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Posted: June 8th, 2012, 3:52 pm
by djfourmoney
A sticky should be considered on things covered Ad nauseam. Such as"

1) I'm under 6'0 and women won't consider me
2) I'm under 6'0 and overweight and women won't consider me
3) I'm Black and I wonder how X Race will react to me
4) I'm White and sick of being told (Guilty By Association) that I'm responsible (party you are) for the continued, Racism, Bigotry, Racial Profiling, Jailing and Murder of Non-Whites by others of my race.
5) I can't afford to travel so I continue to complain about American or British Women

And many, many, many more.

hello new user

Posted: June 8th, 2012, 7:29 pm
by TheLilAbs
Im 19 my hight is proabley 5.5 or 57 i dont but its all good let these american women die alone decent men whlo are short and tall who get rejected by these stupid american women shouldnt worry about these ugly women the cant handle truth i find funny when these women try to act better when they try to reject you for something you cant controll
i cant believe im seeing this ugly fat women with hot men wtf :shock: not every hot short man is gonna be rich not every tall hot man is gonna be rich
How does american woman act like shes better then tall men or short men by rejecting them
thats like comparing crack with height :shock:
I was at wal mart and im seeing this god dam fat obess woman tellin her dad that she want to where high heels
im like what the :shock: :shock: :shock: just image if american women where complaing unattractive discrimination god dam fat women who are 5s 4s who want the god dam
hot male quote 10 :shock: i dont care if i see women geting beat by men well american women you say you wanted gender equality
yet you say i need a man to protect me get the **** out of here f**k the double standards

Posted: June 9th, 2012, 1:06 am
by OutsideoftheBox
djfourmoney wrote:A sticky should be considered on things covered Ad nauseam. Such as"

1) I'm under 6'0 and women won't consider me
2) I'm under 6'0 and overweight and women won't consider me
3) I'm Black and I wonder how X Race will react to me
4) I'm White and sick of being told (Guilty By Association) that I'm responsible (party you are) for the continued, Racism, Bigotry, Racial Profiling, Jailing and Murder of Non-Whites by others of my race.
5) I can't afford to travel so I continue to complain about American or British Women

And many, many, many more.

Posted: June 9th, 2012, 1:20 am
by OutsideoftheBox
All_That_Is_Man wrote:
Jester wrote:I am tired of the Angrier Assholes posts, and can't sleep tonight, so I have been going through old threads. Here's a post of Ladislav's that speaks eloquently.
ladislav wrote:High expectations, too many rights, feminism, too many choices and plenty of compliant, willing men eating out of the palm of their hands. Men are treated worse than women are treated in Afghanistan. This fact has long ago been established and we have long ago moved on. I suggest we no longer create bad energy by constantly discovering some other hang up. Women in the US should not be considered at this site. This site is Happier Abroad. Lets follow the title.

His post stands out! But since I've never seen this thread before, let me add that I am about 6'2'' and I still get no dates or p***y from American women. We need a sticky thread that explains that "above average" or "hot" single guys have absolutely no privileges of attracting women in America. I'm tired of all the hatred toward good male genes as if we are just fighting to keep western women off our dick just because we are tall, dark, and handsome (and literally so). Women clearly do not like men overall in this country, so there you have it. Again, let's follow the title of "Happier Abroad".
Other than the "good male genes" crap I can kind of agree with this post.

What most men don't realize is what American females believe they are doing is raising their value by constantly lowering the value of the masses of males. In order for a miserable female, and westernized females ARE miserable, to feel good she must make someone else even more miserable than she is. American females are the angriest bitches on the planet; misery loves company. American females are abused females (See my explanation below).

Abused people abuse others; and trust me American females ARE abused but not by men. They are abused by other American females and the corporate-gynocentric ideological undercurrent that permeates American/Anglo culture. Here's the kicker though; matriarchal bullshit requires male participation. The reason American females can do this is because the manginas in the United States go for it.

As soon as you refuse the illusions of the Matrix, and step outside of it, you'll finally meet actual WOMEN.

Posted: June 9th, 2012, 9:00 am
by All_That_Is_Man
OutsideoftheBox wrote:
All_That_Is_Man wrote:
Jester wrote:I am tired of the Angrier Assholes posts, and can't sleep tonight, so I have been going through old threads. Here's a post of Ladislav's that speaks eloquently.
ladislav wrote:High expectations, too many rights, feminism, too many choices and plenty of compliant, willing men eating out of the palm of their hands. Men are treated worse than women are treated in Afghanistan. This fact has long ago been established and we have long ago moved on. I suggest we no longer create bad energy by constantly discovering some other hang up. Women in the US should not be considered at this site. This site is Happier Abroad. Lets follow the title.

