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The Myth of Religious Wars

Posted: July 1st, 2014, 10:58 pm
by Winston
Interesting video about why the notion that "religion has caused many wars" is a myth that is not true.

Posted: July 4th, 2014, 1:14 am
by Ghost

Posted: July 4th, 2014, 12:51 pm
by Winston
Well it's obviously because religion clouds people's minds and makes them think irrationally with emotion and fanaticism. But if you tell people you are going to plunder for resources, it sounds greedy and selfish.

Plus people are not willing to give up their lives for that. In the past, they might have. But not today. In the past, people lived for their king or emperor and were willing to die for their country. That's why the Roman Empire was able to be honest about its intentions of conquest, and their people accepted it.

But today, people are tired of that kind of stuff. And not many Americans are willing to die for their country, so they have to be tricked into joining. That's another reason the ruling elite keep the poor down so they remain poor, otherwise no one would join the military.

Also, the wealthy do not want too many poor people moving up and competing with them, which would drive down prices and cause the wealthy to lose their market share and high prices. So they impose restrictions in various high paying professions to make entry into them difficult and costly. This is why you need some kind of license for many trades. Such barriers prevent too many people from coming in and driving prices down.

Don't you hate how atheists always try to unfairly put the blame for everything on religion? It's stupid. They way overdemonize religion and refuse to acknowledge some of the positive aspects of it and the fact that many people really NEED a religion to believe in.

The Myth of Religious Wars

Posted: July 5th, 2014, 6:03 pm
by IraqVet2003
Winston I happen to agree with a lot of what you say on the subject. I will go as far to state that religion is used as a SMOKESCREEN by the politicians to rally people to their cause just like BLIND PATRIOTISM. Or how the corporate news media uses WAR PROPAGANDA/LIES to fool the public. If fact Winston even Karl Marx once said," RELIGION IS THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES"!!!

Also, the Presidents like George W. Bush use religion to try to justify his actions in the middle-east when he claimed God told him to invade Iraq to liberate the people. Of course nothing could be further from the truth, because Bush Jr. was following an agenda of his NEOCON masters had planned before he was put into office and to protect the U.S. PETRODOLLAR.

Posted: July 10th, 2014, 12:26 pm
by Jester
When has religion been used as a pretext for going to war, in our lifetimes?

Only now, ISIS.

That's it.

World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Iran/Iraq War, Desert Storm... none had religious motivation.