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Posted: December 26th, 2010, 10:26 pm
by Winston
YoucancallmeAl wrote:Are you back in Philippines now? Last I checked, I thought you had left RP for Taiwan. You said the muggy, hot climate was really killing you. Have you acclimated to it?
And what parts of RP have you been to already?
Not yet. But will be back soon. I'm having fun in Taiwan now. And it's relaxing too, and very cold now.

No I don't think I'll ever acclimate to hot and humid weather. I can stand dry heat (e.g. Arizona) but not if it's combined with humidity. That wears me out.

I've only been to Manila, Angeles, Baguio, Subic, Pangisinan and the hundred islands, Tagatay, and a few small villages. Not many parts of the Philippines.

Posted: December 27th, 2010, 3:20 pm
by globetrotter

Where do you attend college and what degree did you receive?

Posted: December 28th, 2010, 10:36 am
by Winston
globetrotter wrote:Winston,

Where do you attend college and what degree did you receive?
I went to Ohlone College in Fremont, CA for junior college, and then to Cal State Hayward in Hayward, CA where I graduated with a four year Bachelors Degree. I majored in Business Administration with emphasis in Computer Information Systems and a minor in Marketing.

I enjoyed Ohlone College. It was easy and relaxing and the teachers were interesting. But I hated CSU Hayward. It was a total machine where people were all business and no connection. I felt like a total sore thumb there. Everyone else was all business. And the courses were too tedious and left brained. All those calculus classes made me feel like I was walking on a tightwire, totally alien to my talents, and totally unnecessary for life too. I hated it so much and felt so disgraced there that I didn't even bother attending the graduation there.

If I could do it over, I would have majored in English or Journalism, so that I could have classes reading English literature instead, which would have been far more enjoyable.

The problem with Journalism though, was that it felt too structured and rigid. You couldn't write what you wanted. It had to be dumbed down and follow strict guidelines and patterns. There was no creativity in it. That was not the kind of writing I liked. I took an introductory course and discovered this, and got bad vibes from it, so I didn't pursue it further. I never knew what I wanted to major in in college, so I selected business since it seemed the most broad and applied to everything. So I saw it as casting the widest net. But the classes were boring as hell and I wish I had majored in English literature so my schoolwork would have been far more interesting. Or I wish I had gone to drama school in LA instead and tried to get a career in show biz or the entertainment industry. That would have been following my heart at least.

Oh well.

After college, I had no idea what to do next. I was a follower and without someone telling me what to do next, I did nothing. Plus I soon moved to Washington to be with my online girlfriend, which put me in an even deader end since we had to live in a small town (Bellingham, WA) with nothing but retail jobs. So I couldn't even use my degree. My life was stinted there for years, until I went to Nevada and then overseas after that.

Posted: January 3rd, 2011, 5:01 am
by swincor
Why are you applying a double standard to my posts and censoring them, Winston? My posts are no different from those of other posters who are no less critical than I am. If you really disagreed with what I said, would you really suppress and censor them, making no attempt to refute them? But you don't try to refute them, you even try to pretend they were never posted in the first place, which is unusual on your part, which leads me to believe you actually agree with what I'm saying.

Posted: January 3rd, 2011, 6:44 am
by Winston
swincor__ wrote:Why are you applying a double standard to my posts and censoring them, Winston? My posts are no different from those of other posters who are no less critical than I am. If you really disagreed with what I said, would you really suppress and censor them, making no attempt to refute them? But you don't try to refute them, you even try to pretend they were never posted in the first place, which is unusual on your part, which leads me to believe you actually agree with what I'm saying.
Because your posts are garbage swincor, so I treat them like garbage. They are not honest sincere genuine questions of one who seeks knowledge. They are bash posts. It doesn't matter how often I refute them. You will still play your stupid games and continue to bash and twist things around to bash me again ad infinitum. That is non-productive and a waste of my time. And it's pure garbage, so I treat it as garbage. You also don't contribute any valuable content here. Thus you are nothing but garbage. And treated as such. From now on, your garbage posts will simply be deleted. This is not censorship. It's simply picking up the trash and sweeping the floor. Simple clean up.

If you can't understand that, then you are lost and beyond my help, and I ask that you leave here and quit wasting our time.

