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Posted: June 28th, 2011, 1:07 pm
by Jackal
Hi Mark,

Actually, I think that maybe you should be glad that Dr. Phil didn't include you in the program. You and your wife are higher-caliber people who don't belong in the Dr. Phil circus.

I think most people know that the Dr. Phil show is just stupid hype and those people who are too stupid to realize this will probably never go overseas anyway, so their opinions are irrelevant.

And yes, I think your response to this Dr. Phil Show was exactly right. In fact, it may have pressured him into showing more of the other side of the story than he would have otherwise.

Posted: June 28th, 2011, 1:52 pm
by Think Different
Jackal wrote:Hi Mark,

Actually, I think that maybe you should be glad that Dr. Phil didn't include you in the program. You and your wife are higher-caliber people who don't belong in the Dr. Phil circus.

I think most people know that the Dr. Phil show is just stupid hype and those people who are too stupid to realize this will probably never go overseas anyway, so their opinions are irrelevant.

And yes, I think your response to this Dr. Phil Show was exactly right. In fact, it may have pressured him into showing more of the other side of the story than he would have otherwise.
Dr. Phil is one step above Jerry Springer, but more geared towards fat American women, who sit around watching daytime TV all day.

Posted: June 28th, 2011, 11:12 pm
by puresolium
Mainstream media, with the cat (of course) being out the bag, deliberately keeps you locked into a matrix self-limitation and consumerism which the ultimate purpose anyway. Now, you have to know Dr. Phil or the program producers may not have an issue with international dating in itself but the deeper implication you represent, Mark, is how dating or relationships in general play out in America, is a powerful threat to male-female dynamic that has been engineered in this country. Remember, it's always the intention. You clearly have good intentions and the energy that I have observed that you bring is genuinely positive yet realistic. You have to always keep in mind that Dr. Phil is a gatekeeper, he doesn't effortlessly make millions, he has agenda he has to promote per the Hollywood mafia. Media moguls who are lucky enough to even get on mainstream television have to play their assigned position and jump through all the hoops to make sure they are in line with the 'program'.

Posted: June 28th, 2011, 11:24 pm
by puresolium
ajvf97 wrote:I don't watch dr. phil. I've never been a fan of his and I'm at work while that garbage airs anyway. I'm at work while that silly today show airs as well. None of those shows are even worth recording or TiVo. There were of course skeptics on both those shows and they just put a negative twist on the subject. That's basically due to a lack of lateral thinking. For example, a guy like Mark Edward Davis seemed to "think outside the box" and realized that the U.S. isn't the world or the center of the universe.

Afterall, it's not fair to limit one's self to a certain region or cultural matrix when seeking companionship, happiness and love. Broadening one's horizons really makes one get a new perspective on the dating scene and on life in general. I would like to thank dr. phil and the today show (not worthy of capitalization) for their inspiration. This only further proves that there is fecal programming on virtually every channel these days. I will be cancelling my cable tv service very soon. At least it'll be easier for me to save some money for my next trip.
Yes, sir.

Even a lot of the 'educational' programming you see on cable television does a number on your brain cells. The "box" becomes a beast once you attempt to get yourself free.

Posted: June 29th, 2011, 12:58 am
by Think Different
Free of Form wrote:Mainstream media, with the cat (of course) being out the bag, deliberately keeps you locked into a matrix self-limitation and consumerism which the ultimate purpose anyway. Now, you have to know Dr. Phil or the program producers may not have an issue with international dating in itself but the deeper implication you represent, Mark, is how dating or relationships in general play out in America, is a powerful threat to male-female dynamic that has been engineered in this country. Remember, it's always the intention. You clearly have good intentions and the energy that I have observed that you bring is genuinely positive yet realistic. You have to always keep in mind that Dr. Phil is a gatekeeper, he doesn't effortlessly make millions, he has agenda he has to promote per the Hollywood mafia. Media moguls who are lucky enough to even get on mainstream television have to play their assigned position and jump through all the hoops to make sure they are in line with the 'program'.
The US media machine is basically a social engineering arm of the marxist-feminist elite that control the country. And it's not just in the US...much of the West is in the same boat. I no longer watch TV at all, which my family and in-laws don't understand. I get my few TV shows/movies/news that I am interested in online from sources that I choose (and even that is waning...)

By unplugging cable/SAT/TV, you gain a tremendous amount of peace in your house, much more free time to think and read (I love my Kindle, BTW), and spend quality time with your family. Starting with having left the US, and unplugging the boob tube, I will continue to starve the beast that is western social engineering.

Posted: February 15th, 2013, 12:57 pm
by Winston
If anyone wants to see that hit piece against international relationships on Dr. Phil, here it is uploaded to YouTube. I don't think I will see it though. It would be hard to stomach such a propaganda piece.

Posted: February 15th, 2013, 1:26 pm
by E_Irizarry
Winston wrote:If anyone wants to see that hit piece against international relationships on Dr. Phil, here it is uploaded to YouTube. I don't think I will see it though. It would be hard to stomach such a propaganda piece.

They didn't pick a better example of a man whom has an international wife. Meg's husband wasn't a great example. M.E.D. and Anna would have been better guests for such a show.

Posted: February 15th, 2013, 5:42 pm
by Ghost

Posted: February 15th, 2013, 9:43 pm
by Andrewww
Didn't this guy almost suffer a divorce ? I heard he paid his wife a few million to shut her up and not file for divorce.

I mean, something is very wrong when you don't even have your shit straight but you give relationship advice on public television...0 credibility.

Posted: February 16th, 2013, 1:09 am
by Winston
Here's a scene with Dr. Phil in Scary Movie 4. It serves him right. lol

Posted: February 16th, 2013, 2:42 am
by publicduende
OK, the bias was clearly on the negative consequences of looking for a bride in Eastern Europe, but at least the AFA boss reassuring about them being extreme cases restored a little balance.

The thing is, these mass audience shows always have to pack as much dramatic punch as possible while not stirring up too much controversy, too much debate. By the end of the show, the average lower middle/working class man and woman will have had a couple of cheap thrills. Yet, they still need that reassurance that it's a wilderness out there, "hic sunt leones" as Romans used to say, and they'd be better left with the choice of the local pool rather than risking to be held at gunpoint in Soviet hell or foot a six-digit medical bill.

That is the definition of mainstream entertainment in the US, right? This is what you guys in the States have been programmed with, the happy ending, the pre-set picture of where's good and where's evil, so you won't have to move an inch from your mental couch to elaborate an opinion of your own. Nothing we don't know already.

I know most of your guys are not like that, but again, you're not Dr. Phil's audience. We're the wrong tree to bark up to.

Posted: May 7th, 2013, 4:12 pm
by Winston
AFA had a more positive report on this show. See below. According to John Adams, Dr. Phil was quite open minded about international marriage off-camera. I guess maybe Dr. Phil is more open minded in real life, whereas on camera, he is just an actor pandering to the feminist media. Perhaps he doesn't really believe half the stuff he says.

Posted: May 8th, 2013, 7:08 am
by xiongmao
Lol. I bet the guy doesn't even have a passport.

Re: Dr. Phil Show attacks international relationships

Posted: June 24th, 2021, 10:07 pm
by Winston
Dr. Todd Grande, an alleged mental health expert, critiques Dr. Phil. lol

10 Mistakes of Dr. Phil