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Steve Hoca's Trip to the Philippines

Posted: November 17th, 2010, 3:44 am
by Winston
Hi all,
Our favorite interviewer Steve Hoca finally took the plunge and went to the Philippines! He didn't want me to post about it until after he returned for some reason. Now that he's returned, I can post about it.

He was there for two weeks and said that all that we told him about it was validated. The girls were approachable, he didn't feel like a creep when talking to them, and there was a sense of social connection and relaxness that you don't have in the states. However, he experienced the "shamelessness" that we talked about as well, when his date brought him to her family, and they invited him somewhere at his expense without even asking if he'd treat them. Ladislav said that that was part of Steve's "baptism" into the Philippines. lol

Steve wanted me to tell you all though, not to fly into Detroit if you're coming from an international flight, cause the TSA personnel there are the worst in the country when it comes to checking through all your stuff, laptop, camera, etc.

Anyway, Steve will probably come to the forum at some point and post his trip report. For now though, here is one of the updates he sent me:
Hello Winston:

Just wanted to tell you that I found this super nice Filipina in Cagayan de Oro who I met on Filipina cupid. She is wonderful.

You are right, when going to the mall, I don't feel like a creep. Women -- not all though -- smile at me when I am with this girl. There is none of this feeling of "you're a creep". In America, if a 40-year-old guy like me were holding hands with a 20-year-old in a mall, they would call security and have me investigated.

I don't feel any hostility from Filipino people (including women). They are, for the most part, hard-working and very friendly, especially in the province of Mindanao. I am elated.

I will show you great video I did. It's amazing. Some things here are super expensive, however, so you have to be careful how you spend your money. But aside from the economics, most Filipinos are really fun to talk to.

Also, I am not into the Angeles City thing. There are too many nice girls that bypass the whole need for sexual tourism.

One last thing. You can fly to any island in the Philippines via for about 60 american dollars. That is super cheap.

Talk to you later.


Posted: November 17th, 2010, 5:59 am
by jamesbond
Holy dog shit, that's great news! I know Steve talked about going to the Philippines and now he has done it! He's right, in the US if a 40 year old man is dating a 20 year old woman, people think that he must be a "creep." However, this is not the case in the Philippines (radio talk show host Art Bell married a girl from the Philippines in 2006, when she was 21 and he was 61 and he said he has never been happier in his life and they just had a child a couple of years ago).

Posted: November 17th, 2010, 6:02 am
by Enishi
The security personnel in Detroit cut off a lock I had put onto my luggage and never returned it. I thought they had a special key they used to open stuff like that and then relocked it afterward. I guess not. :\

Does Steve Hoca live in Southeast Michigan as well?

Posted: November 17th, 2010, 6:12 am
by jamesbond
Enishi wrote:Does Steve Hoca live in Southeast Michigan as well?
Steve lives in Cleveland and he said he will be moving to Columbus Ohio soon.

Posted: November 17th, 2010, 6:22 am
by Enishi
Ah I see.

It's interesting how many of us who have had the absolute worst experiences with women have come from northern midwest areas or the east and west coast.

Many of the women in Southeast Michigan are completely off their rocker. At least many of the women I saw in NY earlier this summer were decent looking. Crazy Southeast Michigan girls are overweight, work at dead end jobs which they hate, and STILL prefer assholes and wiggers. They only "settle" when they're in their thirties and look even worse. O.o

Posted: January 5th, 2011, 3:49 am
by Winston
Hi all,
I just got word that Steve Hoca has just done a new interview about his recent trip to the Philippines. Actually it's a discussion with Steve N about it. He will be posting it to his YouTube channel soon. When he does, I'll let you all know!

You can subscribe to his channel at:

Posted: October 10th, 2011, 3:12 pm
by zzzz
Did he ever post this? I was always curious what happened to him and wondered if he ever talked about his experience over there. He seems to have disappeared.

Posted: October 10th, 2011, 3:49 pm
by Ghost

Posted: October 10th, 2011, 4:53 pm
by Banano
Awsome guy...where do we find more stuff from him,
Has he done any interview in 2011
Interviews page on his website appears to be dead.
I'd love to hear more from him


Posted: October 12th, 2011, 12:10 am
by Winston
There's nothing new on Steve's channel, but he does have a few new interviews that other people posted on their channels. I have no idea what's up with that. Steve doesn't usually respond to his emails either. I think he is kind of moody and streaky.

I posted some of his new interviews in this thread here. One of them is an hour long and is incredibly truthful, sad and no holds barred. It's with a guy named Tim.


Posted: October 12th, 2011, 12:12 am
by Winston
You can see a few pics of Steve Hoca's girl in the Philippines on his new home page here:

Posted: October 12th, 2011, 12:53 am
by Rock
Winston wrote:You can see a few pics of Steve Hoca's girl in the Philippines on his new home page here:
Awesome, is he dating her seriously? Hope he can find a nice and beautiful girl to distract him from his bitterness towards American women.

Posted: October 13th, 2011, 9:54 am
by zzzz
I sort of figured he ended up with a girl there. Probably keeping him busy. :-)

Posted: October 15th, 2011, 11:38 pm
by momopi
I second above opinion. If he's overseas and MIA, he's probably having a great time. But if the guy is living overseas and still spending way too much time on these forums, then he's probably missing something or feeling unfulfilled.

Posted: October 16th, 2011, 12:22 am
by Winston
Steve Hoca returned from the Philippines a long time ago. He is back in Ohio. He has made a few videos but not much. And he rarely answers his email anymore. I don't know why. I guess he is just a streaky guy who is hyper passionate one moment and gone the next?