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Posted: June 30th, 2022, 2:05 am
by LoryMify
I am an atheist and to me that means simply that I am not a theist. As an elaboration you could say I don’t have a belief in god or gods. Being a realist I know I cannot prove the non existence of gods in total, although there is strong evidence against the existence of some.

The Abrahamic God is the favourite one in our time without question, whether it be the Jewish, Christian, or Islamic version. My disbelief in this god is extreme and I offer as evidence for this the claim, by the sacred scriptures of all three versions, that this god is a loving and caring god. The content of the said scriptures is in direct contrast with this notion for one, and the World as we know it shows no sign of intervention by any compassionate entity. As we all know nature is brutal and cruel in the extreme at the level of animal co-existence and weather/seismic events.

So I conclude the god I disbelieve in most is the one I define as the Abrahamic God. How would you define the version of gods you believe or disbelieve in?


Re: -

Posted: June 30th, 2022, 3:53 am
by Winston
LoryMify wrote:
June 30th, 2022, 2:05 am
I am an atheist and to me that means simply that I am not a theist. As an elaboration you could say I don’t have a belief in god or gods. Being a realist I know I cannot prove the non existence of gods in total, although there is strong evidence against the existence of some.

The Abrahamic God is the favourite one in our time without question, whether it be the Jewish, Christian, or Islamic version. My disbelief in this god is extreme and I offer as evidence for this the claim, by the sacred scriptures of all three versions, that this god is a loving and caring god. The content of the said scriptures is in direct contrast with this notion for one, and the World as we know it shows no sign of intervention by any compassionate entity. As we all know nature is brutal and cruel in the extreme at the level of animal co-existence and weather/seismic events.

So I conclude the god I disbelieve in most is the one I define as the Abrahamic God. How would you define the version of gods you believe or disbelieve in?

That's a classic Atheist argument. But I don't understand the narrow logic of it. I mean, just because the Christian religion and BIble and concept of God makes no sense and is very problematic, doesn't mean that no God at all exist and that we are all random accidents in a purposeless universe created by random chance. That's throwing the baby out with the bathwater and doesn't logically follow. But the elite want you to think that way, because you are programmed with the following simple equation:

1. If Christianity is false then Atheism is true.
2. If Atheism is false then Christianity is true.

But logically both are false and baseless and do not explain the world we see around us, which is clearly intelligently designed. All it means is that you need to look for a new paradigm beyond both, not that one or the other must be true. Just because the Bible and Christianity are problematic and make no sense doesn't mean that no creator exists, no intelligent designer exists, and no human soul or spirit or afterlife exist, etc. The logic doesn't follow. So why do most Atheists assume that? It's illogical and low IQ and dumb. I can only conclude that most people cannot think, but just follow a program, like an NPC.

Look at the world around you. It's messed up yeah and an enslavement machine too where money is everyone's God. But does it look like it was created by random accident and pure chance with no guiding intelligence? I don't think so. It looks like either an artificial slave system or a good world that was corrupted and hijacked at some point. Just look at the world and you will see this. Go outside and look at the nature all around you, including the sky. Does it look like it came out of random chaos? I don't think so.

Hence atheism cannot be true. So why do so many buy into it? On what basis? Just because some religions suck doesn't mean atheism must be the only logical answer. Atheism doesn't explain anything or offer anything. How does Atheism explain consciousness, the soul, the afterlife, paranormal phenomena, etc? It can't and won't. So why not look for a better paradigm that explains the data and the world you see around you? Like Gnosticism for instance? Why limit yourself between Atheism and Christianity?

Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

Posted: July 25th, 2022, 5:56 am
by Winston
I emailed Tom Montalk from about Murphy's Law. Here is his reply. He said I could post it.


Hi again Tom,
I have another unique question for you that no one seems to address. Do you know what causes Murphy's Law? I've been wondering about this for years but no one wants to talk about it. I don't mean just bad luck, I mean when coincidence and probability constantly goes against you and causes delays and makes you frustrated in a way that seems targeted. No one in the truther or new age community will talk about it or inquire as to its cause. And most people like to deny it exists. But it must exist because I experience it regularly, more than others. It seems that as soon as you become a truth seeker and detach from the system, it targets you aggressively more than ever. I uploaded an audiochapter about it from Vincent Bugliosi's book "Divinity of Doubt" to my google drive. In this last chapter he talks about a perverse force in the world that skews probability against you on purpose which is inexplicable and cannot be due to chance and is very consistent. He gives funny examples that we can all relate to. I uploaded the chapter to my google drive to share with you. Here's the link so you can hear it. It's pretty funny but true. ... sp=sharing

Let me know what you think. Do you think this perverse force is caused by archons, demons or parasitic entities? Or is it part of an A.I. program by the Demiurge to cause frustration and parasite loosh energy off you? Have you experienced it too or given any thought to it?

