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Re: Are Single Women Over 25 Damaged Goods?

Posted: April 21st, 2020, 12:55 am
by suprmon
Taco wrote:
March 18th, 2019, 8:51 pm
Childless women are mistakenly looked upon as a goldmine by some guys, this is a mistake. Its normal for women to want children, so any woman that doesn't have kids by the time she's 25 there will be something about her men don't like.
This may be of your own personal choice. But statistically speaking most men want women without children! Ask almost any man on the street and they will choose having a female without children over one who has them! It's like asking a man if he had a choice which woman would he pick: an ugly woman, or an attractive woman? Anyone with a fraction of a brain knows the answer to that!


Posted: April 21st, 2020, 10:24 pm
by Mercury
It's more like the following;
Well older single women from western countries generally speaking are

- Still holding out for what they deserve in their heads and that is the rich tall handsome man preferably of her race that's going to get her a luxurious movie star mansion in Beverly Hills, California, or even Hidden Hills. Will have a hard time convincing herself that she MAY NOT end up with her inflated unrealistic movie star/Hollywood director dream man.

- More sexual history which probably means she has been hurt in the past when it comes to sex at some point. Has less trust and more bitterness with men. So you have to deal with her baggage when you are trying to court/date her. So the pool boy in Cabo got her p***y on the first night, while you may have to wait much much longer to see it because you are in fact marriage-material (someone she can leach off of in the future). She'll play her cards accordingly to the TYPE OF MAN she wants to attract, whether that physically or financially.

- Just cause she's older, her standard of living isn't going down. Heck it only goes sky high through the roof, since they can't live without the movie star lifestyle. Logically one thinks that as your market value goes lower with age, then your demands should be lower but it doesn't with older women. Who said women made sense anyways

-30 year old woman WILL expect you to have a sleek, shiny, expensive souped up luxury sports car that roars like a space shuttle lifting off, has dark tinted windows, leather seats, lambo doors, and WILL expect you to be financially capable of living in Beverly Hills, California, or more yet, Hidden Hills, California. And unfortunately, even 18 year olds are becoming just as spoiled and 90210-minded. Even many parents of these young women are spoiling their daughters by telling them not to date any man unless he can financially afford to live in Beverly Hills or Hidden Hills, California.

-18 year old is hotter and better, that's why age differences between couples are so tight in America. It's because the older single women understand that a man worth marrying will be attracted to a younger woman. So they shame men (you're a pedophile, can't handle a strong woman like me, can't worship our (false) gods, can't handle Hell, I don't date Christians, I only worship the devil, blablabla) until they get to the point where they feel that they don't deserve a young attractive less spoiled woman.

-18 year old women are the least likely to be divorced. And clearly the Bible says that anyone who gets divorced and marries someone else commits adultery, and that adulterers/adulteresses will be cast into the lake of fire and will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

-Older single women have so much hate in the hearts, they've been repeatedly used for one thing only and she is pissed off at the fact that Mr.Right still hasn't come with a luxurious, sprawling mega mansion in Los Angeles County, California with rich and famous people and movie stars as neighbors.

But from my point of view, even Jesus would probably tell you guys; Don't ever marry an American woman. Don't just avoid marriage with her because she's divorced. Don't marry her because she's American, and she will divorce you. America today is worse than the world in the days of Noah right before the great worldwide flood.