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Re: Fricking Ladyboys

Posted: March 13th, 2016, 1:51 pm
by Winston
I got a question. I was in Thailand recently with rock. There i saw more ladyboys than ive ever seen. Bangkok and pattaya seems to have so many of them everywhere. They are part of the p4p scene and work as freelancers in the same area that real female freelancers work at.

I find the whole existence of ladyboys thing very repulsive, illogical and downright deceitful. After all, a man trying to pretend to be a lady is technically an act of deceit. Especially since many ladyboys actually will tell you that they are a real lady if you ask them, which is outright lying.

But what i dont get is this: why are so many western men hooking up with ladyboys? I saw many men hooking up with them in Thailand. Whats the appeal? I dont get the logic. I mean if you like women, you go for real women, and if you like men, then you go for real men. So why would anyone want a man dressed up as a woman or trying to be one using hormonal injections and fake mannerisms? Whats the appeal of that? How can a fraud or fake be attractive? Can anyone explain the logic here? It does not compute.

Going for a ladyboy would be like going for counterfeit money, or picking a strawberry that looks like one but is actually another fruit. Why would anyone want a fake or fraud? I dont get it. Anyone have a logical explanation that is as good as Spock or Data from Star Trek could give?

Re: Fricking Ladyboys

Posted: March 15th, 2016, 11:10 am
by momopi
Winston wrote: But what i dont get is this: why are so many western men hooking up with ladyboys? I saw many men hooking up with them in Thailand. Whats the appeal? I dont get the logic. I mean if you like women, you go for real women, and if you like men, then you go for real men. So why would anyone want a man dressed up as a woman or trying to be one using hormonal injections and fake mannerisms? Whats the appeal of that? How can a fraud or fake be attractive? Can anyone explain the logic here? It does not compute.
It's a fetish.

Re: Fricking Ladyboys

Posted: March 15th, 2016, 2:49 pm
by Jonny Law
Like Ladyboys,

Here is one. She is pretty good at English she is from Thailand.

App LINE . id gootam555

Is a single ladyboy. 22 years old 5'6" 140 lbs. From Northeast Thailand near Bangkok.

Re: Fricking Ladyboys

Posted: March 15th, 2016, 8:33 pm
by Banano
Best blow jobs comes from young ladyboys, ask any expat in thailand

Most thai women have no clue how to do it, ladyboys just know how to suck and they enjoy doing it

Wht happens t after they hit 30+?

Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: July 27th, 2016, 4:42 pm
by Winston
Is this AFA profile a ladyboy? These pics sure look like a ladyboy. Why would a ladyboy be on AFA? Can't their staff tell the difference between a real woman and a ladyboy? I'll report this profile to them. Ladyboys who claim to be real women are lying and deceitful and therefore unethical.


Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: July 27th, 2016, 4:56 pm
by chanta76

I think allot of profiles on AFA is fake and to glossy.

Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: July 27th, 2016, 7:18 pm
by starchild5
Leave LadyBoys Alone...They have worst of both worlds and God is closest to them...Never hurt a ladyboy because the curse of LB would last for seven generations. :cry: :cry:

Common, they are lying and cheating because they have a heart, they are not lying and cheating to skim ATM cards, banksters theft, criminals in politics etc etc...Who doesn't lie in dating profile....I lie all the time on my profession, bank balance, age, looks etc etc..Its just unfortunate that, they do not have the luxury to lie on simple things...if they have to lie...IT HAS TO BE A BIG gender itself...

LBs are looking for love and they try to tweak their profile...because, they feel alone...We have a thread here by Ghost Slow Death Through Loneliness...Imagine how lonely ladyboys would feel from BIRTH.

Considering the state of their existence in this world.........I suggest, we leave them alone...

Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: July 27th, 2016, 7:56 pm
by chanta76

Believe it or not there are western expats who travel Thailand to sleep lady boys. Different strokes for different folks.

Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: July 28th, 2016, 12:12 am
by Winston
A lie is still a lie starchild. To deceive a man seeking a real woman, and conning him into sleeping with a transgender is criminal. It's like tricking a heterosexual into committing a homosexual act and making him go against his principles. Isn't that morally wrong? Why do you have so much sympathy for them?

Why would a ladyboy be lonely? Can't they date or mate with other ladyboys of their own kind?

Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: July 28th, 2016, 7:14 pm
by starchild5
Winston wrote:A lie is still a lie starchild. To deceive a man seeking a real woman, and conning him into sleeping with a transgender is criminal. It's like tricking a heterosexual into committing a homosexual act and making him go against his principles. Isn't that morally wrong? Why do you have so much sympathy for them?

