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Man with Asian fetish kills Chinese women live on Skype

Posted: March 29th, 2014, 10:56 am
by zboy1
Boyfriend reveals how he watched powerlessly as his girlfriend, 23, was raped and murdered 'by neighbor' in Canada while he was chatting to her on SKYPE from China ... sage-field



The scumbag who killed the women:

Prosecutors say Dickson was known to trawl online chat rooms for Asian women
A man who witnessed his girlfriend being raped and killed by an intruder in her Toronto apartment via webcam from China has told her murder trial exactly what he saw and heard the night she died.

An emotional Xian Chao Meng explained through an interpreter on Friday how a man bust threw the door of the basement studio while he remained on Skype to the victim, 23-year-old Qian 'Necole' Liu, before the sound of two 'muffled bangs' and then silence.

Moments later a stranger naked from the abdomen down appeared in front of the computer and quickly turned it off.

Brian Dickson, a one-time actor and resident of the building, has been charged with Liu's first-degree murder, The Star reported.

While he has pleaded not guilty, he unsuccessfully tried pleading guilty to the lesser offense of manslaughter last week.

He also admitted to police he had met Liu for the first time in the laundry room of their building earlier in the night that she died.

Her naked body was found covered in blood and semen on April 16, 2011.

According to Meng, the night before he had been talking to Liu for hours on both Skype and QQ, which is China's version of MSN.

He was on his laptop in Beijing, where it was about noon, while Liu was doing homework in Toronto, where she attended York University and it was about midnight.

The couple had broken up three months earlier but remained friends, catching up every couple of weeks.

Meng told the court he could see Liu, wearing a headset, sitting in front of the computer in her apartment just south of the university campus.

Also visible in the frame was the door, to about knee level.

'She said to me that somebody was knocking on the door. She would check,' he said.

Liu rose to answer the light knock, saying something through the door first in English, which Meng couldn't understand.

As Liu opened the door partway to her visitor, Meng caught sight of a man standing in the door frame.

'A foreigner, not a Chinese,' he said

The man, his hair mussed in the front, was wearing a half-sleeved dark-colored crewneck T-shirt and loose shorts.

'After the door was opened, the two had a chat close to the door frame,' Meng told court.

It seemed to Meng that the male asked to see Liu's cellphone.

The jury heard earlier that Liu had been having Wi-Fi issues and had asked other tenants — the building was full of student residents — for help resolving them.

Liu, said Meng, got her phone and handed it to the man.

'He did some operation on the cellphone.'

While the visitor was thus occupied, Liu sat back down at her computer.

Meng saw her face in profile as she spoke to the male.

'The man was in and out of the door frame,' Meng testified.

'It seemed that he was hesitant.'

They appeared to be parting when 'all of a sudden, something abnormal took place,' said Meng.

'That male tried to force his way in. Liu was trying hard to push the door, not to let him in. She could not prevent him from entering. He wanted to embrace Qian Liu. (She) was all the time pushing at his chest.'

Meng heard Liu say 'No' in Cantonese.

'Maybe she felt he did not understand. Then she said 'No' in English. But that person did not listen.'

There was a struggle, visible to Meng.

'Qian Lu was pinned.'

Up to that point, Meng had been composed in his testimony, as Liu's parents watched from the front room of the Toronto courtroom.

Now he became upset.

'May I just take a moment?' he asked Ontario Superior Court Justice Anne Molloy.

Resuming his account, Meng continued: 'When Qian Liu was pushed down, I could see one of her feet. It was shaking. She was still saying no in Cantonese.'
Brian Dickson, pictured in a photo from his Myspace account, pleaded not guilty to killing Qian Liu

Brian Dickson, pictured in a photo from his Myspace account, pleaded not guilty to killing Qian Liu

Liu fell out of camera range.

'Then I heard two muffled bangs. From then, I heard no more sound from Qian Liu.'

In the silence that followed, Meng said he heard the man breathing heavily and, shortly afterwards, what he thought sounded like furniture being moved.

The light in Liu's room was shut off.

Meng thinks he heard what may have been the jingle of keys.

The male next appeared directly in front of the computer.

'He was already naked. I could see the part of his body below the abdomen to the knees. He leaned forward to shut off the computer.'

When the webcam was turned off, Meng continued to make an audio recording; he and Liu had simultaneously been communicating by cellphone.

That connection was still open and the tape was played for the jury.

What Meng thought was keys jingling might also be the sound of a belt unbuckling.

Meng is also heard swearing in Cantonese.