Maybe you can do an article on this sometime because I think it's a crucial key to proving the illusory matrix. Obviously one God or Satan cannot be everywhere at once screwing with everyone. It has to be an A.I. automated system that does it. Like the Demiurge? Just like you cannot manage and delegate the 35-40 trillion cells in your body, some automated A.I. system in your body must be doing it. Right? What do you think? It's the same reason we know Santa Claus cannot be visiting everyone's home in one night.

I'm sure you've noticed that when you show up 5 min late for a meeting, everyone is on time, and when you show up on time, everyone is late. That cannot be chance if it happens every time. Or when you switch lines because the other line seems faster, suddenly the line you left becomes faster. Or when I'm at a crossroads or intersection, and I don't know which way to turn, 80-90 percent of the time I pick the wrong direction when it should be 50/50. It's as if the universe likes to F with us. This is an important topic. Why does no one dare to talk about it other than in the audiochapter above. Maybe only real souls experience this while the NPCs do not?

I posted many rants about murphy's law in my forum here if you wanna see them:

Thanks for listening,


Murphy’s law is caused by any number of things:

1 - pure statistics, but it should happen less often than it does, so it’s not ‘just’ chance

2- astrology, where Mercury Retrogrades, full moon, and new moon, especially can up the probability of bad things happening like accidents, misunderstandings, fights, bad news, and things breaking.

3 - negative entities trying to screw you over, and they can do it most easily when it’s something that has a possibility of happening, thus if it can go wrong (per Murphy’s Law) it will go wrong (because the entities take advantage of that and nudge it into happening)

4 - reality creation by your own subconscious, which is saturated with negative self-talk and negative programming, and the deep beliefs or mindset you have about things; for example, if you get obsessed with the idea that you’re cursed, then more and more things will happen to validate that belief so your life turns to hell.

5 - karma, if it’s obvious instant karma, like you took advantage of someone or betrayed your conscience, and now you fell and twist your ankle and spend six weeks healing from that.

I don’t think it’s AI/demiurge directly, but rather the various entities and forces (like astrological forces) within this reality/matrix that cause things to happen here. But, the negative entities serve and feed into the demiurge, so in a way it is that, but just not directly, just as the good things in life like miracles and blessings are via higher self or angels or positive discarnate humans and not the infinite God him/itself directly.

- Tom


Thanks. Yeah I do notice that when I'm depressed or frustrated, that murphy's law happens more frequently than when I am happy. Also certain locations it happens more too. But why is it that when something annoys me, the universe seems to make it worse as if it takes advantage of my weaknesses?

For example I have some strange disorder where I cannot tolerate sudden sound or filter it out. (See "On Sound" by Arthur Schopenhauer) Apparently, deep thinkers suffer from noise sensitivity. So when my mom belches and I tell her to stop it because it hurts my mind like a pin prick, she does it even more as if something makes her do it more around me than when I am not around.

I also noticed this in China too. When men there made a loud disgusting sound before they spit, it aggravates me and I get angry. Then all of a sudden every man who wants to spit waits til I get near him, but won't do it when I'm standing far away. They always wait til I cross them before they do what I don't want. It's as if the universe makes it happen more once it knows it aggravates me due to my noise intolerance.

Stuff like that can't be due to chance right? How would an entity cause that to happen? It must be some perverse force in the universe right?

Did you listen to the audio chapter I sent you? It is very funny and won't take long to hear. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Also how do you explain stuff like when I reach a movie theater on time, I have to sit through 20 min of commercials. But if I come 5 min the movie starts on time and I miss the first 5 min? Stuff like that happens too many times for it to be selective perception. Or the classic one how you arrive on time to a meeting and everyone is late, but if you arrive 5 min late then everyone is on time except you? How would an entity carry out stuff like that so consistently? That's what I don't get. What forces could do that?

I have not heard any new ager or metaphysical teacher address this. It seems to be a taboo topic. Peopel don't like to admit that it affects them, but they call it names like "murphy's law" or "the peter principle" or "charlie brown luck". lol. I know everyone experiences it sometimes, but some people experience it everyday, hence it cannot be chance.

Btw when I was in Roswell, NM I noticed that every time I approached an empty bathroom or reception desk, someone would cut in front of me and annoy me, or several people did. Even when I drove into an empty parking lot, a car would come out of nowhere and cause me to stop. Happened many times a day as if murphy's law was on hyperdrive. To top it all off, when I went to the movie theater there, I couldn't even get inside the theater because a wet floor and sign blocked the entrance, which has never happened before. I don't know if the alleged UFO crash at Roswell had anything to do with such an unusually high rate of murphy's law. Just wanted to share that tidbit with you. Maybe the UFO crash there opened some kind of portal?


