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How long to learn Spanish well enouugh

Posted: December 18th, 2023, 7:29 pm
by happycamper277
I'm considering learning Spanish and making frequent trips to Mexico. My understanding is those stories you read from people's experiences in these backwards countries before around 2014 can still be had by men that are willing to learn another language. I've chosen Spanish because going back and forth between America and Latin America is a lot quicker and cheaper than SEA and because Spanish is supposed to be a lot easier to learn. My main question is how long would it take for me to learn Spanish well enough to be worshiped by these women? I don't want to find a wife, I just want to experience what men experienced in the Philippines before 2014.

Re: How long to learn Spanish well enouugh

Posted: March 17th, 2024, 8:05 pm
by meterlabour
It's a long process. Perhaps it depends a lot on your level of concentration while studying. If you are already working and have a personal job, the study period may last longer.