His post stands out! But since I've never seen this thread before, let me add that I am about 6'2'' and I still get no dates or p***y from American women. We need a sticky thread that explains that "above average" or "hot" single guys have absolutely no privileges of attracting women in America. I'm tired of all the hatred toward good male genes as if we are just fighting to keep western women off our dick just because we are tall, dark, and handsome (and literally so). Women clearly do not like men overall in this country, so there you have it. Again, let's follow the title of "Happier Abroad".
Other than the "good male genes" crap I can kind of agree with this post.

What most men don't realize is what American females believe they are doing is raising their value by constantly lowering the value of the masses of males. In order for a miserable female, and westernized females ARE miserable, to feel good she must make someone else even more miserable than she is. American females are the angriest bitches on the planet; misery loves company. American females are abused females (See my explanation below).

Abused people abuse others; and trust me American females ARE abused but not by men. They are abused by other American females and the corporate-gynocentric ideological undercurrent that permeates American/Anglo culture. Here's the kicker though; matriarchal bullshit requires male participation. The reason American females can do this is because the manginas in the United States go for it.

As soon as you refuse the illusions of the Matrix, and step outside of it, you'll finally meet actual WOMEN.
Blaming manginas, or the government, or "white nationalism", or Illuminati, or Anglo-corporate-gynocentric-whatchamacallit is actually a very misguided cop-out. Women are the way they are because women themselves choose to be. No matter how much permission or whatnot the aforementioned parties "allow" women, their behavior would never be practiced if the women themselves didn't choose to act accordingly. The culprits, the wrong-doers, the enemies, and the destroyers of traditional culture are the women themselves. I don't intend to argue, just to enlighten.

Posted: June 9th, 2012, 10:40 am
by OutsideoftheBox
All_That_Is_Man wrote:
OutsideoftheBox wrote:
All_That_Is_Man wrote:
Jester wrote:I am tired of the Angrier Assholes posts, and can't sleep tonight, so I have been going through old threads. Here's a post of Ladislav's that speaks eloquently.
ladislav wrote:High expectations, too many rights, feminism, too many choices and plenty of compliant, willing men eating out of the palm of their hands. Men are treated worse than women are treated in Afghanistan. This fact has long ago been established and we have long ago moved on. I suggest we no longer create bad energy by constantly discovering some other hang up. Women in the US should not be considered at this site. This site is Happier Abroad. Lets follow the title.

His post stands out! But since I've never seen this thread before, let me add that I am about 6'2'' and I still get no dates or p***y from American women. We need a sticky thread that explains that "above average" or "hot" single guys have absolutely no privileges of attracting women in America. I'm tired of all the hatred toward good male genes as if we are just fighting to keep western women off our dick just because we are tall, dark, and handsome (and literally so). Women clearly do not like men overall in this country, so there you have it. Again, let's follow the title of "Happier Abroad".
Other than the "good male genes" crap I can kind of agree with this post.

What most men don't realize is what American females believe they are doing is raising their value by constantly lowering the value of the masses of males. In order for a miserable female, and westernized females ARE miserable, to feel good she must make someone else even more miserable than she is. American females are the angriest bitches on the planet; misery loves company. American females are abused females (See my explanation below).

Abused people abuse others; and trust me American females ARE abused but not by men. They are abused by other American females and the corporate-gynocentric ideological undercurrent that permeates American/Anglo culture. Here's the kicker though; matriarchal bullshit requires male participation. The reason American females can do this is because the manginas in the United States go for it.

As soon as you refuse the illusions of the Matrix, and step outside of it, you'll finally meet actual WOMEN.
Blaming manginas, or the government, or "white nationalism", or Illuminati, or Anglo-corporate-gynocentric-whatchamacallit is actually a very misguided cop-out. Women are the way they are because women themselves choose to be. No matter how much permission or whatnot the aforementioned parties "allow" women, their behavior would never be practiced if the women themselves didn't choose to act accordingly. The culprits, the wrong-doers, the enemies, and the destroyers of traditional culture are the women themselves. I don't intend to argue, just to enlighten.
I'll just have to start ignoring ALL THAT IS MANGINA again I see.

