
For whatever reason I kept getting selected for pat-downs in both my trip to and from Colombia.

In my trip from the USA to Colombia, I went through the body scanner and the workers claimed the body scanner showed something unusual in my groin area. Then this man started patting my down with extra focus on my groin, cupping my balls, etc. After it was over, he gave me a gay little smile.

And then when they scanned my bag, they claimed my laptop tested positive for something, and as a result they would have to pat me down again by another man, even though I was just patted down.

In my trip from Colombia to the USA, I was also selected for a patdown. But it was a much more enjoyable experience. Colombians understand that it's not fun to be patted down, so they make it as enjoyable as possible. After I was selected for a patdown, they sent me and all the other people selected for a patdown to this area. There there were three hot young girls, and they did the patdowns for everyone male or female. It feel so much nicer to get patted down by a hot young woman than a gay man. She didn't cup my balls like the Americans did, but she did slightly pull down my pants and run her fingers along the inside of my pant-line.

I supposed this sort of a thing can happen in Colombia because Colombian women aren't man-haters like American women are. American women are disgusted by the thought of touching men they are not attracted to. No such disgust exists in Colombian women which is why they pat down men. As long the workers are not disgusted by doing the patdowns, then the safest way to not disgust anyone is to just have hot young women do all the patdowns for everyone both male and female.

Re: Pat-downs in the USA vs pat-downs in Colombia

Posted: September 9th, 2023, 3:07 am
by Seeker
Columbia sounds similar to China in that respect, it's exclusively women doing the patdowns at airport and train station security, and most of them are youngish women. Obviously Chinese understand that if someone has to touch someone as part of the job, then it's better to use the type of person that the least number people will object to, young women.