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Re: Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

Posted: November 28th, 2021, 5:15 pm
by Taco
This just in...

CV19 Booster Shot Also a Bioweapon – Karen Kingston ... -kingston/

Re: Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

Posted: November 28th, 2021, 5:15 pm
by publicduende
The more obvious it becomes that Covid-19 is mutating on a trajectory common to all flu viruses of the past and - probably - in the future, the harder TPTB have to work to crank those panic and disinformation dials to the absolute maximum.

How to justify all those billions (and probably super-fat kickbacks) world governments are giving away to Big Pharma? How to justify continuing to push technology (often overridden by good old common sense) that classifies and tracks the general population? How to justify all those economy and morale-destroying lockdowns?

Covid-19 might have been engineered by a Wuhan lab to be a bioweapon but, on that count, it has failed miserably. Mother Nature is benign and prevailed, putting the virus on the same path to extinction as anything else before.

Now the the tide is withdrawing, we see the world governments in bed with big tech, bit pharma and the globalist elites for what they are: simple, ineffective propaganda machines, pushing for forms of dictatorship that will only benefit the few on top.