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The Shining - How Stanley Kubrick faked the Moon Landings

Posted: September 14th, 2010, 9:47 am
by Winston
Trailer for Jay Weidner's film "Kubrick's Odyssey - Part 1" which reveals how Stanley Kubrick faked the Apollo Moon Landings using front screen projection, and how he left many hidden but clear messages in his film "The Shining" starring Jack Nicolson and Shelley Duvall. It's very jaw dropping and mind blowing.

The full film has been removed from YouTube due to copyright. But you can find it on Vimeo here:

Buy the film here:

http://store.sacredmysteriesmarketplace ... 1-dvd.html

Posted: November 12th, 2012, 10:24 am
by Winston
Check out this new documentary that reveals a lot more hidden messages and codes in Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" about how he faked the moon landings, than Jay Weidner's "Kubrick's Odyssey" did previously. It's called "The Shining Code" and is very jaw dropping and spine chilling. 20 minutes into it, your jaw will start to drop as it becomes more and more clear that some of the messages and codes are very clear and unambiguous, such as the scene with Danny having Apollo 11 on his sweater, rising up and walking down the corridor to room 237.

See it here:

Additional codes:

Re: The Shining - How Stanley Kubrick faked the Moon Landing

Posted: November 12th, 2012, 6:31 pm
by Jester
Winston wrote:Trailer for Jay Weidner's film "Kubrick's Odyssey - Part 1" which reveals how Stanley Kubrick faked the Apollo Moon Landings using front screen projection, and how he left many hidden but clear messages in his film "The Shining" starring Jack Nicolson and Shelley Duvall. It's very jaw dropping and mind blowing.

The full film has been removed from YouTube due to copyright. But you can find it on Vimeo here:

Buy the film here:

http://store.sacredmysteriesmarketplace ... 1-dvd.html

Music is a great way to penetrate and liberate the programmed area of the brain.

Re: The Shining - How Stanley Kubrick faked the Moon Landing

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 11:04 pm
by Winston
Did any of you see the new video footage of Stanley Kubrick confessing to faking the Apollo moon landings? lol. It was allegedly from an interview with him done just before he died 15 years ago. It looks a lot like him but many on YouTube are saying it's a hoax. What do you all think? Here is an excerpt from it. ... -landings/
A stunning new video has emerged 15 years after Stanley Kubrick’s death in which Kubrick allegedly admits that the NASA moon landings were faked.

Filmmaker T. Patrick Murray says he interviewed Kubrick three days before his death in March 1999. He was forced to sign an 88-page NDA to keep the contents of the interview a secret for 15 years.