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Why are today's children LESS healthy than 50 years ago?

Posted: June 7th, 2011, 3:52 am
by Mr S
Interesting article comparing children from past generations with modern ones...

They're taller, better fed and have fewer fillings - so why are today's children LESS healthy than 50 years ago?
Last updated at 2:18 AM on 7th June 2011

There is little doubt that over the past 50 years or so children have got heavier. They’ve also got taller and even their feet have got bigger. But what effect is this having on their health?
Many of these changes have been good for children’s health, says Bernard Harris, professor of the history of social policy at Southampton University.
But he adds: ‘There are also those who argue that given the level of childhood obesity and sedentary lifestyle, this generation is less healthy than their parents or grandparents and may live shorter lives as a result.’

Then and now: Boys 50 years ago were smaller in height and weight and had higher fitness levels than today's youth
Fifty years ago, children were fitter, and as research published last month showed, even ten years ago they were also much stronger.
Another study published last month found an increasing number of primary school children suffering from arthritic-type pain from using phones and games consoles.
The researchers said the problems — wrist and finger pain — were normally seen only in elderly patients with chronic rheumatism.
So just how do today’s children compare to those of 50 years ago — and what are the implications for their well-being?
Here, we examine the evidence and ask the experts for their analysis.
Except where stated, all results are for children aged 11 today and in 1961.
THEN: 4ft 4in
NOW: 4ft 7in
The average child’s height has increased by between 1cm to 3cm (0.3in to 1.1in) every decade over the past 50 years, says Professor Mitch Blair, officer for health promotion at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. So children today are on average between 5cm and 15cm (2in to 6in) taller.
The main reason is improved nutrition, particularly during pregnancy, and a better intake of vitamins and minerals.
It’s also possible that the decline in women smoking during pregnancy — which may stunt a baby’s growth — has also contributed.
DOES IT MATTER? Of course, improved nutrition and fewer smoking mothers are good news. But increased height is associated with lower back pain because it puts extra pressure on the spine, says Dr Gavin Sandercock, a child fitness expert at Essex University.
‘We were never designed to be upright, but evolved to walk on all fours, which is why so many of us suffer from back problems.’
So this means more people with back pain at a younger age.
THEN: Boy, 5st 10lb (36.4 kg); Girl, 6st 1lb (38.5kg)
NOW: Boy, 6st 4lb (40.1 kg); Girl, 6st 12lb (43.9kg)
As children have got taller they have also got heavier, because they have more muscle bulk, says Professor Blair.
However, many are heavier than they should be and that’s because of inactivity, adds Dr Sandercock.