Btw, several times when I followed someone on the street, I noticed that when they turned the corner, that they completely vanished into thin air, and was nowhere to be found in any direction, not even in any adjacent buildings. Have you experienced that too?
A couple times, but not as often as others I know. So it definitely happens. I think it might be, because we’re each actually living in our own dream environment, but one that is externally coordinated together by the demiurge into the illusion of a single coherent reality. Just that, sometimes there are discontinuities where one person’s dream doesn’t synchronize with another person’s, and so glitches happens. It’s when the coordinating ’server’ doesn’t do its job to maintain the illusion. That’s one theory.
But why is it that when something annoys me, the universe seems to make it worse as if it takes advantage of my weaknesses?
We attract not so much what’s on our conscious minds, but what we are resonant / responsive to on a subconscious and soul / energetic level. Like a wine glass that resonates at a certain pitch, and so a tuning fork at that pich will make it resonate. Well, an annoying event has the capacity to trigger you if you find that annoying, therefore there’s a resonance there, and an attraction.

But on a higher level, I think the ‘learning program’ exists to smooth out our rough edges and give us chances to overcome our weaknesses, ego, and other faults. Therefore, we’re allowed by positive forces to get tested by negative forces (not that the negative intends to help you, rather they are simply not prevented from pushing your buttons) so that we become aware of our weaknesses and can try harder next time to figure out how to be better people.

So, reformulating your mindset is priority #1. Reformulate it to something wiser, more perspective, higher understanding, and grounded and harmonious. When your resonance changes, what probable futures you exchange energy with changes, and so different experiences get attracted in.
Btw Tom, I noticed that you aren't like most truthers in that you don't sound angry or jaded with a chip on your shoulders like most of them do. Like the Alex Jones types, etc. You sound very calm and mellow like I do. That's why I resonate with your podcasts more. You seem to have a Buddhist style personality. How come you are different?
Thanks. It’s because I went through anger and doom phase over 20 years ago and at some point I became numb to it and have more the attitude of a chess player who feels in control and is coolheaded about it. I’m also aware that psychic attacks and alien programming try to use my negativity against me, especially my ego, so I am my own worst enemy there and try very hard to keep that in check. Therefore I strive to be rational, lucid, balanced, and in control. As long as I have energy and am awake, I can pull that off.

A lot of these conspiracy types never studied true spirituality, or practice it, and they’re comfortable with the gruff angry conspiracy theorist persona. They wear it like a badge. I think that’s egotistical, lacking self-awareness, and makes them lose the spiritual war even if they’re winning the political war. So I’m aware of the importance of spiritual balance and self-control, that’s all it is.
Wow Tom, did you see the recent congressional hearing on UFOs? It's on YouTube in full if you wanna see it. Here is Jeremy Corbell's comments on it.
I didn’t watch most of it as I felt it was going to be another whitewash. I don’t know what people were expecting. UFO stuff is classified above top secret, so why would any of that be shown to the public? Whatever’s shown is either a false positive or something so ambiguous it has no chance of rocking the boat.
Does this mean Disclosure is coming soon?
It’s on its way. The Great Reset is a pre-condition for their arrival. They want people chipped, tracked, and weeded out so that we’re good little monkeys by the time they show up. That’s why the UFO disclosure stuff is increasing in parallel with the Great Reset progress.
Wow check this out. A mysterious monolith was found in Utah, similar to the one in "2001: A Space Odyssey". What could it mean? See these news reports and videos about it below
I think that’s an art project to stimulate discussion. It’s definitely man-made. Others popped up in other countries. Seems like a viral social media experiment or project.

Ok, I skipped some of your questions but that’s all the time I have and 10 emails in 1 day is more than I can usually handle so thanks for writing and great questions!

- Tom

Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

Posted: April 1st, 2023, 10:29 am
by Winston
Have u noticed there's some perverse force that keeps giving u new problems everyday? It never ends. U could fix 2 or 3 problems everyday and new ones come up or ur mind finds new ones to fix. How can that be? Is it coincidence? Or my OCD and perfectionism? Or a perverse force in the matrix that needs to keep screwing with u?

Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

Posted: April 1st, 2023, 11:08 am
by Pixel--Dude
Winston wrote:
April 1st, 2023, 10:29 am
Have u noticed there's some perverse force that keeps giving u new problems everyday? It never ends. U could fix 2 or 3 problems everyday and new ones come up or ur mind finds new ones to fix. How can that be? Is it coincidence? Or my OCD and perfectionism? Or a perverse force in the matrix that needs to keep screwing with u?
I get it. I have the same problem. For the longest time I perceived that I just have terribly bad luck. Honestly, if I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all. Everything goes wrong for me constantly. Every time I see a light at the end of the tunnel something always goes wrong for me.

Like in this clip here:

He sees the light at the end of the tunnel and then gets royally shit on by life :lol:

Like I said, at first I thought it was just that I was terribly unlucky, but now I suspect that there's a much deeper reason tied with the archons and the matrix in which we live. I believe souled humans are cursed and the archons deliberately f**k things up for everyone. I've spoken to you about this before @Winston and even spoke with @Mr S about it as well I think.