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Re: Why I Want To Leave the US

Posted: June 16th, 2021, 11:50 am
by gsjackson
I pm'd you several months ago about such a dating site -- not for misfits, but for something in the same vein with a little more flattering designation -- and you didn't respond.

Re: Why I Want To Leave the US

Posted: June 16th, 2021, 4:06 pm
by Winston

Another question:

1. Do you notice that when you are an outcast or misfit, that a lot of people don't even need to talk to you or get to know you, they just shun you immediately as if you are some "loser" and they can smell it? Women and girls in particular do this, because as we all know, women are more shallow and judgmental than men are, especially American and Chinese/Taiwanese women. They have a super shallow/judgmental streak and love to eject people. So they in particular are prone to instantly disliking someone for no reason without getting to know them, even if they are nice and agreeable. It's as if their instinct can smell if you're a misfit or outcast, even if you are dressed nicely and act polite and civilized and blend in, they can still smell that you are a misfit in your soul and will look at your with cold disdain instantly, like an animal can smell if you are not one of their clan. Have you noticed this too? It really sucks.

2. I've never understood how social life in America or Taiwan works. I mean, you can't talk to strangers unless its business related and approaching a girl you like is taboo. So how do people make friends or get dates? I know in high school, you see people forming cliques. The cliques are exclusive and you are supposed to socialize within your clique. But the thing is, you can't just join any clique you like. You gotta vibe with the group and fit in and prove that you are cool. You can't just be open and friendly and expect people to like you for you. No way. I found that out in the last year of high school, when I became very outgoing and friendly, but no clique wanted me. It sucked and was very sad and depressing, because I always assumed that if you were friendly and outgoing, you could make friends in school. But it turned out not to be true, especially if you are on a different wavelength and are not hive minded or into groupthink or don't know how to conform.

So the problem is: What if no cliques accept you or you don't vibe with any of them? Finding a clique seems like a natural process for most normies. But not if you're an outcast. Even rebel cliques that wear all black in high school have a certain code or style that you have to fit into. If you don't fit into any clique, including the nerdy clique, then you are screwed, aren't you?

A clique can tell if you fit in or not. If you don't, they will shun you and ignore you. And even if they are nice and accept you, if you don't vibe with them, you will still feel like you don't fit in anyway. So the key is to find a clique you vibe with. But what if there are none in your area? Then what?

How do normies make friends exactly? If they can do it, it must be easy right? So why is it so hard or impossible if you are a misfit or outcast? It seems that if you are a normie, finding a clique is natural and effortless, like flowing in the wind. One doesn't try to make it happen. It's supposed to happen naturally right? But what if it doesn't? That's the key question. What do you do then?

Have you wondered about these things too? If so, have you found any answers? I've been wondering these things since the 1990s and none of it makes sense. And you also think: If normies don't ask these questions, then I must be some freak or weirdo if I ask these questions right? So what's wrong with me? Do you ever ask yourself: "What's wrong with me" too?

Re: Why I Want To Leave the US

Posted: June 16th, 2021, 4:07 pm
by Winston
gsjackson wrote:
June 16th, 2021, 11:50 am
I pm'd you several months ago about such a dating site -- not for misfits, but for something in the same vein with a little more flattering designation -- and you didn't respond.
Sorry about that man. I got a ton of PMs, even from crazy members. I don't have time to read them all or think about new ideas. My hands are full now. Maybe someday I'll get to the PMs.

Re: Why I Want To Leave the US

Posted: June 18th, 2021, 12:42 am
by Outcast9428
Winston wrote:
June 16th, 2021, 7:17 am
Have any therapists or psychologists labeled you as an introvert or having aspergers? Do you believe such labels exist or are they just labels? How else can they explain misfits?

We should start a dating site for misfits or something. lol. That would be a great idea. But misfits are not all alike. Some are deviant and violent and on hard drugs. So it doesn't mean that all misfits will relate, only certain types.