Posted: January 3rd, 2011, 12:05 pm
by swincor
Winston wrote: Because your posts are garbage swincor, so I treat them like garbage.
Now really, Winston, I think my posts have more value than that. I might add that others here think the same too. I do put considerable thought in my posts, and I think even you would have to agree I've been making some pretty solid points.

BTW what qualifies as garbage in your opinion?

Posted: January 3rd, 2011, 12:16 pm
by Winston
swincor__ wrote:
Winston wrote: Because your posts are garbage swincor, so I treat them like garbage.
Now really, Winston, I think my posts have more value than that. I might add that others here think the same too. I do put considerable thought in my posts, and I think even you would have to agree I've been making some pretty solid points.

BTW what qualifies as garbage in your opinion?
I've already explained it to you swincor. I'm not going to debate this in circles with you. I have my reasons. Sorry but as Admin, my decisions are the law here. I decide if your posts are garbage or not. If you don't like it, then go somewhere else. End of story. If you argue about this again here, I will delete your post.

Posted: January 4th, 2011, 6:57 am
by swincor
Winston wrote:
swincor__ wrote:
Winston wrote: Because your posts are garbage swincor, so I treat them like garbage.
Now really, Winston, I think my posts have more value than that. I might add that others here think the same too. I do put considerable thought in my posts, and I think even you would have to agree I've been making some pretty solid points.

BTW what qualifies as garbage in your opinion?
I've already explained it to you swincor. I'm not going to debate this in circles with you. I have my reasons. Sorry but as Admin, my decisions are the law here. I decide if your posts are garbage or not. If you don't like it, then go somewhere else. End of story. If you argue about this again here, I will delete your post.

Your board. It's nice to see that you are finally showing the masculine behavior that you failed to display with your gf Dianne. Remember how you insisted to me that you were "strong" with women, even though your actions proved otherwise? I still disagree with you that my posts are "garbage" (I have made very valid criticisms and points that I still think you never adequately refuted), but it is still very good that you are learning the right lessons, slowly but surely.

Remember Winston: women act up when you are not strong with them. When you are strong with them, then they will behave properly. And then chances are, you won't have to to rant and rave about how an 18 year old girl abuses you.

Posted: January 6th, 2011, 3:05 am
by Winston
swincor, the main problem with you here is that you ONLY post something when you see a chance to bash or attack me. You are like a bandit shooting arrows at me at every chance you get. What forum owner would allow such a person to post?

You don't contribute to any of the other discussions here. The other bashers that I was pissed at are contributing content/info to the discussions here. You aren't. That makes you valueless here.

Ask yourself why you don't contribute anything here except taking cheap shots at me? Is it cause you aren't interested in discussion? Or cause you don't have the brains to contribute anything? Either way, I see no value from you here, hence I treat you like garbage and delete you like garbage. You shouldn't even be here. Other forum owners would ban you as well.

You're here only to criticize me. And so you will be treated as such. Simple as that. You have nothing else to contribute.

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 11:30 am
by Fenix
How come you never considered Thailand?

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 11:44 am
by Winston
Phoenix Sosa wrote:How come you never considered Thailand?
I've considered it, especially since Mr S told me it was much more exciting there. Just haven't gotten around to going there yet. That's all. I haven't even traveled around the Philippines yet. Trying to do too many things at once. Plus I kind of have a fever for Chinese girls now :). Mr S tells me there are girls of all nationalities in Thailand though.

Why don't you make plans to check it out?

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 12:23 pm
by Fenix
I am like you, I am getting more fascinated with China. The women I talk to online from China are amazing. They are the ones that found me, not the other way around.

Thailand...Hmm, I never thought about visiting there. I really want to visit Japan and China the most. Always loved Japan.

Re: Need some Opinion

Posted: January 17th, 2011, 8:05 am
by Adama
firethrower1000 wrote:Winston could you tell me how women are in France? I read you said they were kind of snobby, what did you mean?
Can't you walk to France to find out? I thought Europeans traveled a lot.

Posted: February 14th, 2011, 10:37 am
by Boner_Jones
Hi Winston... i was curious about something.. i know you said you were from Bellingham, WA... and you hated it but...what's it like anyway? Outside of the people of course. An ideal place to raise families? how does it rate income-wise? quality of life issues?

Posted: February 18th, 2011, 12:31 am
by Fenix
Why did you move back to the Philippines if you say you did not like the weather and you were always sick?

How long have you been back in the Philippines?