'This is the only way I let out what I was feeling . . . I was stunned.'

Meng logged onto to a chat room he knew Liu used to send out messages, hoping friends who knew the young woman would see the SOS and send help.

'I'm afraid her life is in danger,' he wrote.
The night of the murder, Liu was chatting with her boyfriend Xian Meng using both a webcam and an instant messaging service

The night of the murder, Liu was chatting with her boyfriend Xian Meng using both a webcam and an instant messaging service

Meng was contacted by one of Liu's contacts the following morning.

Eventually, the building's superintendent was reached.

He and another tenant opened Liu's door and found her dead.

When police arrived, they found no computer — only the cables and mouse left behind.

The computer has never been recovered.

An autopsy could not determine definitively how Liu died, though a pathologist has testified it was likely by 'mechanical asphyxiation,' with compression applied to her neck.

Male DNA from swabs of a substance lifted from Liu's breasts was matched — to a degree of probability estimated to be 1 in 25 trillion — to Dickson.

Semen found on Liu's groin area matched Dickson to a probability of 1 in 2.7 quintillion, and DNA from a small blood stain on a blue T-shirt seized from Dickso's first-floor apartment matched Liu to a probably of 1 in 140 quadrillion.

In a statement given to police on April 19, 2001, Dickson admitted going briefly into Liu's room earlier on the night of her death after they met while he was doing laundry in the basement.

He denied killing her.

'No, I did not. I had nothing to do with it at all.'
'Asian Fetish' doesn't exist, according to HA'ers, eh?

Posted: March 29th, 2014, 11:21 am
by Renata
That's scary, I never open my door when my husband is out ... people do come & ring the doorbell, but if I'm not expecting anyone I never open it.

Re: Man with Asian fetish kills Chinese women live on Skype

Posted: March 29th, 2014, 1:01 pm
by OutWest
Truly a disgusting murderer. At least in China, he could be properly executed. No doubt about it. However, if the post was an attempt to smear men who have a cultural preference for Asian women, that would be pretty shameful.

The constant assertion by a some Asian men that those white dudes are marrying up all their women
(Traitorous self loathing wenches they must be!) is simply not supported by statistics except within the USA, where Americanized Asian women have a high incidence of intermarriage with whites. Otherwise,
on a world-wide basis the few tens of thousands that marry Asian/White at not even a drop in the bucket within Asia's billions.

Such assertions are on the level of "yellow peril" silliness.

Speaking of seems that American universities are actually putting quotas on the numbers of Asians they will allow to enroll, even though their admission is merit/test score based.

Now THAT is disgusting. Americans are admitting that most of their population is becoming so effing
stupid that they must be artificially protected from Asian competition.
So rather allow fair competition, you see Americans regulating against it to protect their own dumb-a$$es.

Re: Man with Asian fetish kills Chinese women live on Skype

Posted: March 29th, 2014, 3:07 pm
by ladislav
Speaking of seems that American universities are actually putting quotas on the numbers of Asians they will allow to enroll, even though their admission is merit/test score based.
Heard about it in Thailand. Many Thais complained.

Is it done without regard whether the person is a US citizen or not? And is it done at all universities?
So rather allow fair competition, you see Americans regulating against it to protect their own dumb-a$$es.
Americans can no longer handle fair competition. They are becoming like anybody else.

Just curious if universities in Asia have quotas. In Japan, foreign students are treated like lepers- no friends, no GF, totally isolated unless they look like Mormons.
As Liu opened the door partway to her visitor, Meng caught sight of a man standing in the door frame.

'A foreigner, not a Chinese,' he said
A Canadian is a foreigner in Canada? That would make me angry beyond measure.

Re: Man with Asian fetish kills Chinese women live on Skype

Posted: March 29th, 2014, 6:21 pm
by zboy1
OutWest wrote:Truly a disgusting murderer. At least in China, he could be properly executed. No doubt about it. However, if the post was an attempt to smear men who have a cultural preference for Asian women, that would be pretty shameful.

The constant assertion by a some Asian men that those white dudes are marrying up all their women
(Traitorous self loathing wenches they must be!) is simply not supported by statistics except within the USA, where Americanized Asian women have a high incidence of intermarriage with whites. Otherwise,
on a world-wide basis the few tens of thousands that marry Asian/White at not even a drop in the bucket within Asia's billions.

Such assertions are on the level of "yellow peril" silliness.

Speaking of seems that American universities are actually putting quotas on the numbers of Asians they will allow to enroll, even though their admission is merit/test score based.

