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Posted: July 6th, 2014, 1:05 pm
by Cornfed
It does seem that Rolf's conviction was about as insane as it gets: ... able-doubt

Posted: July 6th, 2014, 7:31 pm
by Yohan ... ape-claims

A link to a story, from the same article:
A trainee barrister has been jailed after being found guilty of falsely accusing her former boyfriend of a series of rapes and assaults.

Sentencing Rhiannon Brooker, 30, to three and half years, the judge Julian Lambert said she had acted in an "utterly wicked" way and argued that false claims made it more difficult for real rape victims to be believed in court.

There was anger from women's rights campaigners who claimed that such severe sentences would put off rape victims from going to the police for fear they could face prosecution if allegations were not proven. There were cries of "Shame" and "Miscarriage of justice" as Brooker's sentence was handed down.

Brooker's former partner Paul Fensome, a railway signalman, was held behind bars for 37 days after she accused him of a string of rapes and assaults. While in custody, Fensome was held in a secure wing after rumours went around that he was a paedophile. He has since received £38,000 compensation.
Interesting how feminists are protecting female criminals who are harming men and are worried about 'weak evidence'.