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How Women Are Always Taken, Yet Never Taken At The Same Time

Posted: July 11th, 2020, 6:11 pm
by jamesbond
Interesting paradox, how women are always taken but also always available at the same time.

Re: How Women Are Always Taken, Yet Never Taken At The Same Time

Posted: July 16th, 2020, 5:16 pm
by WisconsinMan82
In my experience (USA), a huge percentage of the girls who do flirt with me are actually taken, or at the very least "talking to" (in a casual, unofficial relationship with) another dude. There have been lots of times girls have even made up fake boyfriend characters for drama factor too (and it's actually ridiculously easy to spot: his name will be something that doesn't fit our generation, like "Fred"; he goes to a different school, and no, you cannot see a picture).