Now THAT is disgusting. Americans are admitting that most of their population is becoming so effing
stupid that they must be artificially protected from Asian competition.
So rather allow fair competition, you see Americans regulating against it to protect their own dumb-a$$es.
I'm not smearing anybody, OutWest; I know most men have normal sexual attractions to Asian females. I'm just pointing out that the term "Asian Fetish" is a real, and often damaging, trend for Asian females in the West; it reduces them to sexual stereotypes and makes them a target for sexual predators looking for easy prey...

Just Google Asian fetish stories, and you will read some wretched and sometimes heartbreaking stories from Asian females about the type of treatment they sometimes receive from predatory men.

And why do some people get offended by that term, anyway? It's not like normal dudes who aren't complete weirdo's and perverts, will think that term is targeted towards them...? You actually believe that term is targeted towards you, OutWest? Cmon...get serious. I know you got an Asian wife and kids, I don't think "Asian Fetish" applies to you, LOL. Talk about White privilege thinking right there...

Posted: March 29th, 2014, 6:32 pm
by zboy1
OutWest, how about all the nasty looks and near fist-fights I got into with White males in High School, whenever me and my White girlfriend would be with each other? Or the nasty comments from some White females towards me and my girlfriend?

How come the negative behavior from Whites is almost never discussed whenever the AF/WM dynamic is critiqued--and often Asian men get trashed-on and called racist for their behavior, when Whites, Blacks and other races exhibit similar or far more violent reactions in seeing'their' women intermarry or date outside-of-their-race?

For example, I've read numerous articles about how White men dating Black women get physically attacked by groups of Blacks for dating a Black women. Or, how about my racist experiences when dating a White girl in High School--from White people? At least Asian men don't try to physically assault you or call you racial slurs in front of your face, like White or Blacks or even Jews do (when Jewish females date Arab men) when they see their women dating outside their race.

Posted: March 29th, 2014, 6:48 pm
by ladislav
And why do some people get offended by that term, anyway? It's not like normal dudes who aren't complete weirdo's and perverts, will think that term is targeted towards them...? You actually believe that term is targeted towards you, OutWest? Cmon...get serious. I know you got an Asian wife and kids, I don't think "Asian Fetish" applies to you, LOL. Talk about White privilege thinking right there...
In the Philippines it would not be called Asian fetish and a Filipina would not be called an Asian woman. She is called a Pinay and her white BF is called Amerikano. Filipinos do not generally know that they are Asians or think of themselves that way.

Posted: March 30th, 2014, 8:57 am
by OutWest
zboy1 wrote:OutWest, how about all the nasty looks and near fist-fights I got into with White males in High School, whenever me and my White girlfriend would be with each other? Or the nasty comments from some White females towards me and my girlfriend?

How come the negative behavior from Whites is almost never discussed whenever the AF/WM dynamic is critiqued--and often Asian men get trashed-on and called racist for their behavior, when Whites, Blacks and other races exhibit similar or far more violent reactions in seeing'their' women intermarry or date outside-of-their-race?

For example, I've read numerous articles about how White men dating Black women get physically attacked by groups of Blacks for dating a Black women. Or, how about my racist experiences when dating a White girl in High School--from White people? At least Asian men don't try to physically assault you or call you racial slurs in front of your face, like White or Blacks or even Jews do (when Jewish females date Arab men) when they see their women dating outside their race.
If you had read all of my post, you would have noted my pointing out real and ongoing discrimination against Asians in the US education system- being punished for excellence.
The ongoing discrimination, mocking and such of Asians in the USA is loathsome. Asians typically are above average intelligence and have real contributions to make, and yet they are belittled, especially I think, by American women in general, and by much of the white-black-brown "others".

I do think you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder about it, but considering what you may have gone through, its understandable. I think much of the resentment towards Asians is based on fear-
that if they are ceded a level playing field, they will strongly compete.

Posted: March 30th, 2014, 1:42 pm
by RedMenace
He couldn't wait to go inside. All he had to do was buy a plane ticket to China or Taiwan and they would flock all over him. I guess he couldn't bear the 12+ hrs flight so he just went inside and killed her or vice versa. Come to think of it, he didn't even have to fly to China. Just could have just spoken to one of them and they would instantly throw themselves at him. Maybe this dude had some crazy rape fantasy and/or he was on drugs or something.

Posted: March 30th, 2014, 5:51 pm
by zboy1
OutWest wrote:
zboy1 wrote:OutWest, how about all the nasty looks and near fist-fights I got into with White males in High School, whenever me and my White girlfriend would be with each other? Or the nasty comments from some White females towards me and my girlfriend?

