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7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 7:50 am
by jamesbond
This good video gives men seven ways to screen out women. :D


Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 11:07 am
by Zambales
Him again? LOL

Actually, this is by far the best video of his I've seen.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 10:14 pm
by MrMan
I disagree about her having kids and the father being involved in their life. If I weren't married, I believe the only women with kids I'd consider are widows. I would not want to compete with a father of the kids. I wouldn't want a divorced woman, or a woman who'd slept around before marriage and had children.

A widow with children who had a grandfather or uncle in their life, one of her relatives, as a male role model, is a better alternative, IMO, to a single mother where the dad is alive and in the kids life. You'd still have a competitor coming around.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 10:34 pm
by Kradmelder
MrMan wrote:I disagree about her having kids and the father being involved in their life. If I weren't married, I believe the only women with kids I'd consider are widows. I would not want to compete with a father of the kids. I wouldn't want a divorced woman, or a woman who'd slept around before marriage and had children.

A widow with children who had a grandfather or uncle in their life, one of her relatives, as a male role model, is a better alternative, IMO, to a single mother where the dad is alive and in the kids life. You'd still have a competitor coming around.
I've had plenty of girlfriends with kids. The father has never been an issue. In one case we became friends because of how well I looked after his kids. There is a reason why the father is no longer around and why he is not a competitor. Unfortunately, I also found out the reason why he is not competing, and it has nothing to do with him. He is gone for a reason. And the reason is related to her behaviour and instability.

Men do not leave good women. And good women do not leave their husbands.

When you get to a certain age almost all women have kids. The ones that don't, again you must ask why. There is a reason no man bred them.

That means if you are in the over 35 market widows and those who can't have kids are best (if you already had your own kids), or you must look for the ones that had bad men and appreciate a good white man. Unfortunately, those are usually scarred and the kids have social issues.

Nothing for it but the long painful screening process until you find a decent stable one.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 10:45 pm
by Cornfed
Kradmelder wrote:When you get to a certain age almost all women have kids. The ones that don't, again you must ask why. There is a reason no man bred them.
Perhaps their fathers sent them to med school and gave them an absurd entitlement mentality or something.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 11:31 pm
by Kradmelder
Cornfed wrote:
Kradmelder wrote:When you get to a certain age almost all women have kids. The ones that don't, again you must ask why. There is a reason no man bred them.
Perhaps their fathers sent them to med school and gave them an absurd entitlement mentality or something.
Far better than raising loser kids that achieve nothing and no decent white woman will touch. Nothing better than whine on the Internet about how kak life is. It is kak if you have such a pathetic loser attitude.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 11:51 pm
by Cornfed
Kradmelder wrote:
Cornfed wrote:
Kradmelder wrote:When you get to a certain age almost all women have kids. The ones that don't, again you must ask why. There is a reason no man bred them.
Perhaps their fathers sent them to med school and gave them an absurd entitlement mentality or something.
Far better than raising loser kids that achieve nothing and no decent white woman will touch. Nothing better than whine on the Internet about how kak life is. It is kak if you have such a pathetic loser attitude.
Eh, who is doing that? The fact that others may be submitting ZOG values even more cravenly than you doesn’t excuse what you are doing.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 24th, 2017, 8:40 am
by MrMan
Kradmelder wrote:I've had plenty of girlfriends with kids. The father has never been an issue. In one case we became friends because of how well I looked after his kids. There is a reason why the father is no longer around and why he is not a competitor. Unfortunately, I also found out the reason why he is not competing, and it has nothing to do with him. He is gone for a reason. And the reason is related to her behaviour and instability.
That goes along with what I was saying about not dating divorced women... and with what the video said.
When you get to a certain age almost all women have kids.
I disagree. I'm in my 40's, and there are still plenty of 18 to 24 year old girls who don't have kids. There is a good chance that in a few decades there will still be plenty of 18 to 24 year old girls who don't have kids. :P
That means if you are in the over 35 market widows and those who can't have kids are best (if you already had your own kids), or you must look for the ones that had bad men and appreciate a good white man. Unfortunately, those are usually scarred and the kids have social issues.
More reasons against dating divorced women.

I'd imagine widows are a 'safer' demographic, unless the husband died from a heart attack or some other illness related to stress as a direct result of her instability or abusive behavior. In general, though, a woman who stuck with her husband 'till death do us part' without cheating on him has proved that she can be faithful. I suppose you could interview her friends and family to see how she got along with her late husband. At the worst, she can compare you to him. She can't go back to him.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 24th, 2017, 3:29 pm
by pete98146
Haven't posted here in awhile. But since I've gone thru this drill while spending years on international dating sites I thought I'd share my thoughts.

My wife and I just got back from a 3 week visit to Thailand. We went out on a few excursions and while on one of them, the tour guide stated that most people in Thailand earn $10 a day! Chances are folks in the neighboring countries are at the same pay rate. I had my hair cut in Phuket by a young girl in her early 20s. I asked her if she had a boyfriend and she said no but she's looking for a nice foreign guy because she's tired of living in a small apartment with 4 other people.

My wife was sitting next to me the entire time and I have to tell you the other Thai ladies looked at her with a GREAT deal of jealousy. Why? It's because my wife Cathy beat the system and won the lottery by meeting a western guy and moving abroad. This fact did not escape her! Often times she'll joke with me and say, "you saved me." Now don't get me wrong. I'm the benefactor of being married to a very beautiful, smart, funny, caring lady but it's important to understand that yes, I basically saved her from a life of mediocracy.

I don't mean to say this in an arrogant manner but it's the truth. Western men are in huge demand across the globe. Fact of the matter is 90% of the women will never go onto a website and engage in conversations with foreign men for various reasons.

