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What do you think of Jordan Peterson? Is he on our side?

Posted: May 2nd, 2019, 9:31 pm
by Cornfed
It should be apparent that fools’ guru Jordan Peterson is a pretentious fraud basically telling white people to do what the Jews and other evildoers want them to - be happy to be mediocre, don’t identify with any in-groups, become self-obsessed and disappear up your own backside, clean your room and wash your penis or whatever without engaging with the rest of the world in cooperation with like-minded people - just a maladaptive failure strategy allowing the bad guys to win by default. He is also a seriously f***ed up neurotic, as is his whore daughter.

Here Edward Dutton expands on that:

Posted: May 3rd, 2019, 8:42 pm
by Ghost

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: May 3rd, 2019, 9:15 pm
by Contrarian Expatriate
Ghost wrote:
May 3rd, 2019, 8:42 pm
It seems that he says a lot of cryptic nonsense and relies on you to fill in the meaning and message. Great technique for peddling bullshit to a fan club.
His claim to fame was facing down the LGBT pronoun bullies on campus in Canada. Great for him, but he was simply expressing what most people believe in the real world. Somehow he began to be associated with the alt-right (he is not alt-right), and them he became a manhood coach for blue pill men.

90% of what he says is already common sense or common knowledge, but because he uses academic or clinical language, people are seduced into thinking what he says is profound.

He is 100% blue pill and is gynocentric as all hell. He advised men who have trouble with women to follow the guidance and advice that women are telling those men. :lol:

To make matter worse, he later called MGTOW a "bunch of pathetic weasels" because we are brainwashing younger men to reject the blue pill life of slavery. :lol:

For those two transgressions (and many more) he shall forever remain on the great scroll of persona non grata, an eternal scroller if you will.

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 21st, 2020, 3:23 am
by Winston
Why is Jordan Peterson so popular with the media? Does he say anything new or have any new ideas? Or does he just spout the same old New Age nonsense claptrap and Napoleon Hill style "think and grow rich" theories? lol. What's unique about him, if anything? Why don't the media let me speak?

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 23rd, 2020, 9:32 am
by flowerthief00
Jordan Peterson has a lot of interesting ideas and he is highly intelligent.
I am not a fan, tho. Hard to forget the stupid comments he made about vegans, among other things. His style is to ramble on from this to that. Sometimes stupidities spill forth in between good ideas.

Imo he should be listened to...occasionally. NOT at the frequency that Youtube auto-queues vids of him for me! I swear. In the same way that all roads lead to Rome all Youtube videos if left on auto-play quickly lead to a Jordan Peterson video. I can't seem to avoid him.

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 23rd, 2020, 9:54 am
by Contrarian Expatriate
Last I heard two months ago, he was undergoing detox from addiction to painkillers and was on suicide watch for a bit. I don’t wish that rate on anyone, but it is ironic that such a pontificating advice-giver would end up in such dire straits.

So who’s the pathetic weasel now Jordan? Hint: It ain’t MGTOW as you suggested.

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 23rd, 2020, 1:08 pm
by Winston
Is Jordan Peterson pro-liberal and pro-feminism or anti? Does he defend men? Is he pro NWO and globalism? He must be saying something the elite and powers that be like right? Otherwise why would they keep promoting him and giving him publicity? How does he serve their agenda?

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 23rd, 2020, 1:23 pm
by Winston
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
April 23rd, 2020, 9:54 am
Last I heard two months ago, he was undergoing detox from addiction to painkillers and was on suicide watch for a bit. I don’t wish that rate on anyone, but it is ironic that such a pontificating advice-giver would end up in such dire straits.

So who’s the pathetic weasel now Jordan? Hint: It ain’t MGTOW as you suggested.
What happened to him? I thought he was a guru of self-improvement and very brainy and intellectual? He sounds very smart in his interviews. But I don't always get his point or main argument or what he stands for. But he sounds like he's able to juggle lots of complex data in his head at the same time.

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 23rd, 2020, 3:32 pm
by Contrarian Expatriate
Winston wrote:
April 23rd, 2020, 1:23 pm
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
April 23rd, 2020, 9:54 am
Last I heard two months ago, he was undergoing detox from addiction to painkillers and was on suicide watch for a bit. I don’t wish that rate on anyone, but it is ironic that such a pontificating advice-giver would end up in such dire straits.

So who’s the pathetic weasel now Jordan? Hint: It ain’t MGTOW as you suggested.
What happened to him? I thought he was a guru of self-improvement and very brainy and intellectual? He sounds very smart in his interviews. But I don't always get his point or main argument or what he stands for. But he sounds like he's able to juggle lots of complex data in his head at the same time.
There is a reason why you don't always get his main points. It's because he says very little, and when he does, he only says things that are very obvious. The technique he uses to mesmerize people is using word salad and very technical terms this dupes some people into thinking that he is brilliant and that he is breaking new ground when he is just stating the obvious in a roundabout, arcane manner.

