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Are skinny guys the equivalent of fat women?

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 7:59 pm
by drealm
I always thought a skinny guy had average sex appeal. A skinny guy isn't a body builder, but he's not fat either. If he doesn't eat garbage but doesn't work out either, then he's somewhere in the middle. I now wonder if my assumption has been wrong. Part of the reason why I thought this way was because I'm attracted to slender women. A man's attraction to a woman is based on her femininity and her femininity is based on how delicate she looks. Does a woman desire a delicate looking man? My guess is no.

I keep a POF profile open for approaching FOB women. From time to time I get some replies from American women and they're invariably older fat women. For reference I am 27.

28 years old

31 years old

27 years old

25 years old

Since I only get replies from fat older women, I'm going to assume that being a skinny man is absolutely revolting to American women.

This doesn't seem to happen in the US:


Only this does:


When I went on foreign dating site there was no shortage of average to slender women who messaged me. For reference I'm around 110lb. Yes I know eatmoreliftweights...

So there's only two conclusions I can draw from this:

1) Skinny guys are disliked universally, but there aren't as many fat foreign women abroad. So the women who approach you will automatically be more slender.

2) Skinny guys are prized abroad and therefore less fat women approach you.

I'm confused.

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 10:18 pm
by zboy1
Skinny guys are the norm in Asian countries and it is considered by most people here... to be 'normal.' What is not considered 'normal' is how big and fat Westerners are. Yes, some women in Asia like that kind of look, but it is not considered the ideal 'look' in Asia.

The situation is reversed in Western countries, where muscle-heads and the big, brawny look is considered to be attractive, whereas being 'skinny' is seen as a sign that you're weak and emasculated.

Why is that in most Western countries? I don't know...but I do know Western women like the 'bad-boy' types much more than in Asia. Also, Western men (primarily White guys and ghetto Blacks and Hispanics) like to act all 'hard' and macho--acting like a bunch of d**ks--whereas in some other countries, that kind of attitude would get you face smashed-in by the local men there. ...

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 10:41 pm
by magnum
I've been on both ends of the stick.

300 lbs of pure fat and I've been underweight at 155 lbs, I'm 6'0, I corrected that to 173.

What I've observed is, women are picky as hell in America, no surprise, on of my best friends wives who's skin and bone, being only 90 lbs or less her self called me too skinny, when I was 167 lbs lean, ripped with abs and obviously worked out.

by most "macho" standards I wasn't good enough even though I was athletic, but when I got to Asia i was the "buff" buy even though I hardly could be called that at all.

I think what your seeing is brain washing or cultural norms being painfully blown out of proportion.

A skinny guy is normal in Asia, even a skinny white boy can get a really attractive girl, though I don't think you should bank on it being a positive or a negative, it's just neutral thing.

So..In I'd say in America being skinny as a man may not merit you on even status as a fat man, but it will not break out of neutrality aka being invisible to women.

Oh and if you ever want nutrition/exercise advice, pm me, I've lived it, i can help you put on healthy weight if you'd like, that isn't a insult that's just if you want to.

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 11:28 pm
by tre
How tall are you? If you are over 6' tall at 110 pounds then are skinny. If you are much shorter than that, then you are simply thin....not a bad thing to be IMO. Either way, you can change that in a few months of lifting weights. I was skinny throughout high school and started lifting weights in college. It wasn't so much the girls...I just HATED how skinny I was. I put on 80+ pounds of muscle in about 10 years. I must say that 195 ripped at 6' looks much better than 115 However, like others have said, being big and muscular isn't as popular abroad. You might intimidate the petite foreign women:).

Oh, and by the way....fat western women tell EVERYONE they are too skinny. Don't believe them...they are just hatin

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:47 am
by Cornfed
A lot of Asians see muscularity as a marker of low status as it is seen to indicate that you have to do manual labor for a living and are therefore scum. However, when I was in Asia I was relatively muscular and people seemed to react positively to that.

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 9:46 am
by drealm
tre wrote:How tall are you?

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 9:51 am
by chibolo
I a skinny too (about 135 pounds, 5´9, but I used to weigh even less). I used to think that being skinny was a major flaw and made me look below average. However, despite being skinny I have been called handsome by quite a few attractive girls (7-7.5/10), so I guess it isn't that bad. I now consider my body to be average (like a 5/10).

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 10:30 am
by momopi
Look at ads for American Eagle Outfitters, Urban Outfitters, Club Monaco, Express, Gap, etc.


Plenty of skinny guys and gals. Actually, if you shop at Club Monaco or Urban Outfitters stores, it's difficult to find pants over size 34-36 waist. The stores usually stock 28-34 and if you want 36-38, you have to order online. If your waistline is over 36-38, you're SOL. ... _APP_JEANS

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 10:50 am
by drealm
momopi wrote:Look at ads for American Eagle Outfitters, Urban Outfitters, Club Monaco, Express, Gap, etc.