Why would a ladyboy be lonely? Can't they date or mate with other ladyboys of their own kind?
That would be an over simplification of things on earth. I was saying more in the sense of spirituality. Yes. Its very criminal what they are doing by deceit on dating site but imagine what God did to them..It was the biggest scam in history of creating beings....Only a diabolical God can create someone like LadyBoys.

How did God thought of creating LadyBoys, for what purpose...? I have created male and female, now let me create someone in the middle to harras men on dating sites? :lol: common now guys...A being with male features but heart of a girl Plus lets add breasts as well for fun?

What is the Purpose of Ladyboys on earth.They have not invented, created anything for humanity. They are not part of the workforce.

In India, its said that only God can understand the purpose of LadyBoys. Its his dearest creation. He created Man and then women and finally Ladyboys. Karma does not effect them...They can lie, they can kill. You don't get Karmic Record once you born as a LadyBoy. That's the secret.

That's why in India, when a child is born, ladyboys are invited to bless the child so that, even the child does not incur karma in this life.


The biggest problem I faced in my life was to understand that God works with both Good and Evil.

If you want to reduce your bad Karma, get the blessings of LadyBoys, give them somethings, money and see your life change.... if they cheat you, just move along, think of it like Gods play. In spiritual stand point you really cannot do anything to ladyboys except incur more Karma but if we are looking in with western type of "Human Rights" "individual liberty" and "freedom" because i was cheated by a ladyboy online and in Thailand, then sure go ahead and file a criminal complaint. I would not.

Always, Remember, there is no Karma for Ladyboys...Ladyboys do not reap what they sow. :) :)

Ladyboys will never ever give you anything...They were created to take things you can think of them like giant Karma sucking giving, donating them your old stuff, money are essentially, giving away your Karma as well.


If you think, its just a load of tribal third world bull crap....How is slow death through loneliness working for ya ... :lol: :lol:

We have already tried Western "Freedom" and "Individual Liberty" stuff and all it did was take us closer to the grave. Lets try something different and see how that works...

Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: July 29th, 2016, 12:59 pm
by Johnny1975
MarcosZeitola wrote:a ladyboy is a freak and rightfully shunned by decent members of society.
No, a thief or a rapist should be shunned. But someone who genuinely feels that they're a woman (whether or not there's any reality / truth to it), that's just someone who is unfortunately afflicted with a condition. It wouldn't be very nice to be in that position and be shunned by everyone.

Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: July 29th, 2016, 9:17 pm
by starchild5
MarcosZeitola wrote:Ladyboys and the men who like them are sad and pathetic deviants. That is why they have to lie and trick men to lure them into a relationship, where at the risk of developing aids they give their resources to a homo on female hormones with an open surgical wound masquerading as a vagĂ­na...

All the Karmic explanation in the world cannot make this behavior any less revolting, Starchild. You have to admit that if we look at nature and forget about all this politically correct "feminine souls trapped in a male body" bullshit, a ladyboy is a freak and rightfully shunned by decent members of society.
Its very easy to hate creations of god by calling it freak :lol: :lol:

Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: August 9th, 2016, 11:57 am
by xiongmao
Still loads of ladyboys (and guys who like them) on the dating site I built. We've moved on since the days when ladyboys had to trick guys - nowadays guys go out of their way to seek ladyboys, both online and irl on the streets of Thailand and elsewhere. I've also begun seeing a lot more transexuals here in the UK.

Times are changing.

I lived in Bangkok for 6 months and the best conversations I had with locals were with ladyboys. They just seemed so much smarter than the women.

I did date a couple of very smart women there, but one was Burmese and the other was Thai but only spoke very limited English.

Once you've got over the honeymoon phase you'll want more in a relationship than a pretty face.

Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: August 9th, 2016, 1:24 pm
by Johnny1975
I love ladyboys, and you all do too. Admit it.

Re: Ladyboys are annoying and deceitful!

Posted: August 9th, 2016, 1:27 pm
by The_Adventurer
C'mon. All this nonsense about surgical wounds. The majority of ladyboys have DICKS and that's what those men are going over there to play with. They aren't interested in post-op.

God didn't create ladyboys. Technology did. If they had hormone injections and fake boobs 1000 years ago, there would have been ladyboys 1000 years ago.

Here is sick for you:

I read this article about a ladyboy who was married to a straight man for several years. He was beginning to wonder why she couldn't get pregnant, and began pressuring her that they both go to the doctor and get all kinds of tests done. He didn't know! She was afraid he would find out and it would be the end...