Below is what happened to him:

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 23rd, 2020, 10:33 pm
by Winston
Yeah that's what I mean "word salad". That's a good way to put it. Lots of men and public speakers do that. They talk fast and speak many details at once to sound very intellectual. But then you gotta figure out what his main point is or his chief argument or thesis is. I hate that. I've seen a number of men do that. I prefer speakers who are simple, concise, eloquent and to the point. But doesn't it take skill and intelligence to use "word salad" and talk like that? I'm sure Peterson has some intelligence, even if he uses it to do this word salad style. lol. Would you define that as intelligence, or just a skill and gimmick?

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 23rd, 2020, 10:54 pm
by Contrarian Expatriate
Winston wrote:
April 23rd, 2020, 10:33 pm
Would you define that as intelligence, or just a skill and gimmick?
He is not stupid because he is a PhD and a clinical practitioner in addition to a university professor. However, he is just skilled in sounding brilliant as a means to impart information while sounding credible. Students tend to eat that up and that is a skill.

Stephan Molyneux, with whom I disagree often, also uses word salad but he is a great deal more intelligent than Peterson in that his arguments are more courageous and convincing. He is not afraid to be politically incorrect while Peterson is not so daring.

Edward Dutton is also skilled at employing word salad. While he is often wrong, he frequently discusses topics that no one else will even touch.

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 23rd, 2020, 11:51 pm
by Cornfed
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
April 23rd, 2020, 10:54 pm
Stephan Molyneux, with whom I disagree often, also uses word salad but he is a great deal more intelligent than Peterson in that his arguments are more courageous and convincing. He is not afraid to be politically incorrect while Peterson is not so daring.
Moly has been seriously screwing up lately and has always been afraid to be politically incorrect on subjects like the JQ and feminism. Lately he disgraced himself by supporting the Harvey Weinstein verdict, initially supporting the corona hysteria before lamely trying to back away from his position without anyone noticing and blaming his father for abandoning him when his father was almost certainly ejected by the evil regime at the behest of his bitch mother. Maybe he has gone over to the dark side or maybe it is just some kind of mid life crisis. I agree that Dutton is good and seems at least sincere, although offers explanations that are sometimes so convoluted as to be unfalsifiable.

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 24th, 2020, 12:36 am
by Winston
So Jordan Peterson is in Russia doing detox just because he has food allergies and his wife is dying of cancer? Theres gotta be more to it than that. Why does he do drugs and is addicted to painkillers? Other men with those problems don't need to resort to that, why does he?

What kind of detox does Russia have that other countries dont?

His daughter looks cute, but a little plump. How come she's not tall and thin like he is? Lol

I agree about molyneux. Hes too wordy too and uses word salad and his videos are too long and his monologues are too long winded. Plus hes arrogant and not very likable or humble or down to earth. Many people dont like men with that arrogant smug on their face as if they are right and you are wrong if you disagree. Its conceited and unlikable. People like a humble guy who makes fun of himself occasionally.

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 24th, 2020, 12:53 am
by WorldTraveler
Winston wrote:
April 23rd, 2020, 1:08 pm
Is Jordan Peterson pro-liberal and pro-feminism or anti? Does he defend men? Is he pro NWO and globalism? He must be saying something the elite and powers that be like right? Otherwise why would they keep promoting him and giving him publicity? How does he serve their agenda?
Jordon Peterson is very anti-feminism, anti social justice, anti woke thinking. I doubt he cares about the NWO. He is a clinical psychologist. You need to watch and listen to his videos.

People have been given Jordan a lot of shit because he's been on the verge of crying many time. This video below explains it. I'm not sure if his wife died. It said she had terminal cancer. I like Jordan Peterson.

Re: Why Jordan Peterson is a fraud

Posted: April 24th, 2020, 12:58 am
by WorldTraveler
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
May 3rd, 2019, 9:15 pm
Ghost wrote:
May 3rd, 2019, 8:42 pm
It seems that he says a lot of cryptic nonsense and relies on you to fill in the meaning and message. Great technique for peddling bullshit to a fan club.
His claim to fame was facing down the LGBT pronoun bullies on campus in Canada. Great for him, but he was simply expressing what most people believe in the real world. Somehow he began to be associated with the alt-right (he is not alt-right), and them he became a manhood coach for blue pill men.

90% of what he says is already common sense or common knowledge, but because he uses academic or clinical language, people are seduced into thinking what he says is profound.

He is 100% blue pill and is gynocentric as all hell. He advised men who have trouble with women to follow the guidance and advice that women are telling those men. :lol:

To make matter worse, he later called MGTOW a "bunch of pathetic weasels" because we are brainwashing younger men to reject the blue pill life of slavery. :lol:

For those two transgressions (and many more) he shall forever remain on the great scroll of persona non grata, an eternal scroller if you will.
Originally he was a defender of men and anti-feminism. He was very anti all this stupid multi-gender thinking. I have not followed him since he turned more blue pill. I heard he did this to sell his book and appeal to women too.