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Join our HA Facebook Group!

Posted: May 30th, 2009, 6:32 am
by Winston
Here is our new Facebook Group! Please join by clicking the Join Group button.

* Update: The above link is no longer valid. Our new Facebook group is now at:

Posted: June 10th, 2010, 7:24 am
by Winston
Check this out. We now have 130 members in our Facebook Group, thanks to Gits' promotion!

Posted: December 28th, 2011, 2:05 pm
by Winston
I just put a new Facebook button on the index page in the right column that is linked to our group on Facebook for convenient access.

Posted: April 19th, 2012, 3:25 am
by Winston
We now have over 200 members in our Facebook Group, including some hot foreign females! Check out some of them: ... 3720148992

Image ... 3730838198

Image ... 1150676006


Other new members, including foreign women: ... order=date

Posted: April 21st, 2012, 2:10 am
by Winston
Wow there's a lot of active heated discussions now in our FB group. Check them out.

Posted: April 21st, 2012, 9:22 am
by Empyrian
I applied to join a long ass time ago. Can my request be accepted?

Posted: April 21st, 2012, 12:32 pm
by Winston
Empyrian wrote:I applied to join a long ass time ago. Can my request be accepted?
I've approved all pending members a few weeks ago. Check again. You should already be a member. I don't see any new pending members.

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 12:59 pm
by Winston
Holy cow! Wow check out this hot Asian woman that just joined out FB group! I wonder why!


Posted: April 3rd, 2014, 6:02 pm
by Winston
We now have 500 members in our FB group! Wow. There are a few foreign girls too.

Posted: April 9th, 2014, 10:32 am
by Winston
Hi all,
I just updated the description of our HA Facebook Group at

It sounds much better now, more friendly and positive, and less controversial. Feel free to send it to others to promote our Group or invite them to it. Here is the new version:

"Welcome to HappierAbroad. We are a group for people who are Happier Abroad because we experience far better social connection, dating, relationships, freedom, authenticity, confidence, self-esteem, and lower cost of living overseas than in North America (or other Western countries). Our website is at

As all who are aware know, modern American culture and society has become very toxic, insane and soulless. People are paranoid, uptight, inauthentic and the social environment is extremely isolating and disconnected. There is no human connection in America. You can't even talk to strangers or socialize anymore. Communication is now strictly for business only.

All this is totally unprecedented in that never before in thousands of years of human history have people been so isolated and disconnected. It's not normal or natural at all. Thus modern America is an aberration. (And even in America, it was not like this prior to the 1980's.)

Fortunately, it is not like this in most of the other 200 countries of the world outside America. And that's the Good News, for it means that one can still go abroad to experience a better, healthier and saner life. Thus we promote this as the only real solution that works.

As the libertarian author Harry Browne stated:

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World

This is the logic and philosophy we live by. It makes perfect sense if you think about it.

Yet we seem to be the only ones proposing this solution. While even the US media acknowledges the social isolation and disconnection in America, it has no solution to it (but we do) because recommending people to leave the country and go overseas is taboo and unpatriotic. So it is not ever considered by either the mainstream media or the alternative media.

Even the conspiracy subculture groups and New Age groups do not advocate this as a solution. For some reason, it's the most taboo solution or suggestion. So we are the only ones left to promote it.

Plus there is this fallacy and false assumption in America that America = The World, and therefore, all the problems and dysfunctions in America are the same everywhere else. Even the conspiracy subculture and alternative media assume this. But I swear to you that nothing could be further from the truth. There are many countless differences between America and other cultures, both major and minor, and are listed on our website at These are life-changing differences. Just look at the testimonials on our site, as well as the photos and videos, and you will see absolute proof of this.

So if you believe in our cause, we welcome you on board. :) You may visit our website and forum at:

Winston Wu and the HappierAbroad Team"

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 8:44 pm
by Winston
Wow we have 600 members in our FB group now! Have a look!

Please join if you haven't yet.

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 9:07 pm
by abcdavid01
Sent in request, please add.

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 9:14 pm
by Winston
Done. Now we have 601 members. :)

Posted: August 12th, 2014, 6:53 am
by Winston
Btw, if any of you want to follow me on Facebook, here is my profile. Just click the follow button on it.

Re: Our HA Facebook Group!

Posted: November 8th, 2014, 1:19 pm
by Winston
Update: Wow we now have over 800 members in our Facebook group! Check it out. It's now more active than ever.