Plenty of skinny guys and gals. Actually, if you shop at Club Monaco or Urban Outfitters stores, it's difficult to find pants over size 34-36 waist. The stores usually stock 28-34 and if you want 36-38, you have to order online. If your waistline is over 36-38, you're SOL. ... _APP_JEANS
Skinny is somewhat of a relative term I guess. Most of the guys there are probably my height and in the 140~150lb range.

Encouraging Anecdote

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 11:12 am
by Rock
Here in SFO waiting for flight back to Asia. Just had a coffee and sitting next to me was a very classy and attractive looking slim young Korean girl. Across from her was her boyfriend - a skinny, geeky, 5'8" Korean dude with a very weak chin, and funny teeth and mouth. In USA, rating him as a 4 would be very generous.

In a country like S. Korea or Thailand, I think your race plus lack of local language skills will be your critical hindrance/limiting factor, not being skinny or average/plain looking which so many of these girls seem willing to accept in their boyfriends.

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 11:23 am
by tre
drealm wrote:
momopi wrote:Look at ads for American Eagle Outfitters, Urban Outfitters, Club Monaco, Express, Gap, etc.


Plenty of skinny guys and gals. Actually, if you shop at Club Monaco or Urban Outfitters stores, it's difficult to find pants over size 34-36 waist. The stores usually stock 28-34 and if you want 36-38, you have to order online. If your waistline is over 36-38, you're SOL. ... _APP_JEANS
Skinny is somewhat of a relative term I guess. Most of the guys there are probably my height and in the 140~150lb range.
Exactly. Those guys above are not really "skinny", especially the guy on the left. You can tell he's carrying muscle...he's lean, not skinny. Lean is what you want to be. If you wanna throw on 10+ pounds of muscle in the next year, you could. If you feel good the way you are, then don't worry about it.

I am currently 212 pounds at over 6' and have a 33 waist. I am not particularly lean...need to lose about 10-15 pound of fat. I could wear clothes in the above stores...even now. That just goes to show you how obese this country is. Being thin is much better than being comparison IMO.

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 11:31 am
by tre
Cornfed wrote:A lot of Asians see muscularity as a marker of low status as it is seen to indicate that you have to do manual labor for a living and are therefore scum. However, when I was in Asia I was relatively muscular and people seemed to react positively to that.
^^^This is what I have been told by guys living in Asia. I'm not even that muscular (compared to the meat heads I see everyday in the USA) and they tell me that I would intimidate the women in some Asian countries. I have never tried to date in Asia though so I am not sure if that is true or not.

I think it might be different, depending on where in Asia you are. In the Philippines, being fat and white (pasty) means that you are well fed and don't have to do manual labor outside in the sun. This is not viewed negatively like it would be in the USA.

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:36 pm
by chibolo
tre wrote: If you wanna throw on 10+ pounds of muscle in the next year, you could. If you feel good the way you are, then don't worry about it.
Not everyone can gain a lot of muscle by working out. It is mostly genetic. I compare it to tanning. Some people are naturally very pale and will never get a tan. Others can get a slight tan, while others can get a very dark tan. Same with muscles. If you are naturally very skinny you will not be able to build much muscle. I tried working out myself, but the results I got were not worth the effort I put in. Also, if you have small/thin bones you will always look thin even if you gained some muscle. Most of the skinny guys who gained a lot of muscle where skinny because their bodies were still developing and naturally filled out after they stopped growing, not because they started lifting weights.

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:49 pm
by theprimebait
Well I guess a man wih narrow shoulders and a narrow frame is considered the equivelant of a asian woman pancake body vs a Ice La fox body .but lets not kid oruselves a skinny Channing tatum AMOGs a narrow fraimed manlet who bodybuilds.some men with low sex drives actually do find the former attractive,but high T men don't.some men with low SMV would actually pick that body of amy Chu'a over Ice la fox.just like ugly and average looking girls(signal of low E) really do find hipster skinny guys more attractive than wide framed polynesian bodies.

dimorphism really does meet a low dimorphic guy can expect a low dimorphic girl to like him,but not a high dimorphic stunner.

its about frame size and frame width aswell as shoulder width and V shape.I'm afraid no amount of bodybuilding will compensate for a narrow,weak,and tiny frame,not to mention men with these frames can't pack on muscle without steroids.

my personal advice for men with small bones is get on vitamin K butter oil.

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 1:04 pm
by theprimebait
in Asia skinny men are the ideal,but you can believe the hotties there prefer a robust guy.Asians have low hormone development(both low E and Low T)so they are more focused on the aesthetic rather than the sexually appealing(for example huge booties and wide hips look ridiculous but sexually appealing, a skinny body does look quiet aesthetic)

but I would imagine the masculine asians prefer thick women like angel melaku ,maliah michele ,Deliannah Urena or Rosee divine as much as their feminine women prefer muscly men.

for most other humans,we like curvy women and robust wide frame men.

I think asian beauty standards aret relevant to asking a general question as OP did.