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proof everything possible is non-dual unified awareness(like 2+2=4 in every possible world)

Posted: May 30th, 2023, 10:04 am
by 69ixine
I left my notes at home(I figured it all out with some help,i am 360 IQ after ALL),but will post it later.

I got it from reading the vijnanabhairava tantra and somananda's sivadristi.

it's so logical.dualism is false.

dualistic theism is false.IT CAN BE DISPROVEN LOGICALLY.

difference is apparent,an appearance,everything is non-dual in nature,complimentary polarities are the same exact thing dependant on each other even in apparent polarity,the unity of 'opposites',and the unified ontological and epistemological nature of reality.

without conscious energy,everything would be inert or nonexistant.

there is no energy without awareness,and no awareness without energy/vibration.

everything,is an action because even 'seemingly'inert things exist and manifest to make themselves known,which are both an action,and that requires conscious awareness.there can be no act without a actor,and vice versa.they are unified completely,only falsely distinguished by the veiled dualistic mind conceptually.

changeless change,being becoming and vibrationless vibration are the fundemental ontological and epistemological aspect of existance logically,and it cannot be any other way,since reality is ordered by complimentary harmonious coherent rules aka rules of logic and reason.

opposites do not exist in ontological truth.

unreality is unreal.nothing is inert possibly rationally speaking,so fearing 'death'is a imputation of a deranged soul.

or it would be and awareness,or actor and action,doer and deed are one and the same.for as the tantras say,we do not distinguish between a substance and it's quality.

the possibility of relation and imteraction,as well as the coordination between everything proves it is one essence,since it is qualititevly one in order and harmony and being,otherwise nothing could interact or have any relations,and While God exists,let's assume that his conscious being is seperate from the consciousneses he creates,well they are still his potencies and capacities,those awarenesses,under such a dualist view,and so being his potencies,those awarenesses are identical with him.

consciousness and it's potency cannot be possibly or logically differentiated,except in a false coneptual manner.they can never be seperate ontologically, just like 2 plus 2 is always 4.

without action or activity,nothing could appear or manifest and it would be inert or unreal.purely unchanging things in a purely actual manner as is conceived by some,is inert and non-real logically.

no ,changeless change,unconditioned conditioning is the truth.

existance is a (actionless)action,it requires is an action or a deed,or kriya,lest it be inert and cannot 'be'or do.

and you cannot have a act without an actor,or a deed without a doer.

so everything is conscious.

everything possible,is causally efficacious,the hallmark of conscious energy,synonymous with aware energy.

causal efficacy is the hallmark/synonym of Anuttara or Shiva(means 'lucky''blessing') essence logically.

metaphysical and concrete are also one,they follow each other's rules,and are coherent.

so it cannot be any other way.

Reality is beautiful.

shiva hai sundar as they say in india.