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How about a nice god-fearing sloot?

Posted: September 8th, 2013, 8:07 pm
by Teal Lantern
:razz: What? :razz:

You can find good girls in church, but you have to sort them from all the bad girls playing possum ...
... or, you can just go pump-and-dump the bad ones. :lol:

Posted: September 8th, 2013, 8:30 pm
by Tsar
Christianity in much of the West has become watered down, too much forgiveness, and believing that they can sin (be immoral) and still be a follower. It's also similar to a social club and a tradition (one that isn't always followed because it's also similar to a social club in the West). In countries like America, speaking out against premarital sex, fornication, and against homosexuality should be major topics in the priests' and ministers' Church sermons because those areas (sluts, gay marriage, and premarital sex) are damaging to tradition and society. Politically correctness, liberalization, anti-religion, anti-morals, anti-tradition, and anti-creationism have destroyed religion in the West. The majority of real followers of Christianity in the West (America and Anglo nations) either converted on their own, were born pre-1940s and 50s (some in the 60s), immigrated from more religious countries, or were raised by true Christians that taught the girls the importance of being a "virtuous woman." Today many "Christian girls" do have premarital sex, some believe in feminism, and also pass over "nice guys" to be with players. There are a small minority in the West that go for good men but they are usually married by 18-24 (and many have been with the same guy since high school or college). Mormonism is the only population segment in America where the odds are that the man will be marrying a virgin bride (in America) because odds are that Mormons are more devout and chastity is one of their main tenants. The best advice for a guy that wants to marry an American girl that is a virgin is to go to BYU and try to find a good bride.

In America churches are closing down in record numbers. The government and organizations attack Christianity (and most religions such as Christianity and Islam, as well as intelligent design and creationism. Evolution and non-creationism with no moral codes and moral relativism are the State-Sanctioned belief systems in the West.)

My personal opinion is that Eastern Christianity is the strongest Christianity in the world because Patriach Kirill isn't afraid to speak out against feminism, homosexuality, and fornication. Russian Orthodox Christianity is very strong, they have true followers and the number keeps growing, and they have tradition. Any civilization in history that was built also required religion. To be successful the religion must have had morals, tradition, a clear belief system, true followers, uncompromising tenants, and conformed to nature. In Russia their government and the Russian Orthodox Church cooperate in keeping Russia a strong and moral country. Christianity is very important if Russia wants to maintain it's traditions and morals because that has a moral code of conduct.

The best advice is a man that wants to find a good Christian bride and prefers white women should go to Eastern Europe.