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Re: El Paso, Texas - The least American city

Posted: June 22nd, 2023, 2:18 pm
by 69ixine
Lucas88 wrote:
June 22nd, 2023, 1:26 pm
69ixine wrote:
June 22nd, 2023, 6:48 am
I'm a handsome man,I know most guys that would approach are not more goodlooking than I am,I don't feel insecure about it's so easy to get a latina gf there if you're girl leaves,get a new one thats hotter!

who the hell wants to live in virginia?to each their own.

I was getting catcalled by latinas in miami,I have a abundance mentality in contrast to socially conservative areas where it's harder to get a girl.

to each their own as they man's hell is another man's paradise.
Hombre, yo no quiero vivir en Virginia. ¡Virginia es para vírgenes pues! 🤣🤣🤣

A mí me encantaba que en Latinoamérica las mamacitas me dijeran "churro" y "papito" en la calle. Me sentía deseado como hombre. La verdad me las quería cepillar a todas. Lo habría hecho si no hubiera sido por mi novia. 😂

Yo también contemplo el mundo con mentalidad de abundancia, compadre. Una abundancia de tetas y culos y despampanantes hembritas latinoamericanas. ¡Ay ay ay! 🍑🔥🥒🌮

Las almas latinas tenemos calor en la sangre, compadre. Disfrutamos del jolgorio y la emoción de vivir. Nos aburren los entornos dizque "conservadores" llenos de gente mojigata, cucufata y pesada.

Somos hermanos de habla hispana, compay. ¡Un saludo para ti! 🇪🇸🇲🇽🇨🇴 🇻🇪🇨🇺🇵🇷🇩🇴🇪🇨🇵🇪🇧🇴🇨🇱🇦🇷🇺🇾🇵🇾🇵🇦🇨🇷🇳🇮🇭🇳🇸🇻🇬🇹

¡Un saludo también para toda la gente linda de Miami! 👍

¡Saludos para todas las bellísimas mujeres latinas! 🍑🔥
I'm glad latinas also catcalled you and made u feel like a man,it was my feeling too.girls talking to me from their cars,even african american hotties with their latin american girlfriends.

it used to be on chispa,girls would beg me for a relationship,and these were hot latinas.two users from now defunct had my passwords to confirm and one indian one said he had to avert his eyes because of all the latino mamis with pretty faces and brown skin being subissive to me.

outcast is kind of a nerd,and needs that betabux tradwife and good for him,but I am el jefe and can keep my latina christian wife dick is big enough to give orgasms according to girls,im not insecure about other guys lol

virginia is for virgins lol

besides even nerdy guys get gfs in miami with latina immigrants.its really the minority of americans there that have to be avoided.

and i agree miami is my city,the energy is spectacular.

Re: El Paso, Texas - The least American city

Posted: June 23rd, 2023, 12:23 am
by Outcast9428
MrMan wrote:
June 22nd, 2023, 7:26 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
June 20th, 2023, 4:10 pm
69ixine wrote:
June 20th, 2023, 11:11 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
June 19th, 2023, 12:06 am

My hatred of Miami really just extends to the entire culture of Florida. The whole state is basically the wild west for dating. Its easy to find a girl willing to date you but its nearly impossible to keep a girl, especially if she actually looks good. If you date a girl in Florida you will have to fight off thirsty, impulsive men every day of your life. It is impossible to find peace or let your guard down there. Men will hit on and grope your girlfriend right in-front of you. The severity of sexual degeneracy in Florida is staggering. I went to one of the universal parks and they had a show with BDSM themes in it with no warning whatsoever and available for kids to watch. It was unfathomably disgusting and shocking to me. The people in Florida are incredibly rude and act in ways that I've never seen anybody act like in Virginia.


Its because of the obesity crisis and all these damn tattoos everywhere. I f***ing hate tattoos they are absolutely disgusting. Tattoos on girls is like spraying graffiti on a Renaissance cathedrals. Its like, it wasn't enough for half the girls to become obese, the other half of girls who aren't fat yet had to destroy their skin with all these repulsive tattoos all over them. I don't like dyed hair either and find it unnatural to see. I had a couple female co-workers ask me a year ago whether I liked red hair better or orange hair better when it came to hair dyes and I just told them "honestly, I like natural colors, I don't think hair dyes really look good on people." And they looked stunned that I said that.

Why do so many people nowadays think that making their bodies look unnatural is cool? People should be trying to make themselves look as clean, natural, cute, and smooth as possible but instead they seem to be more interested in turning their bodies into a walking graffiti exhibit or just a total freakshow of tattoos, piercings, and dyed hair which makes them look like a damn monster.
you been to miami?i was with my sis and we look like different races so people thought we were a couple,and no guys approached her when i was around.she complained about that,because she wanted to be approached and only did when i was in the hostel by myself.
I’ve actually been to Miami three times (although I was only really there for a day for two of those instances). I’ve also heard a decent bit about it from my ex.

As far as your experience goes, people are less likely to approach a girl who is with a guy in Florida but they will still do it if you stay there long enough. Give it about a month and somebody would probably try and pick up your sister even if you are with her.

I don’t know what things are like in Ohio but that never happens in Virginia. Guys don’t even approach girls much when they don’t have a guy around much less if her boyfriend is there. Since I started dating my girl in Virginia, which was 8 month ago. She’s been hit on by two guys. Both when I was not there. In Florida, my ex girlfriend was hit on every day that I wasn’t there and three different people hit on her even when I was there with her. More guys hit on my ex girlfriend when I was with her in Florida then have hit on my girlfriend now when I am not around.
So what does a girlfriend getting hit on when a man is with her look like in Florida? Is it guys yelling "Mamacita! Que pollo! You so fine!" from a park bench while she walks by holding your hand?

Do they walk up to her while she is with you and say, "Hey, babe, why don't you dump this looser, and I'll show you what a real man is like."

I had a Spanish teacher in high school, a stout chunky blonde who said some Spanish men really go for blondes. She was walking along and men driving would honk and try to get her attention. Once she heard honking and saw the bus driver carrying on like that.

I had another high school Spanish teacher who had been raised in Cuba. The boys would sit and would cat-call the girls that walked by. She said if they said que pollo that was good. Cooked chicken was good. She supposed if they call a wonan a gallina that's bad.

If a girl walked by and the guys said nothing she would think "What's wrong with me."
It looks like your girlfriend sitting next to you on a bench and a random guy in his 60s with a pot leaf sticker on his hat walking up and caressing her thigh. It looks like a lesbian pretending to be "friends" but not being able to keep her hands off of your girlfriend, hugging her every five seconds and even kissing her on the cheek (which was the point I told her that's enough and we're leaving). It looks like a random guy on the bus wanting to know where my girlfriend works, where she lives, how old she is, and what her name is.

So no, it isn't just random catcallers saying she looks pretty or whatever.