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Refutations of biblical contradictions

Posted: June 10th, 2023, 4:41 pm
by 69ixine
Luke 6:46 Why do you call me `Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?

Jesus explains what it means to “believe” in Him:

John 14:12 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. ... eceive.htm

I offer my sincere apologies for anyone I have mislead,in Jesus name amen

I beleived in dispensationalism free for all for a long time and I guess I was not happy with the lack of morality in that church.

I also am not happy with the lack of money and a good wife I'm attracted to in my life,so I become frustrtaed with God and want to leave.

However as I said many times,my personal spiritual experiences cannot escape me,being attacked by demons for beleiving in Jesus,for a little over two years now,and other gods of other religions not being able to save me from such a predicament,while calling on jesus does save me.

I hereby tell everyone to not listen to my religious ideas,as I have been a fool thinking himself wise.

there is a sickness in me likely due to demon posession(I have said a few times I am possessed due to my involvement in tantric kaula and srividya shaktism before my conversion in january 2021)

and I need all the prayers as possible from my PROTESTANT brethren,keep my name in your local prayer church sessions and groups,ask your pastors to pray for me always,my name is bennie.

I also admit that my drawing to islam is simply because of the ease and good nature of so many of their religious women.

I have no idea on how to find a religious protestsant wife that likes me and i like back.

I hope to go to india after a year of working as a home health aide and get a ten year visa and marry a indian christian girl thru a matchmaking marriage.that is the best thing for me.

I'm also most attracted to indian women,even the demons know it,when they try to seduce me they always appeared as indian looking' goddesses'(or white prostitutes,mocking me for my involvement with them as a unbeliever).

and being a white guy I can easily get indian women for marriage.

Re: Refutations of biblical contradictions

Posted: June 10th, 2023, 4:45 pm
by 69ixine
@MrMan I apologize or my erratic nature.please keep my name in your church's prayer sessions and for God to help me move to utah where its safe and conservative and eventually india to find a protestant wife.

I dont do well in environments where I feel unsafe like this city.

Re: Refutations of biblical contradictions

Posted: June 12th, 2023, 7:49 am
by MrMan

What do you mean about demons trying to seduce you? Do you see demonic entries appearing as Indian women and white prostitutes?