I say this because we Western guys have a golden opportunity to meet women abroad. You see, we hold all the power!!!!! Let me repeat this to you. We hold all the power!!! Now my recommendation to you is to not abuse this power but definitely use it to your advantage to find a great partner. I did and it was the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.

Just celebrated my 10 year anniversary and life is good!

So my point here is this. If you are going thru the process of finding an international wife you want to harness your high level of power and find the BEST lady that you can find. You are the catch! Make her jump thru some hoops. Why mess around with pond scum? I've never understood why guys mess around with these ladies?

Your ultimate goal should be no particular order: 1. Very attractive 2. Must have a 4 year degree 3. Must be HWP. 4. Must not smoke. 5. Most be single and never before married. 6. Must not have kids.

Many of you will snicker at the above edits above but again, you are looking for the cream of the crop! With millions upon millions of ladies looking for YOU, why settle?

I've posted this before. The biggest test she must pass is having a four year degree. To me, this shows she is smart, dedicated, comes from a somewhat decent family, has good lineage and will have a higher degree of maturity. You want your woman to be an asset to you and NOT a liability. Should you go forward, get married and you want to bring her back to your country, you want her to have the ability to gain employment. Should you have kids, you want her to be a good mother with a good head on her shoulders. Much of the scum and undesirables will fall by the wayside of you use the above edits.

But the OP/guy on the video is walking the right path. Be selective! Why? Because you are the fish all of them are fishing for, right? Act accordingly.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 24th, 2017, 6:06 pm
by Zambales
Interesting post Pete. I'll comment when I have more time. Welcome back btw.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 24th, 2017, 8:39 pm
by Eric
I was just outside at a bar, there are no good women out there...very few; the whole dating scene sucks. Its non existent, there is trash everyehere...everywhere you look. People are all about hooking up, that's it. It is the shallowest, most thoughtless level imaginable and that's where its at - that's the bar we've set. This was a very nice place I went to, also. The females are all trash, none of them are decent enough for relationship material, they just want a hook up imagine, I don't know, or are chasing attention - Same thing. People are completely f***ing brainless..
Its very depressing. I just left, Is rather be alone sometimes than deal with this and sell myself out.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 25th, 2017, 12:56 am
by Shemp
pete's post should be read along with publicduende's latest posts.

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 25th, 2017, 1:42 am
by Cornfed
pete98146 wrote: It's because my wife Cathy beat the system and won the lottery by meeting a western guy and moving abroad. This fact did not escape her! Often times she'll joke with me and say, "you saved me."
I take it you have a fair amount of money to be able to import a foreign wife. Lets say others also did. What is stopping the foreign wife from ass-raping them in the divorce court once they are ensconced in the host country?
The biggest test she must pass is having a four year degree. To me, this shows she is smart, dedicated, comes from a somewhat decent family, has good lineage and will have a higher degree of maturity.
I don’t get that. Men get degrees to build careers in the appropriate industry and devote most of their waking moments to those careers if given the chance. Do you expect your wife to do that, and if so, what good is she as a wife? If not, where does she get off depriving a man of a place at university and society of his subsequent contribution? Isn’t that morally unconscionable?

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 25th, 2017, 2:41 am
by Eric
Kradmelder wrote:
Cornfed wrote:
Kradmelder wrote:When you get to a certain age almost all women have kids. The ones that don't, again you must ask why. There is a reason no man bred them.
Perhaps their fathers sent them to med school and gave them an absurd entitlement mentality or something.

Far better than raising loser kids that achieve nothing and no decent white woman will touch. Nothing better than whine on the Internet about how kak life is. It is kak if you have such a pathetic loser attitude.

The funny thing is, the market actually selects for these 'loser men', because as its been pointed out by members here...women have been cheapened along with every one else, they no longer are seeking a quality man, with a job and something to offer - they see you as "boring" and...too much work. they want someone who will go out for them easier, its all about the "moment" or who can lavish their narcissistic attention spans for a moment or act interested or 'hot'.
People are like a bunch of goldfish that just want to f**k.
They don't even care if you have a good job, etc., etc. All the qualities they used to select for in a man are gone - they just go out for and pick for the moment, who'll be good in bed and who's fun, that sort of thing. Its very shallow. You don't have to have a lot of money, you don't have to have just have to act 'confident' and trick all the women into you.....that's how it is nowadays. Any Joe shmoe can do it, but on a level it feels very cheapening and depressing, if you have any value for yourself.
But quality guys are passed up, because women have lost the ability to discern out qualities in a good man. In fact if you have qualities it selects against you in this market. In the US that's how it is.

Thanks to degradation in our culturr, Ziomedia, hookup culture, anti-corporate culture, anti hard work culture, and Socialism. I don't know what's made it like this, its very hard to find a good woman and, this is how it is AT least in my and others estimation. I think its emphasis on sexual images, sexuality in general...hookups; everything sexual, which has made us goyim into complete sexual animals, just like planned..

Re: 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

Posted: February 25th, 2017, 3:01 am
by Eric
The funny thing is - women and people in general will see you as arrogant douche, or hate you if you are hard-working and have a job and standards; they'll see you as "stuck up" and arrogant.

Its insane. Why am I going to work hard just to enter a club or a bar and... pretend like all of that doesn't exist.
That's f***ing bullshit. ... LFrr8lMHqA

Straight from a devil's mouth.

This has always felt horrible because, to me as a man we are geared naturally toward sleeping with a lot of women. But this is the case when women are acting naturally, feminine...the hunt is on. In this society, every things equal and women act the same as men - its very bizarre and it ruins the chase, its like having attraction mandated to you. Its like you're obligated to 'hook up' with them, so in a way it loses its appeal .... Its messed up.
Its a bind, its like they've shorted out nature... for both of us. This is what happens when you f**k up nature.