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Bibleforums website is totally unfriendly to HA-ers!

Posted: December 3rd, 2016, 2:51 pm
by Mercury
Just recently, I got banned from a website called for posting warnings that American women are a divorce just waiting to happen, are all gold diggers, and need to be avoided by all men. My username on bibleforums was "buster" and the mod that banned me is BrianW. From his responses on the "coffee break" section, he wants guys to continue to foolishly date and marry American trash and get divorced. Not even caring a single bit that the Bible says that anyone who gets divorced and marries someone else commits adultery. And as far as I know it, Jesus-s exceptional clause actually means "other than to get out of an adulterous remarriage, other to get out of an illicit (gay, lesbian, etc) marriage, and other than to get out of an incestuous (mom/son, aunt/uncle, brother/sister, etc) marriage." Bibleforums has a lot of guys dealing with divorce, not having found the right woman, and what not, and apparently, posting warnings on bibleforums that guys should not marry American women is grounds for getting banned.

That site is going to get innumerable guys divorced and forced to remain celibate, and that site needs a heavy boycott!

Re: Bibleforums website is totally unfriendly to HA-ers!

Posted: December 4th, 2016, 5:08 am
by Zambales
Religion does have its fair share of twisted control freaks and this Brian character could be one of them. One of the best decisions of my life was to turn my back on it. I chose reality and logic over fantasy and now my mind is free.

Very dangerous road to go down is the religion route. Some of us never return.

Re: Bibleforums website is totally unfriendly to HA-ers!

Posted: December 4th, 2016, 6:44 pm
by starchild5
The Evil has already found a way to break the Bible....

Those who do not update themselves are bound to suffer. You said the right things but some people are stuck in old times. They will suffer and eventually pay a price for ignorance.

Its not the right time to get married or have kids unless god updates the bible. Its too messed up. Satan worked his way up for 2000 years and found ways to break the code.

Present day kids have no future. Many are Autistic...Its said that by 2030 half of American kids would be Autistic...It would be the new norm to see retarded kids around.

Re: Bibleforums website is totally unfriendly to HA-ers!

Posted: December 4th, 2016, 11:48 pm
by MrMan
If you made broad sweeping statements that all American women, posters on the forum included, were all trash and gold diggers by virtue of being American women, it may well have been reasonable for the moderator to ban you.

I haven't read your posts and conversations. If you'd been more reasonable and just pointed out some trends and social problems, maybe you would not have been banned.