What about New Agers and people who believe in UFOs and listen to Art Bell? Are they lower tier normies or misfits? What do you think?

Btw, how did you find this forum btw? Were you searching something or followed a link?
I went to a therapist once who said I had a lot of the same symptoms as autistic people have but that its mild enough that she wasn't quite sure. Mild autism though is pretty much what I've always thought aspergers meant.

I feel like being afraid of labels just means you're afraid of who you are. I don't dislike being labeled a weeaboo or an aspie/autist. It is who I am after-all, why should one feel ashamed of a label?

I think new age stuff, believing in UFOs (at least, previous to the pentagon releasing all the information about them), stuff like that, its definitely quirky. All by itself its not enough for me to tell, but I'd say more odd people would be more drawn to that for sure.

Oddly enough I've seen this website several times prior to joining. I saw some articles written by you and I agreed with them but didn't join the forums. I can't remember what exactly drew me to it, I look up a lot of anti-feminist stuff though so I think looking up anti-feminist stuff will bring you here.

Re: Why I Want To Leave the US

Posted: December 28th, 2021, 11:37 pm
by OTB
Outcast9428 wrote:
May 30th, 2021, 10:38 pm
fschmidt wrote:
May 30th, 2021, 11:53 am
Of course America is a lost cause. Other countries are better but not ideal. The worldwide covid insanity shows how bad the whole world is. I have looked around the world for sane traditional people and the only good place that I have found is the Mennonite area in north Mexico. You will have to judge for yourself, but the only way to judge is to visit a place.
That's pretty much what my plan is, I want to travel to a wide variety of locations before I really decide on where I'm gonna stay. Unfortunately COVID has really messed up my plans in that regard. Not even because I'm scared of the virus but because the places I'm trying to go are. It seems like Latin America is the most relaxed about the restrictions though so I'm gonna travel through Latin America first.
OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
May 30th, 2021, 11:55 am
Hey there. Good post. Don't worry you aren't alone. The US is a clusterfuck man and I am living here also. Yeah, isn't it bizarre that most of the girls will only allow themselves to be interested in a man and actually get physical when they are intoxicated? What does that say about them? I bet if they are sober they are totally castrated and not even interested in anyone or they will just shoot down the guys that do approach them for any reason. This is why Morgan Stanley has stated that by 2030 52% of american women between 25-44 will be single LOL.....get ready for an epic shithshow.

There is something to be said about other countries and I have noticed it too.....that people are much more "normal".....women actually want a man and try to attract someone in real life. Women actually want sex! The games and bullshit are not nearly what they are with american women.

You are on the right track dude. Good luck.
The biggest thing that stunned me about talking to girls from the foreign countries I mentioned was the feeling of walking away, understanding implicitly that this is how things really should be. That's how a conversation between a guy and a girl should feel like. Neither of us were nitpicking each other, there was no hostility, there was a bit of an awkward, nervous vibe but it was a friendly one. When I talk to 99% of American girls though, it feels every girl has a giant force field around her that she's spent years making stronger and stronger.

Why should any guy force themselves to go through such a miserable experience? This isn't how things should be. Living in the world created by the feminists and left-wing elites feels like living through a nightmare that I should be waking up from any moment. Whenever I watch TV shows like Mad Men or when I talk to girls from Asian countries, its odd the feeling of familiarity I get even though I didn't live through the 50s/60s and even though I've never lived in any country but the US. However, it feels like there's a spiritual memory passed down by my ancestors telling me "yes, this is how its supposed to be, this is what the world should look like." The world you're living through right now is not the way things are supposed to be, you're not supposed to feel drained, anxious, and demoralized after talking to a girl you're supposed to feel warm and fuzzy.
"You're not supposed to feel drained, anxious, and demoralized after talking to a girl you're supposed to feel warm and fuzzy." A lot of them you feel like you have to be very conscious of how you talk to them. A lot of them give you the feeling as though you're on the verge of getting into an argument because many of them are full of anger, have no social skills and don't like being challenged.