How come the negative behavior from Whites is almost never discussed whenever the AF/WM dynamic is critiqued--and often Asian men get trashed-on and called racist for their behavior, when Whites, Blacks and other races exhibit similar or far more violent reactions in seeing'their' women intermarry or date outside-of-their-race?

For example, I've read numerous articles about how White men dating Black women get physically attacked by groups of Blacks for dating a Black women. Or, how about my racist experiences when dating a White girl in High School--from White people? At least Asian men don't try to physically assault you or call you racial slurs in front of your face, like White or Blacks or even Jews do (when Jewish females date Arab men) when they see their women dating outside their race.
If you had read all of my post, you would have noted my pointing out real and ongoing discrimination against Asians in the US education system- being punished for excellence.
The ongoing discrimination, mocking and such of Asians in the USA is loathsome. Asians typically are above average intelligence and have real contributions to make, and yet they are belittled, especially I think, by American women in general, and by much of the white-black-brown "others".

I do think you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder about it, but considering what you may have gone through, its understandable. I think much of the resentment towards Asians is based on fear-
that if they are ceded a level playing field, they will strongly compete.
Yeah, I admit I do have a 'chip-on-my-shoulder,' but considering all the crap that I've gone through in the US of Gay, can you really blame me, OutWest?

I know that you once wrote on the forum, that you would never bring your half-Asian kids to the U.S.--and I agree! Don't do it! Asians are "belittled" constantly by the society-at-large, so why put your kids through it?

Your kids are better being in Asia, anyway. I know I've been much happier since being in Asia--away from the States. All the feelings of resentment and inferiority has slowly started to dissipate--and I've been much happier as a result. Plus, Asia will be the centerpiece of the 21st century, so why not have your kids be a part-of-it?

Posted: March 30th, 2014, 8:56 pm
by OutWest
zboy1 wrote:
OutWest wrote:
zboy1 wrote:OutWest, how about all the nasty looks and near fist-fights I got into with White males in High School, whenever me and my White girlfriend would be with each other? Or the nasty comments from some White females towards me and my girlfriend?

How come the negative behavior from Whites is almost never discussed whenever the AF/WM dynamic is critiqued--and often Asian men get trashed-on and called racist for their behavior, when Whites, Blacks and other races exhibit similar or far more violent reactions in seeing'their' women intermarry or date outside-of-their-race?

For example, I've read numerous articles about how White men dating Black women get physically attacked by groups of Blacks for dating a Black women. Or, how about my racist experiences when dating a White girl in High School--from White people? At least Asian men don't try to physically assault you or call you racial slurs in front of your face, like White or Blacks or even Jews do (when Jewish females date Arab men) when they see their women dating outside their race.
If you had read all of my post, you would have noted my pointing out real and ongoing discrimination against Asians in the US education system- being punished for excellence.
The ongoing discrimination, mocking and such of Asians in the USA is loathsome. Asians typically are above average intelligence and have real contributions to make, and yet they are belittled, especially I think, by American women in general, and by much of the white-black-brown "others".

I do think you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder about it, but considering what you may have gone through, its understandable. I think much of the resentment towards Asians is based on fear-
that if they are ceded a level playing field, they will strongly compete.
Yeah, I admit I do have a 'chip-on-my-shoulder,' but considering all the crap that I've gone through in the US of Gay, can you really blame me, OutWest?

I know that you once wrote on the forum, that you would never bring your half-Asian kids to the U.S.--and I agree! Don't do it! Asians are "belittled" constantly by the society-at-large, so why put your kids through it?

Your kids are better being in Asia, anyway. I know I've been much happier since being in Asia--away from the States. All the feelings of resentment and inferiority has slowly started to dissipate--and I've been much happier as a result. Plus, Asia will be the centerpiece of the 21st century, so why not have your kids be a part-of-it?
Pretty well sums up my position...

With your new Asia location, you realize what BS was being foisted on you in the US.
Opportunities within Asia are boundless and most Americans are clueless about what is
happening in the world. I certainly give that some thought all the time. I have two excellent
kids with my Ex (Filipina) and one on the way with my current
yes, such considerations are a big deal.

It is good you are getting past the artificial constraints placed on you in the US.
Be happy...have a good family....


Posted: March 31st, 2014, 10:18 am
by momopi
The current dispute on college admissions here in CA is SCA 5: ... dment_No.5

This issue can potentially cause the democrats to lose support from Asian demographics over to Republicans.

Asian parents would likely value their children's education over political party affiliation.