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Is our HA Facebook group ruining this forum?

Posted: January 9th, 2018, 11:31 pm
by Winston
Some think our Facebook group may be ruining this forum. What do you think?

Discussion below:

Brian Mark

Winston Wu, you've ruined your Forum, because more discussion is now on Facebook than your Forum. Facebook is NOT searchable and not conducive to long detailed discussions. What a waste to have a long discussion here, because it will never be found in a few days. Also posting on FB does nothing to build traffic and make you any money. Also FB owns what is written on their site. The content is not yours and they can boot you off anytime they deem your content offensive!

Winston Wu

Brian Mark well my forum is still very active. Come and check the latest active topics. Some prefer facebook. Thats their choice. I can always market the forum to them here. And use this as a marketing platform. Lol

What do u expect i do Brian Mark? Take down this group? Lol. For purely selfish motives? Im not a business man. My mission is to get out the HA message. That's my calling. Profit is a secondary goal. Changing peoples lives is the primary goal. Im not gonna ruin a good group here for selfish motives. Im not an asshole like that.

Re: Is our HA Facebook group ruining this forum?

Posted: January 9th, 2018, 11:46 pm
by WorldTraveler
Brian Mark: I never said you were an Asshole and I didn't say you should take down your FB. I made a suggestion on how you could direct more traffic to your Forum. I thought you were a deep thinker and the Forum is were deep thinking discussions occur. FB is for likes and attention whoring.

Also you should add a Like button so people can like other people's posts. Also posters can get their attention whoring fix here and not on FB. Other forums have like buttons too.

Re: Is our HA Facebook group ruining this forum?

Posted: January 10th, 2018, 11:32 am
by Winston
Well you guys can help promote our forum in our FB group, by sharing good posts and threads you find interesting with them, by using the FB share button above under the banner in the header. If you do this regularly, it will help draw out FB fans here. :)

Re: Is our HA Facebook group ruining this forum?

Posted: July 17th, 2022, 7:22 am
by rudder
@Winston are you still doing a HA group on FB?
For me it's always a moral dilemma to use facebook for marketing. Personally, I'd rather people just dump that platform once and for all.