I've never seen someone try to make so many excuses for the anglo establishment. He doesn't want you "blaming" eurocentric government/courts/feminist funding sources, etc.

Yet, every post he sits around covering for gynocentric manginas and "finger pointing" at females only. Basically he should shut the f**k up before I make short work of him...again.

On to the point:

Yes indeed American females CHOOSE to be the way they are. That's one portion the mangina ALL_That_Is_NOT_Man has right. However, no one with a brain can sit around and claim that western media, government/public relations, etc. isn't set-up to encourage dysfunctional female behavior and destroy the family structure. Like a moron he's sitting around blaming the outcome rather than looking for the sources; one of which is female's themselves. Long before American females began acting out gears were in motion, behind the scenes, to create the matriarchal control grid that we have today.

Small Examples:

For instance, Edward Bernays was behind the drive to get women smoking in public. Bernays actually employed Pavlovian techniques (See Ivan Pavlov or Pavlov's dogs) to achieve the desired outcome. It would take too long to go through all of the funding by private organizations, corporations, etc. that actually encouraged females to destroy the family. The list would be a mile long.

On a lower level the recent "goddess/New Age Wicca" crap females have been spouting, which is another form of misandry, was also the creation of a mangina. In particular, a white mangina named Gerald Gardner was the one responsible for bringing the neopagan religion of Wicca to public attention. Most of those feminist "witchcraft" books were based off of Gardner's bullshit claims.

There are literally "sugar daddies" behind misandry; they are the partners of the females who propagate misandry publicly. No one is saying females aren't guilty; merely that there is a hidden hand in all of this. I detest American females for WILLINGLY destroying families. However, I will not become so embittered and against females that I ignore the WHITE hand in all of this.

White society is an integral part of misandry. It's two fold; striking at leaves will do nothing. You have to get to the root of the problem.

The white males behind goddess religion:

Edward Bernays

Much more information can be obtained merely by studying rather than listening to black sambos and white nationalist manginas on HA.

Posted: June 9th, 2012, 2:50 pm
by All_That_Is_Man
OutsideoftheBox wrote:
All_That_Is_Man wrote:
OutsideoftheBox wrote:
All_That_Is_Man wrote:
Jester wrote:I am tired of the Angrier Assholes posts, and can't sleep tonight, so I have been going through old threads. Here's a post of Ladislav's that speaks eloquently.

His post stands out! But since I've never seen this thread before, let me add that I am about 6'2'' and I still get no dates or p***y from American women. We need a sticky thread that explains that "above average" or "hot" single guys have absolutely no privileges of attracting women in America. I'm tired of all the hatred toward good male genes as if we are just fighting to keep western women off our dick just because we are tall, dark, and handsome (and literally so). Women clearly do not like men overall in this country, so there you have it. Again, let's follow the title of "Happier Abroad".
Other than the "good male genes" crap I can kind of agree with this post.

What most men don't realize is what American females believe they are doing is raising their value by constantly lowering the value of the masses of males. In order for a miserable female, and westernized females ARE miserable, to feel good she must make someone else even more miserable than she is. American females are the angriest bitches on the planet; misery loves company. American females are abused females (See my explanation below).

Abused people abuse others; and trust me American females ARE abused but not by men. They are abused by other American females and the corporate-gynocentric ideological undercurrent that permeates American/Anglo culture. Here's the kicker though; matriarchal bullshit requires male participation. The reason American females can do this is because the manginas in the United States go for it.

As soon as you refuse the illusions of the Matrix, and step outside of it, you'll finally meet actual WOMEN.
Blaming manginas, or the government, or "white nationalism", or Illuminati, or Anglo-corporate-gynocentric-whatchamacallit is actually a very misguided cop-out. Women are the way they are because women themselves choose to be. No matter how much permission or whatnot the aforementioned parties "allow" women, their behavior would never be practiced if the women themselves didn't choose to act accordingly. The culprits, the wrong-doers, the enemies, and the destroyers of traditional culture are the women themselves. I don't intend to argue, just to enlighten.
I'll just have to start ignoring ALL THAT IS MANGINA again I see...
It's your need to drop petty disses that makes you such a hated troll on these forums. What part of, "I have no intention to argue" didn't you comprehend? Why is it that you resort to womanese verbal assault the instant you hit the reply button? I won't even read the rest of your post, since you can't man up and speak to people without name-calling.