Changing times: Girls are also taller and heavier than their predecessors and reach puberty earlier
‘The amount of food children have been eating has decreased over the years, but they are eating more fat and sugar and their levels of inactivity have shot up with the rise of cars, TVs and remote controls. Everyone is doing less than they used to.’
Also women born in the Depression era of the Thirties (the mothers of the children born in the Fifties and early Sixties) tended to have lower weight babies to begin with, says Professor Harris, co-author of The Changing Body: Health, Nutrition And Human Development In The Western World Since 1700.
Although there is much talk about an obesity epidemic, in fact, children’s Body Mass Index (BMI) has changed little.
In 1966, the average BMI for an eight-year-old boy was 16.55. In 2007, it was 17.18.
‘I think many people expect the difference to be bigger, but it’s a ratio of height to weight, which are both increasing,’ says Dr Sandercock.
Children from more affluent areas are less likely to have seen a change in BMI, probably because their parents are more focused on nutrition and exercise.
So is the childhood obesity epidemic a myth?
‘Though the average child has not got that much bigger, children from families who have tended to be overweight in the past have become more overweight or obese,’ says Dr Sandercock.
Furthermore, he says the number of malnourished children is also rising.
He adds: ‘And it’s not just skinny children — it’s possible for an obese child to be malnourished because while they get plenty of calories from chips and chicken nuggets, they don’t get sufficient vitamins.’
Meanwhile, at the other end of the spectrum, there are children suffering from so-called ‘muesli malnutrition’ after being put on restricted ‘healthy’ diets (such as no meat or dairy) by their parents.
DOES IT MATTER? ‘Carrying a lot of weight around the stomach, known as visceral fat, can trigger Type 2 diabetes,’ says Dr Sandercock.
‘We have diagnosed 14-year-old children with Type 2 diabetes — something you didn’t see 20 years ago because it was a disease associated with older age.’
There are also thought to be tens of thousands of children in Britain with undiagnosed metabolic syndrome — a precursor for chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood vessel and heart disease — which was almost unheard of in children until the past decade.
‘We also see a lot of overweight children with high blood pressure,’ says Dr Sandercock.
Meanwhile, some obese youngsters have abnormally high cholesterol levels, doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital warned earlier this year, putting them at high risk of heart disease.
‘Britain already has one of the highest rates of heart disease — it’s the country’s biggest killer — and childhood obesity means this is only likely to rise,’ says Dr Mike Markiewicz, consultant paediatrician at the Bupa Cromwell Hospital.
‘Who is going to look after all these people in the future?’
THEN: Boy, 14½ years; Girl, 12½
NOW: Boy, 13½; Girl, 11
Puberty is defined as starting when a boy’s voice breaks or a girl has her first period.
The age at which a girl has her first period remained static from the Forties to Eighties, but then dropped suddenly in those born in the late Eighties and Nineties, particularly among girls from poorer backgrounds.
Increased body weight may be to blame, suggested a report from Breakthrough Breast Cancer and the Institute of Cancer Research.
Greater weight is also being blamed for a lower age for puberty in boys.
It’s estimated that at least one in six children under the age of ten is experiencing puberty.
However, Danish researchers have suggested that in the past decade there has been a more rapid drop — of up to a year — in the average age of puberty. They suggested an unhealthy lifestyle or exposure to chemicals in food were to blame. Another theory is that we simply eat a lot more and the more calories we ingest, the faster we develop.
Other research suggests children from broken homes experience earlier puberty. The stress of family breakdown — also on the rise — alters the balance of growth hormones and other chemicals in the body, speeding up physical development.
DOES IT MATTER? A lower age for the onset of puberty is important because it can influence a girl’s chances of developing breast cancer later in life, though doctors stress this is one of many factors.
The number of breast cancer cases in Britain has risen by 50 per cent in the past 25 years, with the number of women affected before the menopause also increasing.
Meanwhile, U.S. researchers last year found that boys who experienced early puberty were more likely to display aggressive behaviour.
THEN: 6.5 decayed, missing or filled
NOW: 1.5 (Figures based on 12-year-olds)
‘On the whole, children’s teeth have got much better over the past few years,’ says Dr Nigel Carter of the British Dental Health Foundation.
He says the biggest boost to dental health in the past 40 years has been fluoride in toothpaste. It works by re-mineralising the enamel, making it harder and more resistant to attack.
‘When it comes to 12-year-olds, Britain has the best dental health in Europe,’ he says.

Bad diet: Even an obese child can be malnourished because while they get plenty of calories from junk food, they don't get sufficient vitamins
However, the picture is not so good for younger children. ‘About a third of five-year-olds are still getting dental decay, which is disappointing because it’s totally preventable,’ he says.
‘One problem of modern life is that rather than eating three square meals a day, many of us, including children, have seven to ten snack attacks.
‘It takes an hour for saliva in the mouth to neutralise the acid from food and drink, so eating every hour or two means the teeth won’t get a chance to recover. This means more cavities.
‘Another phenomenon we’ve noticed in the past ten to 15 years is higher levels of tooth erosion from fizzy drinks. It’s a bigger problem here than in the U.S., which may be due to the fact they serve drinks with ice — the colder the drink, the less effect the acid has.’
‘Fruit juices and energy drinks are no better and children are drinking an increasing number of these.’
THEN: Boy, size 3½-4; Girl, size 3
NOW: Boy, size 4½-5; Girl, size 4
‘The average size at a given age has increased by between a half and whole size since the Sixties,’ says Bob Hardy, Clark’s children’s fitting expert. Foot problems have changed over the years, says Michael Harrison-Blount, lecturer in podiatry at the University of Salford.
‘Shoes were often worn that were too small due to the cost of replacing them, then when they were handed down to the next child, they were already misshapen.
‘Now the problem is the type of footwear. Dolly shoes, ballet pumps and trendy plimsolls are fashionable, but they don’t provide the feet with much cushioning or support.’
Until the age of 18, the foot is still developing and until this point is mainly cartilage rather than bone, making it vulnerable to strong impact.
Being overweight makes the problem worse — one study found that obese children had feet that were longer and wider than normal.
DOES IT MATTER? ‘As a result of limited cushioning from shoes such as ballet pumps, the lower leg and foot absorb the full impact of the shock when your feet hit the floor, putting pressure on the weight-bearing joints such as the knees, hips and lower back.
‘Over time this can increase the risk of earlier osteoarthritis and lead to painful muscle strains.’
THEN: Boy, 40 sit-ups in 30 seconds; Girl, 26
NOW: Boy, 20; Girl, 18 (The ‘then’ figure is from 1970)
Children's fitness levels are declining by 4.3 per cent a decade globally. Fitness is measured using the ‘bleep test’ to assess how quickly children can run between two points in an ever decreasing amount of time.
However, the rate of decline in Britain is double the global rate, according to research undertaken at Essex University.
What’s to blame? As well as increased time spent watching screens, Dr Sandercock points to the fact that car ownership has more than doubled since the Seventies. Meanwhile, children’s strength, which had been improving since World War II, is also dropping.

Lack of fitness: Children today have less strength and endurance because they spend more time doing sedentary activities like watching TV
Today’s ten-year-olds can do fewer sit-ups than children managed a decade ago. In 1998, the average was 26 in 30 seconds. By 2008, this had dropped to just 19.
Today’s children are also less able to hang from wall bars in a school gym. Their arms are weaker and their ability to grip objects tightly has declined, according to the study of more than 300 primary school children in Essex.
‘This is probably due to changes in activity patterns among English ten-year-olds, such as taking part in fewer activities like rope-climbing and tree-climbing, and spending more time on sedentary activities, such as computer games and watching TV,’ says Dr Sandercock.
‘These are the activities that boost strength, making children able to lift and hold their own body weight.’
Over the same length of time, the arm strength of children fell by 26 per cent, while their grip strength declined by 7 per cent.
And as Dr Sandercock has found, the average BMI for ten-year-olds stayed the same, meaning children’s bodies are likely to contain less muscle and more fat.
DOES IT MATTER? Lack of fitness is ‘worrying because in terms of children’s health, cardiorespiratory fitness may be more important than BMI,’ says Dr Sandercock.
‘It’s an indicator of the risk of getting heart disease and other killers such as cancer.’
Inactivity and a lack of exercise can also compromise bone health. By their mid-20s, girls need to have accrued enough bone mass for a lifetime (for boys, it’s by their 30s), says Dr Sandercock.
‘If you don’t stress your bones through exercise, there’s a much higher risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures in the future.
‘Poor muscle tone in the stomach can also cause lower back pain, while a lack of leg strength will create problems climbing stairs much earlier in life. It’s vital to develop strength when you’re young so you can cope when you’re older.’
THEN: 71
NOW: 80
‘The good news is that it’s estimated that we see an increase in life expectancy of three months every year,’ says Professor Harris.
But does living longer mean you’re likely to spend more time being ill?
‘That something we are questioning,’ says Professor Harris.
Today’s 65-year-olds are generally healthier than their parents were at 65 or someone 100 years ago, but will that be true of the younger, fatter, less active generations?
Childhood obesity has already been shown to reduce life expectancy.
Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine found obesity will cut the average life expectancy of Americans by between two and five years in the coming decades.

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